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View Full Version : Anyone ever deal with Pro Tect??

Master LTR450
12-05-2008, 06:15 PM
anybody ever deal with them?? I ordered an air box for my bike and was told 1-2 weeks. Well we are going on 2 months now!!! I was curious if anyone else ever had this problem if they dealt with them??


12-05-2008, 07:25 PM
Have you called them?
Did you pay with a credit card?

Master LTR450
12-05-2008, 07:30 PM
yes i call them every week and get the same answer!! It will be going out this week, and yes i did pay with a cc and i know i can fight the payment but thats not what i really want to do. What I really want is my airbox!!!! I have seen plenty of people running there skid plates so i figured someone on here might have dealt with them before??

12-05-2008, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Master LTR450
yes i call them every week and get the same answer!! It will be going out this week, and yes i did pay with a cc and i know i can fight the payment but thats not what i really want to do. What I really want is my airbox!!!! I have seen plenty of people running there skid plates so i figured someone on here might have dealt with them before??

Call them and tell 'em to cut the BS, you'll give them till the end of next week to call you and give you a tracking number. Otherwise, you'll dispute the charge and post about your sour experience on the internets largest atv website, Atvriders.com, right in the open forum for thousands of atv'ers to read about. If that doesn't motivate them, nothing will.

12-06-2008, 06:59 PM
that is actually very unusual I have baught parts off them all the time. Great quality too.

Master LTR450
12-06-2008, 08:24 PM
I called today and 2 months later and my airbox hasn't even been started and was told another 2 weeks!!! I'm really unhappy but need the airbox, so I don't have many options!!

12-07-2008, 05:58 AM
I had Dan from Protect make me a no-link airbox a couple of years ago. At the time no one including Lonestar could help me find an airbox for a no-link frame. I placed a call to Protect and asked them to make me an airbox. He was not making them anymore but located his templates and made me a special order. I had the airbox in a few weeks and the fit and finish were awesome. I know waiting for parts sucks but that seems to be the norm in this industry. I hope everything works out for you the airbox quality is worth the wait.