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11-14-2008, 11:17 PM
I want to hear your guys bad encounters with people who don't want us to ride like elderly or just plain jack azzes.

so i guess i will tell you of one of my encounters.

I was riding my 400 at at local sandpit with some of my friends they had there 4x4's that were quite and i had my loud 400. So this old guy comes over in his van and jumps out of it and starts getting up in all of my friends faces saying it is to loud and he is trying to watch T.V. So when he starts coming towards me i start my bike and take of. My friends said when i was leaving that he tried to swing at me. :p They all took off and when stopped up the road and he took off in his van and went home. My friends told him if it's to loud then close your windows and he said they are closed and they said well turn your T.V up loader lol. so after he lefted we went back and he never came back lol.

then another little short one i will tell you about. Me and my friend were at his house driving our dirt bikes when we had them and his grandmother came out and hollered "turn them dirt scoots off " lol

so there some of mine now let's hear yours:D

Speedy 400ex
11-15-2008, 12:08 AM
there was this one spot that i when to once and my dad and i where riding around minding our own bisness when a cops in a full dune buggy(like really nice) and they told us that people where complaning about the noise. But the closest house is like 3 miles away. It kinda sucked, but we got to see a cool buggy.

and just recintly my naghabor complined also about the noise, and the fumes. lol

11-15-2008, 12:14 AM
ya sometimes neighbors can be idiots the funny thing is i have a cop on the right of me and a prison guard right beside me but there pretty good to me they don't care about me going up the road or anything :D
but the local cops do well some are nice and just wave to ya but some new cops chase ya i call them "super cops" lol plus now i have to drive on the road to get to the local trials because they block them of now because of people with trucks throwing garbage down there so i have to drive down the road and drive over this dirt pile but at least now the cops cant get in lol so there blocked and out were in there. sometimes i just bug them when they drive by i go up by the gate and do wheelies and donuts :p lol

keep em coming guys

11-15-2008, 03:11 AM
I live on the end of a dead end street. I bought my house from my parents so I was born and raised in the house I live in. I pretty much keep to myself, I only associate with the couple across the street (she stays at home during the day and reports in on anything fishy).

However, her neighbor is a complete jackass. His old lady has some illegitimate kids who ride their go-carts up and down the street. No *****ing from me, I think its great that kids get to do stuff like that, I did when I was a kid!! So one night after making a few adjustments, I ran the quad down the street, on the way back, neighbor jackass is standing in the middle of the road, holding up his hand to stop, with a beer in the other hand. So I stopped, no big deal, I'm a pretty easy guy to get a long with. He starts *****ing about me riding my quad up and down the street, I explained to him that I go slow past all the houses and wait till there is open space to open the quad up, no harm, no foul.

Jackass decides to put his foot on my bumper. No big deal.....then he tells me that he should kick my ***....problem at this point. :-) I get off my bike, explain to him that I've lived in the neighborhood for 29 years and his 2 year residence doesn't mean **** to me. The guy gets stupid enough to push me, at this point all the neighbors are out watching this stupid spectacle and I feel like an idiot.

I explain I'm not looking for trouble and try to get on my quad, he pushes me again and kicks my quad.........bad idea. At this point I tackle his ***, throw some elbows and place him in a triangle choke from the mount position. Once I have this firmly locked in, I roll to my back and explain that is probably not best to **** with a guy who trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and works out 5 times a week.

I let him go without putting him to sleep, got on my quad and put it into the garage. I sat on my front porch just waiting for the cops to show up, but they never came, apparently pride set in since the guy is about 6 or 8 inches taller than me. :-)

Fun stories aside, unless you feel you are in danger, I believe that you should stop and talk to people that have an issue with your riding. I would say that 9 out of 10 people are pretty reasonable and have some fairly simple and fair requests that would make them happy, be it speed, noise, distance, etc. We all have to coincide on this planet, and its fairly easy to get a long if both parties are reasonable.

