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View Full Version : Single After 2 Years!

12-13-2002, 07:34 PM
yep you read right. me and angie decided to go our seperate ways. im single after 2 years and not sure i like it.... we just decided to break up because we were going through some tuff times. school, riding career, and other things decided this but hopefully its for the best. im sure she'll be here from time to time and i hope the best for her. just thought i'd let you guys know who knew her on here and why she hasnt been on for along time. :(

12-13-2002, 07:36 PM
well that just sucks....or doesnt.....lol i geuss it depends on how ya look at it

12-13-2002, 07:47 PM
That sucks Jon, Well look at it this way, more time to ride:D

12-13-2002, 07:49 PM
sorry to hear:( there just some things people gotta do no matter what and in the long run u might be happier with things

friday the 13th sucks some bum came up to me and tried gettin a dollar off me, he called me a stingy mother ****er, he was really taking his chances since he was a whole 120 pounds of terror standing at 5 8:grr

12-13-2002, 07:55 PM
jon im sure you can find some one just as good as her since you go to all the events your telling my you couldnt find a girl that loves to ride at one of those i know it sucks but try to go and find another one that will suport you 100 percent in your riding

12-13-2002, 08:12 PM
So you guys still friends or what? :confused:

12-13-2002, 08:17 PM
"jon im sure you can find some one just as good as her since you go to all the events your telling my you couldnt find a girl that loves to ride at one of those i know it sucks but try to go and find another one that will suport you 100 percent in your riding

from what i saw she backed him 100 percent , sometimes people just gotta go seperate ways to get things acomplished that they only have 1 chance for

12-13-2002, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
well that just sucks....or doesnt.....lol i geuss it depends on how ya look at it
:) LMAO.....Pappy;)

Wired',wasnt laughing at your situation,it was how pappy worded that,but I'm truly sorry to hear that,I didnt think I'd like it either at first but it got MUCH better l8r,The girl willing to wash your bike in betweem moto's is the keeper!!best of luck to ya dude

12-13-2002, 08:32 PM
hey jon, man sorry to hear that. i remember you tellin me a while ago you guys were havin some problems. that sucks, she was hot too. oh well tho your a stud you'll find a new broad to be with. hopefully next time it'll work. still tho i can understand being upset cuz you were with her for 2 years but cheer up cuz you have a lot of other stuff goin for ya, truthfully it probably is for the best.

12-13-2002, 08:35 PM
jon, how did cali go?

12-13-2002, 08:35 PM
now you get to spend more money on your quad..:p

12-13-2002, 08:40 PM
dude Trophy girls , just think Trophy girls!!!!

Tommy 17
12-13-2002, 08:41 PM
sry to hear jon boy:( that was something i wasn't expectin to hear tonight...

12-13-2002, 08:44 PM
Really sorry to hear that Jon. I'm sure everything will work out for you and who knows if it was meant to be maybe you guys will get back together down the road once everything settles back down.

12-13-2002, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by FreeStylexrider
dude Trophy girls , just think Trophy girls!!!!

exactly......you must learn the fine art of squeeze trophy girl and hold trophy;)

ahhh...to be young and free.....nothin like chasing skirts.:devil
well, catching them is better then the chasing:D

12-13-2002, 08:56 PM
sorry to hear that jon!!!
today was a bad day for everyone, i had a bad day too at school and stuff...

well at least you are able to look at other girls without being slap, but then again....


12-13-2002, 08:57 PM
im goin through the same thing right now john :(

have fun!

12-13-2002, 08:58 PM
damn friday the 13th!

12-13-2002, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
jon, how did cali go?

well it was one of the best times ive ever had. not every day you get to ride with keith little for a week and stay at a very nice house owned by a key player for a very big business! we went to pheonix arizone and hooked up with keith august and ryan with plans on riding some freestyle. well things sorta backfired! majorly! so we ended up riding a simple mx track for the week and the biggest trick i did was a heel clicker. but at least we got to hit a pretty big tripple, but the air time sucked. all in all it was a waste of time for me when i comes to getting something done, but i did hang out with the coolest bunch of guys for a full week. i'll probably be going back down to cali in a few weeks. im actually taking time off from school to persue my riding career. big things are in the works right now and hopefully turns out for the best! thanks for the kind words everyone, ya never know what could happen between us in the next couple weeks. we're still best friends and call each other once in awhile which is cool but we just decided to stay friends for the time being. thanks again :macho

12-13-2002, 10:00 PM
Hey man i am sorry to hear about you guys. I have been through it too and i know how it is, but sometimes it is good to have something to do to keep your mind off of things. Between riding and friends you can get through it.

12-13-2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
damn friday the 13th!

LMAO...my luck is always good ..
today I found out the sate owes
me like 1,200.00 bucks hehe

oops i forgot ..remember you can always go riding,...
it should help some ..

12-13-2002, 10:10 PM
Why all the long faces and condolences?

Congrats man enjoy some free time with your bestest friend (You) and all the new and exciting women you can.

"Life is an experience so why not experience it"

12-14-2002, 05:04 PM
First off, how old are ya??? If ya say your under 21! Your way too young to even sweat it, buddy!!! Once you get past 30, then you might have a little problem. But, if your under 21, you have lots of time to find that someone and which she will come but be patient. I had to wait until I was 22 to find my partner!! But, be careful of those speedbumps, they can wreck ya!! If ya know what I mean!!

12-14-2002, 05:40 PM
sorry to hear about it jon. i would almost bet that you will get back together though. :rolleyes:

12-14-2002, 07:39 PM
"well it was one of the best times ive ever had. not every day you get to ride with keith little for a week and stay at a very nice house owned by a key player for a very big business! we went to pheonix arizone and hooked up with keith august and ryan with plans on riding some freestyle. well things sorta backfired! majorly! so we ended up riding a simple mx track for the week and the biggest trick i did was a heel clicker. but at least we got to hit a pretty big tripple, but the air time sucked. all in all it was a waste of time for me when i comes to getting something done, but i did hang out with the coolest bunch of guys for a full week. i'll probably be going back down to cali in a few weeks. im actually taking time off from school to persue my riding career. big things are in the works right now and hopefully turns out for the best! thanks for the kind words everyone, ya never know what could happen between us in the next couple weeks. we're still best friends and call each other once in awhile which is cool but we just decided to stay friends for the time being. thanks again"

awesome, what quad did u ride? was wes filming for huevos 6 or was it just to go ridin?

12-14-2002, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
awesome, what quad did u ride? was wes filming for huevos 6 or was it just to go ridin?

well i never did get to ride that cannondale i was told would have waiting for me but we had to make due with wes's 265r... yep the quad featured in practically all the huevos movies. with the gold plastic and what not. it had regular black plastic when we rode it but it was modded to the max just about but i would still take my 416 over it anyday. i just dont like the 2 strokes anymore. pretty bad when i'd take a 4000 machine over a 6500 one :eek: wes was busy the whole week with reasons unknown :blah so it was just a riding session with the boys, we did do some filming with jon chandlers digital camara, some of his shots were featured on huevos 5 by the way but didnt come away with anything too spectacular.

12-15-2002, 04:52 AM
hey jon...........can rico have her number? he is afraid to ask you himself :D

good luck.........with whatever happens.

12-15-2002, 05:55 AM
Hey man it only get's better from here on out you got a hole lot of life left so enjoy:macho

Too be free again at your age can be priceless;)