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View Full Version : Jesse Skvarek wins 2008 sports awards youth rider of the year

11-23-2008, 12:00 PM
Well I never like to brag, BUT I am going to take a moment to congradulate (AND BRAG) my son Jesse for such a great year. Yes its the sponsers, machine and machanic that gives the quad the caplibility to win. But we all know that the final piece is the rider. And with the year we had the end result is just AWSOME!! Here is a quick look at are year:
*We miss the first two races waiting on WPSA*
*We realize that wpsa folds 1 day before Race #3 and go get all are unpowder coated pieces back from the powder coater and stay up all night slapping both quads back together then haul butt 10hrs to the race. We put on a untested ignition (something we never do) and find out in the first moto it didnt work. Only to realize we left the stock on at home. So now we are down 3 races in this class.
*Walnut Ill .*due to a storm coming in they had 6 of moto # 2 saturday night. Well Jesse had moto #2,4 and 6 with a total of 6 motos in one day. By the 5th he was crying that he couldnt even hang on to the bars anymore
*well lets skip to before Red Bud--- we do a local TT race because its owned by one of his sponsers (Bud Fisher), and at the end of the day his leg gets pulled under the wheel and shot out. After a ambulance ride to the ER we are told its not broke. He is in real pain all week and a very colored and swolen ankle. We go to red bud and finish 3rd on his kymco and 8th on his mod. This breaks a 5 holeshot winning streak and are only LCQ all year.*
* well the week after this the ankle is only worse. So we take him back to the doctors Monday before Loyretts. The doctor wants to know why his broken foot is not in a cast DUH!! we were told it wasnt broke! The bone doctor the next day wants it in a cast. We talk him out of it because of all the hard work that was put into this year. He needed a first place in his CVT class and went 1-1. The mod all we had to do was ride so he sand bagged this class (well not moto 1 had the fastest lap time of the day)*
* Well end result two championships. COOL* Bad thing, the foot was now broke in two places instead of one!!
* Like a lot of folks he really was hoping for youth rider of the year at the ATVA banquet and stayed there till the end hoping. And I was really surprised at how crushed he was with not getting it. But he realized that who did get it was just as deserving so that was that*
*But then out of no where I see on line that he was nominated for AMA SPORTS youth rider of the year. This is bigger! Could it really be??
* We tried everthing to go, but it was not going to happen. But just the thought of getting nominated was huge but winning would be unbelievable.
* But here we are, just seeing on the internet that he won! WOW this is to cool.
OKAY I AM DONE NOW!! Sorry I wont brag again!!
LOVE YA JESSE!! We are all so proud of you!!! DAD
I would also like to thank GOD for looking over all of those who do what they love to do!!!

ATVA Youth Rider of the Year
Jesse Skvarek, Jefferson, Ohio - ATV Motocros:)

11-23-2008, 12:26 PM
:macho cool....

11-23-2008, 03:42 PM
Congragulations, that is a great accomplishment!

11-23-2008, 06:30 PM
Hey,it's not bragging when you can back it up.Congratulations!!!!:macho

11-23-2008, 06:49 PM
Way to go Jesse We are so proud of you
you earned and deserve this award and Paul you have every right to be proud
its not bragging its just telling the truth
Christian looks forward to racing against you next year

11-23-2008, 07:19 PM
paul tell jesse congrats from us
dion and duncan fincher

Ryko racing
11-24-2008, 07:33 AM
Great job,

we are still trying win 1 championship and i know how much time, and money it takes. But to win 2 like you guys did AWESOME . It is not bragging it is EXCITEMENT....after what it takes to do this
you have the right to be excited....

Jesse is one heck of a rider and a nice kid too....

we look forward to seeing everyone next year.

mini racer #39
11-24-2008, 12:13 PM
That is GREAT!!! Erik will be happy for Jesee. I'm going to tell him when he gets home from school today. Jesse you are awesome!!! You deserve all the praise in the world and DAD you have every right to (brag) about your son. Racing 2 Nationals with a broken ankle.. Yeah he deserves it!!! Congrat's again.....:D :D

11-25-2008, 06:15 PM
JESSE:muscle: :muscle: JESSE:muscle: :muscle:

You came outta nowhere and blew us away !! It was great watching you this year. What an awesome achievement. I know your Dad is proud. That makes all the crap worth it. Good Luck next year !!

Hope you liked your scrapbook !!

Tanner Stockton and Family

Logan #34's Dad
11-26-2008, 09:31 PM

11-27-2008, 07:38 AM
Congrats ! Nice job guys.

11-27-2008, 06:39 PM
WAY TO GO JESSE :macho :macho :macho

frank parvin
11-28-2008, 09:48 PM
i,m with logans dad keep it in ohio good job jesse and paul and family on everything youve won this year and the years before you guys are awsome and congrats from #50 the parvin and snyder motor sports

12-03-2008, 01:02 PM
Thanks you all!!
We are still really excited and its really put us in a bind on what to do next year. We were kinda thinking about skipping a year and doing some Utah/ Montanta riding trips with the Polaris Rzrs (I sure love the rzr). But winning this kinda made it all worth while. But of course we wont make up are mind till the week before the first race haha!!
Anyhow, we sure appreciate the "ata boys"
:) :) :) :) :D

Logan #34's Dad
12-03-2008, 08:14 PM
You can bring all them race quads down to me and Logan will keep 'em racing. LOL

orange xtreme
12-05-2008, 10:07 AM
Congragulations he rode his butt off this year. Jesse did a little better than we did with a broken body part. But heck you guys did a little better with every thing this year.