11-15-2008, 03:51 AM
lol when someone kickes your bike all hell breaks loose. I was down our park before cause the trail goes through there. so anyways a local punk decides to through a beer bottle at me. wrong move. i spun my quad around and went over to him and his friends i had one of my friends with me also so i asked him why did you through a beer bottle at me? and he says cause your a biker *** and spit on my quad that was it i jumped off my bike and ripped my helmet of and put my helmet over my hand and started swinging then his friend jumped in so my friend who was sitting on his cr125 leaned his bike up against mine and man i will tell you for 16 he is some tough. He took care of the other person and me with my helmet over my hand got the punk that spit on my quad. after about 5 mins we leaved with no marks but they wern't so lucky lol

11-15-2008, 02:20 PM
I got an old suzuki a few years back, I hadnt had a quad since we moved to a more residential area about 15 years ago.

Well im riding it and my neighbor (who is only living there like a year) comes by and says he cool bike and looks at it and he seems to know wtf hes talking about so we bs-til he tells me his wife is complaining if I wouldnt mindpacking it in for the day (I had been blasting up and down the yard for about 4 hours).

Being the nice guy I was I did so.. A few days later he comes over and says in a very angry jerkoff voice : "WHERES YOUR DAD, I WANT TO TALK TO HIM NOW!!!" Asking if there was a problem after I told him my dad and no one else was home he began to complain about my atv??

This is the same guy who yelled at my mom for using a pressure washer at 4pm for making to much noise, then when my mom used it another day-lied to the PD about it so they sent someone who promptly told him to go EFF off lol and said my momc an do whatever whenever..

I dont care, I blast up and downt he road a bit on my 400, even the jerk of a neighbor next to me who complained for us getting to close to her yard doesnt seem to care.

Jerk off neighbor behind me hates us, between the bikes, the trucks and the loud cars he cant stand us-to bad we been here 15 years and you aint and asking nicely gets you somewhere-not calling the PD.

11-16-2008, 01:07 PM
yea.....i think everyone has had some atv natzie try to ruin good clean fun. So me and a friend are riding down the old train tracks please remember we ride here for years so this old guy standing in the trail were it crosses his driveway so we stop thinkin he just wants to shoot the shyt ..but as soon as we stoped he grabed at my buddies tethercord to kill the bike so he ripped off and sure enough old man rinkle trys to grab me as i ride away he gets my arm and pulls my clutch hand and i pinned the gas wheelied into the woods and hit a tree lol bent my bumper and stalled the bike so i jump off my 400ex ripped my helmet off and the guy still gettin hard so i told him to go home before i k.o him with my ****in helmet blew a doughnut in his driveway and i was gone ...

ps. sorry for the ****ty typing on my ps3 cause pc is broke just had to share my experience

11-16-2008, 01:13 PM
good stories keep em coming

11-16-2008, 06:36 PM
my neighbors are total *** holes.

about 2 months ago my dad and i were workin on our 3 wheeler so we took it for a quick spin down the street. i was on my 400 and he was on the 3 wheeler, so as we come back theres some old guy flaggin us down so we stop and my dad is bein nice 2 the guy. then the guy starts yell at us and asks if we had licenses 4 them and we said yes (B/S of course:D). then hes like they arent suppose 2 be on the street anyways and my dads like are you a cop. the old dudes lik a retired cop so they are goin at it and then my dad gets pissed and wheelies halfway down the street in 3rd gear lol

then our other neighbors called the cops b/c my moms car lights were shining in the window and the cop said he can charge us for harassment :rolleyes:

11-17-2008, 12:52 AM
Whenever I see neighbors standing out by the street waving for me to stop, I just nod, wave and keep riding. I don't have time to deal with them.

11-18-2008, 06:29 PM
I guess im lucky, i live in such a rural area, that i dont have any "war stories" I did however had a random guy drive his dirtbike to my house asking if i wanted to race.. yea.. i won.. by alot.

