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11-22-2008, 05:05 AM
well i bought myself and the girlfriend a cruise for christmas and was debating to propose while on the boat but have decided that i'm gonna do it tonight at her birthday dinner, gettin some serious butterflies hope this goes right.

11-22-2008, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
well i bought myself and the girlfriend a cruise for christmas and was debating to propose while on the boat but have decided that i'm gonna do it tonight at her birthday dinner, gettin some serious butterflies hope this goes right.

Just remember, after 10 years "till death do us part" becomes a goal:devil:

haha, jp. Good luck tonight, and let everyone know what happens.

EDIT: And you probably better off doin it at dinner, because if she did say no on the boat (not saying she will) the rest of the cruise would be pretty awkward.

11-22-2008, 09:04 AM
Best of luck.


11-22-2008, 10:23 AM
best of luck to you

11-22-2008, 10:24 AM
Good luck and have fun with it

11-22-2008, 12:59 PM
Good luck!

Hope everything gos well.

11-22-2008, 01:19 PM
My best wishes go out to ya.

11-22-2008, 01:39 PM
If she says yes, you signed your life away to her.:macho

Good luck!

11-22-2008, 01:47 PM
goodluck dude!

11-22-2008, 03:08 PM
based on my 20 year relationship, 16 year marriage, 5 kids, several properties, tons of toys + vehicles & bi-polar soon to be EX-wife who ran off with one of my employees & left me with all of the kids & bills & wants half of everything I have worked my *** off to obtain, I suggest a prenup agreement! You may think its all roses today, but someday things can & probably will change.

when I joined EXriders.com, I had no idea what EX was going to mean someday :D

11-23-2008, 09:10 AM
well she said yes :D and believe me things will be worked out on paper we both have watched our parents go through nasty divorces and my father is in the early stages of his second. never been happier, now all i gotta do is get her into the sport so i don't have to hear about all the money i spend lol

11-23-2008, 09:17 AM
you should have proposed with a new quad. then got a walmart ring. lol.

11-23-2008, 09:20 AM
nahhh i take good care of her she got a decent sized rock and i'm selling the truck soon to downsize to turbo 4cyl of some sort and when i do that we will be shopping for new quads for both of us.

11-23-2008, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
i'm selling the truck soon to downsize

thats how it all starts. lol:blah:

11-23-2008, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
i'm selling the truck soon to downsize to turbo 4cyl

The beginning of the end.:chinese:

11-23-2008, 11:52 AM
lol no i've been looking at the 09 cobalt ss since i heard chevy was switching from the supercharger to the turbo and decided its what i want, there will still be a lifted 4x4 of some sort in my yard no worries there, got an 89 f-150 wit the 5.0 in it just beggin to be toyed with.

11-23-2008, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
lol no i've been looking at the 09 cobalt ss since i heard chevy was switching from the supercharger to the turbo and decided its what i want, there will still be a lifted 4x4 of some sort in my yard no worries there, got an 89 f-150 wit the 5.0 in it just beggin to be toyed with.

My friend got an 09 Colbalt SS and I like it a lot. If I was buying a new car I would look at one of those. He got it brand new for a steal too, only $17k.

11-23-2008, 12:38 PM
sounds about right i got my dealer down to 18 right now i'm gonna hold out for maybe another week or so. i fell in love with it on the test drive and i'm thinking with an intake,exhaust, and some nice wheels and tires i could drive that thing for a longggg time.

11-23-2008, 04:29 PM
good luck............

11-23-2008, 04:38 PM
congrats man! thats awesome news

11-23-2008, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
based on my 20 year relationship, 16 year marriage, 5 kids, several properties, tons of toys + vehicles & bi-polar soon to be EX-wife who ran off with one of my employees & left me with all of the kids & bills & wants half of everything I have worked my *** off to obtain, I suggest a prenup agreement! You may think its all roses today, but someday things can & probably will change.

when I joined EXriders.com, I had no idea what EX was going to mean someday :D

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out best for you.:(

11-23-2008, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Scro
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out best for you.:(

this thread isn't about me........but thanx.

11-24-2008, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
based on my 20 year relationship, 16 year marriage, 5 kids, several properties, tons of toys + vehicles & bi-polar soon to be EX-wife who ran off with one of my employees & left me with all of the kids & bills & wants half of everything I have worked my *** off to obtain, I suggest a prenup agreement! You may think its all roses today, but someday things can & probably will change.

when I joined EXriders.com, I had no idea what EX was going to mean someday :D

My dad is going through a similar situation, my parents were married for 25 years and my mom (a new grandma) had an affair... we were in the middle of building a new log house which we cant finish on one income and the bank just forclosed on. Im the only kid left in the house but i only got two years left, she doenst pay child support even though she makes 90k a year. and now she wants half of everything except the debt for the house she couldnt live without. I cant stomach to be around her and its been more than a year that she moved out.

