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View Full Version : Anybody have any expierence with Salvage titles in PA?

11-30-2008, 03:42 PM
I am giving a lot of thought into buying a car with a salvage title. The car is a theft recovery and was not in an accident. Does anybody know how hard this will be to get road legal in PA or is it a big pain? I appreciate any input.

Thanks a lot,

11-30-2008, 06:02 PM
basically what you need to do is take it to the state police and have them do an inspection to make sure it is not stolen...they will make sure if there was any repairs that they were all done with legally bought parts.

in maryland. as long as you have all the paperwork that you need it is really easy.

11-30-2008, 08:03 PM
Thanks a lot man. The car is from a pretty well known local dealer. There is only little minor parts missing but, nothing is damaged. I was just trying to figure how much of a pain will it be to get it road ready besides the parts.

Thanks again for the input

11-30-2008, 09:03 PM
no biggie Im actualy going tommrow to do an inspection on my salvage cars. All i have to do is bring pictures of the car after the accident and all the receits.

12-02-2008, 05:11 AM
being a pa resident i know a couple of things. first is check carfax...then check with your insurance company that they will even insure it. some companies do not insure "R" titles cars. whether it be a recovered theft or one that was under water in a flood...so check with them. also if you plan on keeping this car forever no worries. but if you are gonna re-sell it..most people are not as receptive as you are to a car with an "R" title...one other thing. make sure that the car is and has always been a pa state car. not one from another state. because something happens when the title switches from one states to anothers. it's almost like all juvenile records being erased...meaning that you won't can't always find the total history of the car....hope this helps...goodluck