11-18-2008, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Misfit400ex
I guess im lucky, i live in such a rural area, that i dont have any "war stories" I did however had a random guy drive his dirtbike to my house asking if i wanted to race.. yea.. i won.. by alot.

I've kind of got one of those stories. Guy down the street saw me riding my quad on test laps. So a couple of days later he comes up on his Electric Scooter/Bicycle (not kidding) and starts talking like he knows me. He is into some 500cc quarter midget looking things. Which was cool, but the guy was pretty frickin' weird. Its Friday and I'm having a beer and I somehow mentioned that I was going bar hopping with some buddies that night and that I'll probably end up at a particular bar. No big deal.

Fast forward to later that night, we hit said bar at the end of a 5 bar tour and weird *** guy from down the street is there, with his roommate. Roommate is a she, and fairly hot. We start talking, get tanked, and exchange numbers. He drags her out of there a little before closing. She starts texting me, and I convince her to come up for a hot tub outing............dude hasn't been to my house since, I don't think he was happy with me snagging his roommate. LOL :devil: God I love being single again!!!!!

11-18-2008, 10:16 PM
haha him sitting down the street all depressed and you up there parking the beef bus in tuna town lol but hey that the way to live life

11-18-2008, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by tyman2395
haha him sitting down the street all depressed and you up there parking the beef bus in tuna town lol but hey that the way to live life

aren't you like 14? lol

11-18-2008, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by tyman2395
haha him sitting down the street all depressed and you up there parking the beef bus in tuna town lol but hey that the way to live life

thats the funniest chit iv heard in a while

11-19-2008, 09:35 AM
I've got one thats on a different level. some friends and are were riding at a local sand mine, all of us had our helmets and proper gear and such. well at this mine theres some big hills and some small jumps that we made nothing serious but they were fun.

well we had been at it all day. with the owners permision of coars, were sitting on top of the biggest hill there takeing a break. and this little kid shows up on a quad no helmet no nothing. we didnt think to much of it because the local kids did this stuff all the time.

next thing we know this kid had to be about 5 or 6. he barrels off the back of this hill and about half way down he hits a small hill that sticks out just a little. as he hits this smaller hill the handle bar comes back smacks kid in the fore head with the brake res.

kids asleep 8 to 10 feet in the air , rolls off the quad lands face first in the suger sand . well we freak out hit the gas down to the kid who is still sleepin. roll him over and put my shirt on his head. lucky for him there was a house about 100 yards from where he landed. called ambulance . cops showed up, blamed us for riding with him and kicked us out . last I heard the kid took the quad with uot asking and shouldnt have been there any way.
so moral allway wear your gear!!!!!!

11-19-2008, 12:41 PM
Alright, with my story I later found out I was in the wrong but didn't want to admit it at the time.

We were riding at my buddies house about seven or eight years ago, me on my Honda atc 200x and my buddy on his Kawasaki lakota. My buddy lives on a dairy farm and his parents own nearly 300 acres but it is split by rail road tracks. So we would ride up and down the tracks when no train was coming and had a place where we actually jumped the tracks to get to a specific trail. It was either train tracks or state route so we obviously took the safer choice. Well the rail road was trimming trees one day and were riding and they decided to wave us down and we dont want to stop. We jump the tracks and hit the trail and end up going home down the road. Problem was the gate wasn't shut by the tracks and I lost paper rocks scissors and had to shut it. As i was heading that way the guy started saying something and I calmly shut the gate and rode off. About two weeks later we are heading down beside the tracks and see a truck crossing the tracks down at the nearest road. Next thing we know he backs onto the tracks and comes flying our way backwards on his rail road/street truck. We dont even think about running and he comes up and start into us about messing up the tracks by riding on the part beside them. I procede to tell him that there shouldnt be the 15 feet of gravel beside the track if it cant be used then tell him it is either the road or the tracks to the trail. He says he doesnt care just dont use the tracks and if we get caught again we will have our bikes impounded.

I later found out that it is illegal to ride on the tracks and it is a big deal if you get caught. We still have the trail but now our bikes are bigger and faster and we havent had trouble since.