11-24-2008, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by csr250r
My dad is going through a similar situation, my parents were married for 25 years and my mom (a new grandma) had an affair... we were in the middle of building a new log house which we cant finish on one income and the bank just forclosed on. Im the only kid left in the house but i only got two years left, she doenst pay child support even though she makes 90k a year. and now she wants half of everything except the debt for the house she couldnt live without. I cant stomach to be around her and its been more than a year that she moved out.

hang in there my friend............and remember, it isn't something you caused or can control. Some people just don't have the ability to take the good with the bad & cant back up & admit wrong doing when getting caught in the act. These seem to be the same hypocrites who claim money can't buy happiness but want 1/2 of everything on the way out the door. My 2 oldest boys share your feelings towards their mother. The 2 younger ones don't see the whole picture right now. Its heart breaking business & there are no winners.

11-25-2008, 08:04 AM
congrats dude. and best of luck in the future

11-25-2008, 09:07 AM
Damn Joe, first i've heard bout the wife takin' off! You know we are here if we can be of any help:)

No prenup needed here, I told our preacher and my wifes father that if she ever left me that it would be settled with a bullet and a shovel. I went through 2 divorces as a kid and wont go through that or put the kids through it...infact the kids would help dig the hole:devil: (I am dead serious about the statement, but not serious about making the kids help dig the hole, Joe has a backhoe:eek: :devil: )

11-25-2008, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
well she said yes :D and believe me things will be worked out on paper we both have watched our parents go through nasty divorces and my father is in the early stages of his second. never been happier, now all i gotta do is get her into the sport so i don't have to hear about all the money i spend lol

The $ you spend on the sport is based on the need to know - I'm pretty sure she don't need to know :D

11-26-2008, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Damn Joe, first i've heard bout the wife takin' off! You know we are here if we can be of any help:)

No prenup needed here, I told our preacher and my wifes father that if she ever left me that it would be settled with a bullet and a shovel. I went through 2 divorces as a kid and wont go through that or put the kids through it...infact the kids would help dig the hole:devil: (I am dead serious about the statement, but not serious about making the kids help dig the hole, Joe has a backhoe:eek: :devil: )

LOL pappy.............thanks for the backup. The ***** has been gone since the end of august. Its over. She is in clearwater florida with her boyfriend (one of my former employees, and someone I had considered a friend). I know if I was them I would just go far far away! LOL

they aren't worth the jail time...............

If you want to see the true hypocricy of the whole thing, you have to read the website my wife made for our son Christopher last year and remember, this is the same woman who just abandoned her husband & kids! www.chrissypants.com

I think she is just bi-polar & I never saw the symptoms............although they are glaringly evident today.

here is another interesting read about the crazy *****. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05E3D71E3FF936A15754C0A96F9582 60&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=6

this is an article about gender determination in newborns, where my crazy ex-wife is named several times saying some crazy ****. That was 9 years ago.

On the brighter side of things,,,,,,,,,, the boys & I are closer than ever as a result of this. They see that I am here through good times & bad, not just short term.

11-26-2008, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad

On the brighter side of things,,,,,,,,,, the boys & I are closer than ever as a result of this. They see that I am here through good times & bad, not just short term.

Thats how my dad and us boys were;)

11-26-2008, 11:30 AM
Damn Joe. Sorry to hear about your wife. She wants half of what you work your *** off for.....after she leaves you for another guy???? BULL****!!!!! She'd be lucky to get the clothes on her back....I wish you luck, divorce is one ugly mess. :ermm: Women make no sense. It's almost like they don't think before they do irrational **** like this.

11-26-2008, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Damn Joe. Sorry to hear about your wife. She wants half of what you work your *** off for.....after she leaves you for another guy???? BULL****!!!!! She'd be lucky to get the clothes on her back....I wish you luck, divorce is one ugly mess. :ermm: Women make no sense. It's almost like they don't think before they do irrational **** like this.


11-26-2008, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Damn Joe, first i've heard bout the wife takin' off! You know we are here if we can be of any help:)

No prenup needed here, I told our preacher and my wifes father that if she ever left me that it would be settled with a bullet and a shovel. I went through 2 divorces as a kid and wont go through that or put the kids through it...infact the kids would help dig the hole:devil: (I am dead serious about the statement, but not serious about making the kids help dig the hole, Joe has a backhoe:eek: :devil: )

That's hilarious. I forget if you are from WV or VA but the one time I was in either state, was unfortunately before digital cameras and cellphone cameras, but the one thing I remember and kick myself for was not writing down was a sign in a convenience store that had a sign toting having a shotgun and if anything got done stolen yu'd kneed a bodybag to git out of da store. Or something along those lines.