View Full Version : Burns?

11-21-2008, 07:36 AM
Hey guys. Any of you ever been burned? If so, share some stuff. Over the summer I was in an explosion, and burned 63% third degree(more second and first). Its been quite a ride and experience. I was in the hospital for 5 weeks then in intensive therapy for 6 weeks. still take therapy for two hours three times a week. You guys on the site have kept me going, reading some of the stories. And Pappy, your pics have too, I loved to look at them in the hospital! Anyways, I hope to get back to riding sometime, but won't prob ever be competitive like I wanted to someday as I have lost some motion as well as having fragile skin. Maybe someday!


11-21-2008, 07:51 AM
Damn son! Hope that you are recovering the best you can! Ive never been burned as you described but enough that I know the pain had to be unreal.

What all exactly happened to you Brad?

11-21-2008, 08:26 AM
How much time have you spent in the hyperbaric chamber?

Good luck on the recovery!

11-21-2008, 09:15 AM
bradracer, I was just wondering about you as I was thinking about all the old timers at po.......pop back over there sometime and update your last thread. We'd all like to hear how youre doing. Best luck in a speedy recovery, one of my employees has an uncle going through something similiar, he was refinishing the floors in an entire house and his assistant didnt turn off the pilot light and the whole house went up, got severly burned running in to save the homeowners pets.

11-21-2008, 10:11 AM
Hey Katch, I forgot about that. I'll get over there and do that! Sorry to hear about your emp's uncle...no way would I do that now, for pets anyways!

Well, I was in a propane explosion. Was filling 20 gal tanks out of a 1000gal at work when a large hose broke and filled about a 30 foot area. I tried to shut it down, but it pretty much immediately exploded. I crawled the whole way out and was fully on fire when I reached the edge. A co-worker tried to roll me and pat me off but wasn't working so he carried me to a hydrant and put the fire out. Luckily the fire/ambulance was only about 2 blocks away, so I pretty much naked and with skin hanging off me, walked there and awaited their arrival. I was life flighted, and then put in a coma for about 2-3 weeks. Went through 5 surgeries so far. Worst part for me was getting my skin scrubbed off every morning with brushes.

Never spent any time in a chamber....didn't even know about those until now. I guess they might not have one, I'll have to ask my doc!

11-21-2008, 10:56 AM
Dude, that sounds horrible. Best of luck to you in your recovery. Keep positive, you'll be out of there and back to riding in no time! :D

11-21-2008, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Bradracer18

Never spent any time in a chamber....didn't even know about those until now. I guess they might not have one, I'll have to ask my doc! [/B]

I was burned almost 2 years ago with a jet ski back fire to the face and arm,my buddy had to put me out.

My burns were bad but not as bad as yours. My doctor put me in a hyperbaric chamber for a total of 18 hours over a weeks time, two hour sessions.

I healed like freaking magic and you would never know I was burned.

I have been burned twice in my life that required medical attention. I feel for you and really hope the best .


11-21-2008, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Bradracer18
Hey Katch, I forgot about that. I'll get over there and do that! Sorry to hear about your emp's uncle...no way would I do that now, for pets anyways!

Well, I was in a propane explosion. Was filling 20 gal tanks out of a 1000gal at work when a large hose broke and filled about a 30 foot area. I tried to shut it down, but it pretty much immediately exploded. I crawled the whole way out and was fully on fire when I reached the edge. A co-worker tried to roll me and pat me off but wasn't working so he carried me to a hydrant and put the fire out. Luckily the fire/ambulance was only about 2 blocks away, so I pretty much naked and with skin hanging off me, walked there and awaited their arrival. I was life flighted, and then put in a coma for about 2-3 weeks. Went through 5 surgeries so far. Worst part for me was getting my skin scrubbed off every morning with brushes.

Never spent any time in a chamber....didn't even know about those until now. I guess they might not have one, I'll have to ask my doc!

Wow that is freak'n horrible. My dad works in Propane and scares the sh *t out of me to think that something like that could happen...
I've burnt myself before, But that's nothing. Getting your sink brushed off every day....horrible I realy feel for, you Good Luck man!

11-25-2008, 08:32 AM
Thanks guys. Its a long road, thats for sure. I think probably one of the hardest to overcome, especially therapy. If you ever happen to be in a fire, protect your upper body first. Especially your hands and arms. They are tough to get back to moving.

If you work around propane, make sure it has a shut off somewhere not near the tank for emergencies. Its some crazy stuff, and can be a long crawl outta it!

11-25-2008, 09:03 AM
woah thats horrible man, ive never been burned, but if touching my leg to the heat shield counts then yes i have :D
but a local boy around here was at a bon fire, everyone was drinking and sitting around it when he stood up and fell in the fire. dont ask me how he did it but he did. but most of his body was severly burnt.
ill pray for your speedy recovery.

11-25-2008, 09:19 AM

I hope that you are continuing well on your road to recovery, you are still in Katie and my prayers.

....any thoughts on OK this spring?????

.......We will be racing the entire IATVHSS series again this year, you should stop by sometime! Justin, Kelly, and Spenser are running C (maybe B, undecided), I got booted to B, and Katie is running Women.

Get well.....hope you are able to break out the Pred soon.


11-25-2008, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Bradracer18

If you work around propane, make sure it has a shut off somewhere not near the tank for emergencies. Its some crazy stuff, and can be a long crawl outta it!

i fill pretty many tanks everyday and never really thought about the danger. our shut off is right next to the tank, and i dont know of any others, ill have to look into that. good luck with the recovery.

12-01-2008, 11:31 AM
Hey Grant! I'm getting along good! I will definitely be making the OK trip. I prob wont be half the rider I used to be, but will still be out there anyways. I'm glad to hear you guys were racing the series! I'll have to get out and watch you guys this next year! Well, take care! Tell Katie hi!


12-02-2008, 05:03 PM
i got a friend that got burnt pretty bad when an engine he built (350) backfired through the carb and set the gas jug on fire next to him, he thinks the fuel line was leaking where it goes into the carb but didn't really see it and ignited the gas in the jug.

been about 10 years ago and he still has lots of scar tissue from it.

hope u get better soon, i cant even fathom how u feel.