11-19-2008, 08:46 PM
I used to ride tracks on my dirt bike all the time back in the day until I later wound up working for the railroad a while back. Come to find out that the ballast (gravel by the tracks) has a ton of science behind it and even the pitch or slope or ballast contributes to its ability to hold weight. I had seen some crazy things happen just from damage to balast. You are right they actually own those right of way's and can impound vehicles. Dont worry I dont work for them any more but beware a lot of people dont understand the laws and why they are in place.

11-19-2008, 10:45 PM
well my neighbors dont care about my quad to much. ive been living in my house since i was born and know most of the people pretty well. so they all are pretty friendly, with the exception of the pot heads that lives a few houses down from me. but thats a different story.
but this story happens at aetna mountain, if you live in the chattanooga area and ride quads, dirtbikes, buggies, whatever it may be, you have heard of aetna.
this place is redneck paradise. quads,beer, and fat white women LMFAO
but anywho, at the top of aetna there is a place called the peanut butter hole. its basically a crater, with nothing but mud on one half, and the other side is dry, and rocks on the sidewalls, so that buggys can climb, pretty entertaining when your eating.
so me and my buddy are in the peanut butter hole and were going to race. we start in the dry and end at the mud. so we go ahead and race, right as i click 4th some guy jumps in front of me with a beer in his hand of course, i lock the breaks and ask him whats the problem. he says "you cant ride right here" i asked "why" he says "because me and my buddys are havin a beer here" now instead of him and his buddys of parking BESIDE the peanutbutter hole, they park IN the peanutbutter hole. so i say ok. so i got back and i ride farther away from them so i dont get them wet with mud. i proceed with the race again and the hammered ******* jumped out again. i thought "screw this ill dodge him." so i dodged him and he gets pissed. i ride away, i look back and he's giving me the one finger salute, and throwing down his beer. me and my buddy go around on the OTHER side of the peanutbutter hole and ride. he walks alll the way across the peanutbutter hole. he gets within 10 feet of me and my buddy and we roost him and drive off.
so basically thanks to the hammered redneck i didnt get to race my buddy with his new pipe :mad: (i would lose anyways lmao)

11-19-2008, 11:15 PM
lol damn rednecks taking beer from a redneck is like taking chocolate from a fat kid

11-19-2008, 11:30 PM
lol i just came across this and thought it was funny and has anyone had someone call your quad a racing buggy? lol

11-20-2008, 04:12 PM
there is this guy up the street from me that always trys to flag me down to get me to stop but is wave looks like he is teling me to do weelies so now when he does it i just stand it up an ride past.
me and one of my buddies made a 20 mile ride all on rodes a few weeks back. this ride contained many high speed whelies past cops and i even passed one on a side road. a couple cop chases and my quad went in hiding for a week. good time though

11-20-2008, 06:22 PM
Me and my buddy got thrown out of a place in south jersey and were threatened with a $1500 fine by the park ranger.

11-21-2008, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by tyman2395
lol damn rednecks taking beer from a redneck is like taking chocolate from a fat kid


11-21-2008, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by bigredisb
I used to ride tracks on my dirt bike all the time back in the day until I later wound up working for the railroad a while back. Come to find out that the ballast (gravel by the tracks) has a ton of science behind it and even the pitch or slope or ballast contributes to its ability to hold weight. I had seen some crazy things happen just from damage to balast. You are right they actually own those right of way's and can impound vehicles. Dont worry I dont work for them any more but beware a lot of people dont understand the laws and why they are in place.

the ones by my house are really messed up.. an no train has ever crashed there... an i mean really messed up. the one side is like gone for like 20 miles. lmao

11-21-2008, 10:14 AM
a few weeks ago me and my buddies were riding infront of his house, we had a 660 raptor and a 400ex. when all of a sudden two cops show up infront of his house. so we dump the bikes in the back and go by the pool. the cops come to the back and say the neighbors called about the noise. luckily my buddy knows a cop so they just told us to stop riding. i dont understand why people get mad when u ride an atv at 3am. :D

11-21-2008, 10:25 AM
half the stories in this thread are great for promoting our sport :rolleyes: riding at 3am and having a 20 mile road trip.. seriously..?:ermm:

11-21-2008, 04:18 PM
Here's my disappointing story.

