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View Full Version : Superman Wheelie

12-14-2002, 03:18 PM
I finnaly figures out how to get both feet off with out standing it up..... its so fun and u can go forever..but i had to quit... i bent backwards and pulled somethin. :D but its worth it lol.... ill try to get some pics

12-14-2002, 03:22 PM

12-14-2002, 03:41 PM
good job..... i think :huh

12-14-2002, 03:48 PM
lol I can't wait to try the superman wheelie too, just a few more weeks and my collarbone will be healed up. Oh yah, nice avator:D

12-14-2002, 04:00 PM
:huh Ok, i'm picturing a guy riding a wheelie in a superman with rollerskates on dragging his feet on the ground. lol. please get some pics up I've gotta see this!

12-14-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by AndrewRRR
:huh Ok, i'm picturing a guy riding a wheelie in a superman with rollerskates on dragging his feet on the ground. lol. please get some pics up I've gotta see this!

lol if you tryed that you wouldn't be able to feel the pegs, rear brakes or the shift lever. hehe I might try it though. either that or try skitching with them in 4th gear or so on a newly paved black top. On second thought, maybe not. lol

12-14-2002, 04:43 PM
ok to clear this up for everyone... it when u put your feet out while wheeliein and drag them on the ground and wheelie at the saem time.... if you watched the cvb boyz video its on there, i kid does it on a teller 400...

ps. thanks for the avatar nausty lol

12-14-2002, 04:45 PM
no problem, lol I think i'll add more to that thread

12-14-2002, 04:46 PM
ask jlanphear or redrizza... they'll explain it better....its in there video

12-14-2002, 05:04 PM
Skitching on a quad sounds hard, I don't think i'd be able to clear my nerf bars! It would go from skitching to dragging to emergency room in about 1 second. haha

12-14-2002, 05:15 PM
I have done superman wheelies , the first one i did was on accident when i was standing on the grab bar and slipped LoL...A superman wheelie looks like you are trying to get your quad up the tailpipe tho, so i dont do it haha.

12-14-2002, 08:11 PM
The Superman Wheelie in our video is done by Dan from our group. He goes by vtwoodsrider here on the forum.

Here is a shot of big Dan thowin it down...


Check out www.cvboyz.com for more pics and download the video preview.


12-14-2002, 08:27 PM
that is sick. i wouldn't do it lol. doesn't that scrape up your knees tho? and how do you get back to sitting on the quad? do you have to stop completely?

12-14-2002, 08:33 PM
yup, he is tearin that tailpipe up LoL. J/k dude i have seen yall's site and you can do some good tricks, jus that one dont look right.

12-14-2002, 08:36 PM
Ive done that once but ended up eating dirt after I ran into a tree. It looks like a waste of pants :huh

12-14-2002, 08:39 PM
ok heres what i do... i put on foot on the grab bar
(1st gear) then one down on the nerf on the kleft side... pull a wheelie, put my foot thats on the nerf back off the quad then out the other one back... i did it on grass so i didnt hurt... when i want to stop i just slowly let it go to the ground pull in the clutch and climb back on

12-14-2002, 08:49 PM
in one of the videos I downloaded a guy pretty much a belly flop on one on what looks like a 3rd gear wheelie on a BANSHEE. lol that was pretty crazy and when he got up he just some how brought his feet up to the pegs really fast and slammed on the rear brake.

12-15-2002, 08:47 AM
I can't exactly remember how Dan started the wheelie, but I think he may have been kneeling on the seat or something. To get back on he pretty much would just do a pull up on the handlebars and then let off the gas, and when the quad went down it would pick him back up onto the seat and he could keep going.

I don't think it is that hard on the pants because if you look at the pic, his pants really aren't touching the ground. However, you'll also notice that his feet are. He ended up losing one of the metal toe pieces off of his mx boots in the process. He did a few of those wheelies that day.

I personally think the trick looks really cool, but that's just my opinion. The picture doesn't really do it justice....I think you need to see the whole thing to like it. Even then it's just opinion.

What Nausty is talking about is an Apehangar which a guy we know off the net did on his Banshee. He was moving pretty fast...he says third gear and I don't doubt it. He drops completely off the quad, so his stomach is actually touching the ground. Then as Nausty said, he pulls himself back up and nails the brake. That one is similar to the superman wheelie, only a little further.


12-15-2002, 09:26 AM
Thats looks wicked unsafe, could break ur back or sumthing if it flips or sumthing

12-15-2002, 11:24 AM
i stood the bike up doin it... it doesnt hurt
.................. now i jus gotta learn to pull myslef bac up on hte bike while wheeliein

Steve-o 400EX
12-15-2002, 12:06 PM
LMAO, that pic is hillarious, I wouldnt try it though, i'll needa buy a piar of new knees and shoes, possibly even toes.:D

12-15-2002, 04:51 PM
my knees dont even hit... if you just drag your feet you wont need to buy ne thing...

make sure that if your wearing sweat pants that there not long cuz they might just get pulled off:rolleyes:

12-15-2002, 05:04 PM
Man, I've been able to do that for a year or two now!

12-15-2002, 05:06 PM
Heh.. that tar spot almost looks like a blood splatter from doin that to fast.. ouch.

12-15-2002, 05:12 PM
my friend does trys that on his trailblazer lol

12-15-2002, 05:29 PM
i tried it on my frends blaster... well it has a longer grab bar on it and it didnt have enough power to go far so i let it down well you prolly now what happened after that...

freestylexer ive only had my bike for a year