View Full Version : Oil Leak Help

11-22-2008, 11:44 PM
I posted this on another site but didn't get much help. What the pen is pointing to seems to be a little bevel in the bottom of the cases. Don't know how it got there as I never road without a skid plate. Seems to do a real good job on there.:rolleyes:

What my problem is, is that it will leak on the bottom of the motor. It's not an awful leak, and I make sure it never gets low on oil, but it is a leak none the less. I have applied "Seal All" to it and it helps it a little. I also plan on having my motor rebuilt sometime in the early spring. Whoever builds it, would they be able to do something about this? And should I worry that much about it as long as I keep an eye on the oil level? Thanks.

11-23-2008, 10:23 AM
Hey whats up Kyle? I haven't talked to you in a while. You been racing any arenacross?

11-23-2008, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by kyleschonert
I posted this on another site but didn't get much help. What the pen is pointing to seems to be a little bevel in the bottom of the cases. Don't know how it got there as I never road without a skid plate. Seems to do a real good job on there.:rolleyes:

Was there supposed to be a pic with this?

Originally posted by 300ex_#387
Hey whats up Kyle? I haven't talked to you in a while. You been racing any arenacross?

Did you go to the DuQuoin one a couple weeks ago?

11-23-2008, 11:41 AM
Nope I won't be at any arenacross this year. I got hurt over the summer and I have a couple months of physical therapy left. I tore the 450 down and I just started getting stuff back from PC so im putting that together now.

11-23-2008, 04:44 PM
i raced duquoin

11-23-2008, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by ltrracer
i raced duquoin

Same here... What was your class/number? And are you going to Sturgis this week?

Originally posted by 300ex_#387
Nope I won't be at any arenacross this year. I got hurt over the summer and I have a couple months of physical therapy left. I tore the 450 down and I just started getting stuff back from PC so im putting that together now.

Ah that sucks man... Hopefully you'll be up for summer season though.

11-24-2008, 10:30 AM
Pro Class/665, ya ill be at sturgis, whats your class/number?

11-25-2008, 05:51 PM
Hey whats up Ronnie? I haven't seen you in a while. Hows racing been going? Been doing any good in the arenacross?

11-25-2008, 06:14 PM
Racing is going good, arenacross not so much lol i didnt have very good luck the first round, got tangled up in the first turn and took forever to get undone. Kyle to answer your question, do you have a pic of the place where the oil is leaking? If u put one on here i could tell you if it can be fixed or not, thanks

11-26-2008, 06:38 AM
I meant to post a picture with this, I guess I didn't. lol. And I actually think I found where the leak is coming from. I'll probably patch it up this weekend, hopefully that will fix it. Thanks for the reply guys.

Ronnie and Josh! Man I haven't talked to you guys since around Mid Summer it seems. I've been busy as hell. We had an extremely long harvest, terrible hours, but good money :D . What have you guys been up to? And what'd you do to get hurt Josh? Ronnie, I'll probably see you at an AX here soon. Was hoping to make it to the 555 race, but that didn't work out. See you guys later.


11-26-2008, 06:20 PM
I had a bad wreck at Fairfield in July and broke those 2 fingers and tore my ACL. We didn't find out about the ACL till laters since my fingers were giving me the most pain. I'm doing Physcal therapy right now 3 times a week and it blows. I go back in 2 weeks to get my knee scoped and he will decide if I need surgery or not. I should be good to go in the spring.