There's a short trail, maybe 200 feet that I take to get to the private land that i ride on. 3 people's property border the trail, they all have quads but one older person. i always take it responsibly in like 2nd. Few month ago i ride down there and there's a chain across the trail with a stonewall on both sides, so now i have to illegally take the road to the trails i ride.

11-22-2008, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by rcatvrider
Here's my disappointing story.

There's a short trail, maybe 200 feet that I take to get to the private land that i ride on. 3 people's property border the trail, they all have quads but one older person. i always take it responsibly in like 2nd. Few month ago i ride down there and there's a chain across the trail with a stonewall on both sides, so now i have to illegally take the road to the trails i ride.

i find it funny when people spend money just to be *******s how much you think the wall cost him? lol

11-22-2008, 06:17 AM
Ya it's the whole nine yards. Could always cut the chain but then that's really promoting our sport...

11-22-2008, 06:25 AM
ok i made a list of 12 storys then i was like i cant post this lol
if your not a 14 year old thats going to **** up like i did when i was your age ill pm you the list lol
i had a beer with a cop when i was 17 tho lol

so here a funny pic

12-21-2008, 01:23 PM
My friends and I were riding on the land my grandpa sold several years ago. the people he sold it to didn't care as long as we didn't mess up cows or destroy anything. They however sold it for over double what they paid for to someone else.
Anyway, yesterday we were going through the creek (its a short cut to a good spot) and this guy yells at us. He says "Bring me your keys". We went over to him and he starts saying he doesn't want us climbing out of river (we had been and it was muddy) because the banks will erode and he can't fix it.
Now i don't know where I can ride near my house. This was right across road.:mad:

12-21-2008, 03:34 PM
i was thinking about how bad things have gotten...even here in redneck alabama...lol...when i was a teenager you could go just about anywhere...even on paved roads and noone gave a hoot...now u get like one tire on someone's property and it's a lawsuit or something...geez...what happened to everybody?...why is everyone so lame nowadays?...relax people...it's not just old people either....back in the day there was an 80 year old man that was our neighbor...he owned like 100's of acres of land...he said ride wherever you want on it...how cool is that?...now he's passed away and his son's sold the land and it's a really upscale neighborhood now....lmao.... people making money is killing our riding areas...i mean i used to ride anywhere almost and the best part it was FREE!!!!...now if you go somewhere you have to pay like $20 or more and there's all these rules etc. you have to follow so you don't piss anyone off.....and these places get shut down sometimes....it's such a joke....man....our country sux nowadays...there's not alot of freedom left believe it or not...ok rant over....guess i can always do donuts in my backyard for free....at least for now...lol

12-21-2008, 03:55 PM
How about a great encounter with Law Enforcement!

So the past few days its been snowing like crazy here, which for the particular area isn't normal. We had about 5 inches dump last night, bringing the total to about 6-10 inches on the ground.

So, I couldn't resist. Got home from the bar last night, and broke out the quad. I putted through my neighborhood so I wouldn't wake anyone up and then headed down the road. I headed down this long winding hill that they closed to traffic due to ice, and rode down the road a couple of hundred yards to the bar, just in time to catch last call.

At that bar was already another guy on a 450 and 3 guys on their snowmobiles. They took off a little bit before me. When I left the bar, there was a cop at the bottom of the hill that was closed.

I had three options:
1) Go flying buy him and see if he chased.

2) go the other direction to go around on about a 5 mile ride which included going through downtown of our small city.

3) Ride right up to the guy and wave.

I chose option 3.

I waved, he held up his hand to stop, so I did.

