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View Full Version : Air Compressors

11-21-2008, 02:13 PM
Someone school me on air compressors. What makes a good one.......whats a good amount of CFM's........150 psi max....etc.
I am mainly using it for running a 1/2" impact and smaller air tools.

What are some good brands?

11-21-2008, 03:31 PM
Someones gotta know about this stuff.........

11-21-2008, 05:22 PM
My dad recently got a job as a sales rep. for quincy compressors and ever since they are selling like crazy. They seem really nice and are really quite. I got one at my house now (a small one) and I can't complain it does everything I need and its on a nice stand in which I can move it around the shop. The only thing is it pumps to 125 so I think we should be getting a 175 soon. I would check them out. Not trying to sell them just saying there nice.