He was cool as ****, said to be careful, clarified that what I was doing was illegal. And asked that I ride quietly through any neighborhoods I had to pass through. He made sure I was going directly home and all.

I told him I was heading home, I just couldn't resist the fresh powder. So he waved, and I fired up my quad and headed on up the hill like a bat out of hell. It was awesome and the Sheriff was really cool.

12-21-2008, 04:08 PM
The cops around where i live used to chase me, my brother, and my cousin everytime they saw us on the road. now that we've outran all of them all they do is throw their hands up nd wave, the only ones that give us occaional problems are the states.

we used to be able to be able to ride up the mountain through a place called CC Camps, which is just a gravel road that goes up Grassy Mountain. but people hauled @$$ up it all the time and now they wont even let people in Rhinos drive up them.

12-21-2008, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
half the stories in this thread are great for promoting our sport :rolleyes: riding at 3am and having a 20 mile road trip.. seriously..?:ermm:

I agree were already having enough problems with this sport. I'll admit i've had my run in with ***hole people and the law but it was probally my fault, I did however used to stop for cops until they gave me 2 tickets one each time, i figured stopping and being coperative would make them go away but it didn't so now i always have my helmet on and i will not stop, they can not see who is under the helmet and the new thing in my town of 200 people is that the cops will not come into town unless you can positively prove who is riding the quad or dirtbike. alot of people in this town rode and when the cops were called someone always had a scanner on and knew when they were coming and would warn the people riding and then by the time the cops got there, there was nobody riding, so they told the mayor that unless they could prove who was riding they would not come for a 4-wheeler call

12-21-2008, 07:36 PM
Ive read every one of these and I have a few that should be apprecited....
Story one. My cousin, a friend, and I are riding along a set of tracks.... A train that was heading up behind us began to slow down. I was in the middle my cousin up front and the friend in the back. The train begins to slow very quickly.. then comes to a stop just in front of my friend in the back. A guy jumps out of the Kaboose with his arms waving in the air. My friend stops nearly hitting the guy from the train. My cousin and I look back at whats going on and we stop. The guy from the train rips his key from the ignition and demands his ID screaming that he is going to jail. so he gets off the quad and ask's for the key back to be on his way. The guy puts it in his pocket and becomes very aggressive!!!!!(bad idea)
To make this less dramatic the man from the train ends up unconsious on the ground and we ride away....
Story 2. Riding the same set of track 3 weeks prior to this incident... someone reports us for being on the tracks. Cops show, we run into the woods and hang for a while.... 3 hrs later on out way back home were confronted buy what i like to call a "Supertrooper" some young cop that thinks hes gonna change the world goes flying around us as we ride down the side of the Rd. through a rural neighborhood. he spins the car sideways in the Rd and hangs out the window with a TAZER GUN... yes he did... he nearly missed my friend.... We were going appx 50mph hit froma tazer could have killed my friend for riding down the street.... all i can say is what the heck is that cops problem? He didnt even try to chase us....
Riders have been on these track and trails for the last 30 years... now that a few new people have bought some propert we as riders have been on the front pages of newspapers as "Vandals" and "Tresspassers". Knowing that the riding is not going to stop in this area cops are now going undercover. acting as a fellow enthusiast and will walk up and talk to you then take ur key and off to jail ur going, wit the quick flash of a badge.... Riders beware.. these UNDERCOVER guys are real.....

12-21-2008, 07:36 PM
We would never run from them "just cause", we only have to ride on about 1/2 mile of road to get to where we go riding. The county wouldn't be on call, see us out, and chase us cause they had nothing to do. We werent causing any trouble so we woulnt stop because Georgia is strict on quads being on roads. If they catch you they impound the quad, and give you almost a grand in fines and if they feel like it they can arrest you.

12-21-2008, 08:13 PM
I once had this girlfriend that would fart whenever I would............Oh never mind, that one is just too off topic.

I only ride in the sand now. We have the "sand fuzz" there too, but they seem to run hot and cold about enforcing the law.

Whenever I see them coming and Im already riding, i just make for the tallest steepest dune/trail I can find and get over it and keep moving thru the roughest terrain I can.

if they catch me standing still taking a break, Ill pop the spark plug wire on the bike so it wont start. That way they cant do a sound check on me.

I havent had the chance to out ride one yet.....but Ive often thought of it. I ride the same set up dunes I have for the last 40 years....so im pretty sure I could get around places a lil quicker than they can.

12-21-2008, 08:19 PM
i'll be honest getting in a chase is the best rush you can get but i wouldn't Just go out to do it

12-21-2008, 11:57 PM
Okay i have a few havent counted them though 1) i was 12 or 13 riding from my dads in the middle of my small town to my moms outside town near the airport on an old 86 moto4 200 we had i come around a curve in town and almost hit a city cops car( i had no brakes) he wrote me a warning and let me go 2) i was riding from moms to dads on my 400 but went a different way, to get between the 2 you have to cross a major highway i was sitting at the stop sign and saw the cop top the hill 1/2 mile away rather than spinning around and running for dirt roads i waited he told me just keep it off the pavement, saw him a few weeks later at a gas station w/ someone pulled over i pulled in gassed up bought a coke rode between him and the other car, he just waved 3) i had just met some girls riding in a hunting club, they had to go home so i was gonna ride with them and get a number, i didnt know the trail but it went through private land after i left their place the people who owned the place chased me into it then gave me wrong directions trying to get me lost. i found my way out and back to my friends but where i live there is always the danger of someone pulling a shotgun and starting shooting if u try to fight.

12-22-2008, 12:18 AM

12-22-2008, 12:26 AM
I have an old neighbor, lets call him bob. Our ground and bobs touched. I used to ride on a 5ft strip of bobs land so i wouldnt run over our alfalfa. Bob, being a dick, decided he didnt like that i was running over his weeds. Bob then built a fence around his whole property. Bob was in Nom, so he was a little wacky, and he claimed that i rode in his yard, and harassed his dogs. Truth is, i only rode on that strip. I later found out that bob spent thousands on the fence. Funny thing is, he has a grandson that comes to his house with his 660 raptor, and his grandson rides all over his land, and even rides on my trails, and jumps. I hate bob, and to make matters worse we share a driveway, so when it snowed 8 inches, i plowed all of our off our driveway, making a 5ft wall of snow blocking bob from the outside world. Damn you bob.

12-22-2008, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Yippie-Ki-Yay
I hate bob, and to make matters worse we share a driveway, so when it snowed 8 inches, i plowed all of our off our driveway, making a 5ft wall of snow blocking bob from the outside world. Damn you bob. LoL

12-22-2008, 02:25 PM
We always used to ride on the property that ajoins ours and the owner had no problem with us riding on it. Well one day he clears off about an acre of land where one of our trails were. and to keep us from riding through it he dug some dirt up and put a dirtpile right in the middle of the trail, but it was just so perfect for a jump so we smoothed it out and made a jump out of it. and it really made him mad so about a year ago he cleared all that property out and put a lake right in the middle of the property and a big gravel parking lot next to it

12-22-2008, 02:58 PM
the funnies thing ever was when we were riding on my buddys land and some guy came out of nowhere in his truck got out and started telling us how he was gunna call the cops on us for trespassing on his property. my buddy looked at him and said and you are who. my dad owns this land last time i checked and thats why his dozer is sitting over there.

one other time we were out riding on land that was up forsale and some guy stoped us and he said he bought the land and was goign to build a house in a year and a half and we could rip it up all we wanted till then.

i live on a not maintence road and i ride all the time. my neighbor who is a 63 year old man thought my yz426f hybrid with a tc shorty was bad arse and he also thinks that my 450r with procircut ti4 sounds good. so i dont have any problems.

12-22-2008, 05:58 PM
Heres another
My friends and our dads (we are only 14) always camp out by the river that has land that my grandpa owns bordering it every year during summer break. We have to either cross the river (only place shallow enough has staight up banks) or cross the huge concrete bring and ride on side of rode. We crossed under the bridge on way there but on way back came by rode. I look back and see a sheriff. I don't know if i should cram it or stay at about 35 and my friends are behind me, our dads took our camping gear out ahead of us. Anyway, the guy catches up to my firends dad in a truck and we started freaking out. we kept going and when his dad got to my house we were scared he would have bad news. Luckily the guy was young and understood the fun of riding and said we could as long as we stay off the pavement as much as possible.
We did get a good scare out of it though.

12-22-2008, 09:05 PM
ya guys good stories it's fun reading them.

12-23-2008, 12:18 PM
Well heres my story we own a small patch of land right beside my house and well ive been riding there for about 14 years now. well my neighbors got to noticing that i was riding there and realized that there was a lot of prime places to hunt in that area. I'm not saying i got anything against hunters cause i myself am one but this guy was NUTS! Apparently he went up there late one night and put posted signs on EVERY tree (had no names on them) Then he sawed down 25 trees and im not lying i literally counted them, sawed them down all over my harescramble/ mx track. Then to top it all off he cut down the tree that i had, had a tree stand in. He tried claiming the land was his when we have the papers showing where the property lines run lol Sooo to get this guy back me and my cousin went and sprayed the WHOLEEE area down with axe body spray (we heard deer loved that stuff lol) and to top it all off i think my cousin may of took a crap in his tree stand...... but yea there is my story lol i think pappy had one kinda like this with some trouble some neighbors and property lines lol

12-23-2008, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by rodeo#11
Well heres my story we own a small patch of land right beside my house and well ive been riding there for about 14 years now. well my neighbors got to noticing that i was riding there and realized that there was a lot of prime places to hunt in that area. I'm not saying i got anything against hunters cause i myself am one but this guy was NUTS! Apparently he went up there late one night and put posted signs on EVERY tree (had no names on them) Then he sawed down 25 trees and im not lying i literally counted them, sawed them down all over my harescramble/ mx track. Then to top it all off he cut down the tree that i had, had a tree stand in. He tried claiming the land was his when we have the papers showing where the property lines run lol Sooo to get this guy back me and my cousin went and sprayed the WHOLEEE area down with axe body spray (we heard deer loved that stuff lol) and to top it all off i think my cousin may of took a crap in his tree stand...... but yea there is my story lol i think pappy had one kinda like this with some trouble some neighbors and property lines lol

Haha that is crazy but also funny haha

12-23-2008, 02:39 PM
yea looking back at all of it now the situation probably could of been handled better but heck, thats not how my family rolls lol

12-24-2008, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by tyman2395
haha him sitting down the street all depressed and you up there parking the beef bus in tuna town lol but hey that the way to live life

THATS SOME FUNNY SHYT RIGHT THERE... IDK WHO YOU ARE !!! haha .. never heard that saying but I LOVE IT!

12-24-2008, 09:01 PM
I got one from when i had my screamin demon blaster haha. I had just got back home from being gone for school. I live in a subdivision but I said hey I'll just drive it up the street and back just because it hasn't been started in a while. So I do that, not gone for like 2 minutes, and not 10 seconds after I park it a cop car pulls in front of my house as I'm getting off, my mom right there in the front yard. He asks me if I saw him flagging me down and of course I say no, I didn't. Then he asked me for my license, luckily I was 16. He then procedes to tell me it is illegal to do so and I said I know I just hadn't started it in a while and it needed to be. Then he said that my next door neighbor who is also a cop had gotten onto me before about it but I have never driven it in my neighborhood before, he was blaiming me for something I didn't do and I was pissed. Me and my mom both let him have it. So he lets me go with a warning, then the next day I see this kid hauling balls on a little 110 dirtbike down the street, and then it hit me. I got blaimed for that little motherfockers riding. I hope he enjoys riding cause I took the heat for him.