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11-11-2008, 10:55 PM
the economy s-x and got lay-ed off today and the worst part is now i cant get me a new quad ben riding the same bike for 4 years. i blame it on tv the media ( don't watch the news)

11-12-2008, 03:19 AM
What business are you in? I'm just wondering all the different areas that have been hit.

I was an engineer when the tech market crashed (six or seven years ago?). I heard about sales figures being down, but it didn't actually affect me, my paycheck never changed.

Now, I'm in the gambling business, and I've been hit pretty hard. Gambling is a luxury that fewer and fewer can afford to do. My paycheck has decreased about 20% each year for the past three years, I'm making about half as much now as when I started.

11-12-2008, 06:53 AM
I'm a land surveyor/civil engineering tech and I was recently laid off due to lack of work. Nobody is starting new construction
with the way the housing market is!!!

11-12-2008, 07:10 AM
Yea engineering is getting hit hard right now.

We're on a hiring freeze, soon to be letting go all of the contract employees in preperation for some tight times coming up.

It took a little longer to hit because there has generally been a shortage on engineers and CAD Techs for many years.

11-12-2008, 07:16 AM
Good thing i am going to school to become a engineer :)

11-12-2008, 10:16 AM
Bodyshop business is still alive and kicking, instead of buying new cars everyone is just fixing up their old ones.. FINE by me! We aren't doing as many cars as we were in the past but I am hoping now that gas is 2.10 here it'll get better, Hell I'm just happy I can run 93 in my truck again! lol :devil:

I blame places like wal-mart, circuit city and so on for the economy mess we are in now, They came in fullswing and put all the little guys out of business and now we're stuck with the same old dumbass kids out of school that don't have a clue what they are talking about now we have a bunch of low wage workers and the guys who actually knew what they were doing are out on the streets. I go into lowes to buy materials for my dads contracting business and I'm by no means a carpenter but you ask the kid's in there where something is and they look at you with this dumbfounded look like your from mars.. Same with the local autoparts stores, if it wasn't for that damn computer in front of them they wouldn't know a brake pad from a rotor.

Then you have the dumbasses with a 350,000 dollar house, their hunny has a brand new caddy and they are rolling around in a powerstroke, lifted with stacks, dubs, credit card bills out the *** making 50k a year.. YEAH that works! :ermm:

11-12-2008, 10:22 AM
Things are plenty tight around here, lots of unemployment. The wife finally landed her a decent job, so hopefully the PC work will pick up now that almost all the racing is over:p

Freezer is full, bills are paid and i'm about to skin our supper.....cant ask for much more then that:D

11-12-2008, 10:30 AM
I'm in construction (general contracting) and we're gettin hit real hard. Lots of good guys are out of work and the guy I work with and me are barely gettin by. Its tough espically for just getting out of high school. I can't even go to college because I just can't afford it.:ermm:

11-12-2008, 10:59 AM
I am a bartender and have noticed a decline in business, i think i make at least 30% less now than i did 6 months or even 1 year ago. I bet liquor store sales are up though, drinking out is expensive, drinking at home is cheaper.

Robin Hood
11-12-2008, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by brian76708
Good thing i am going to school to become a engineer :)

X2 :ermm:

11-12-2008, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I blame places like wal-mart, circuit city and so on for the economy mess we are in now, They came in fullswing and put all the little guys out of business and now we're stuck with the same old dumbass kids out of school that don't have a clue what they are talking about now we have a bunch of low wage workers and the guys who actually knew what they were doing are out on the streets.

while i understand what youre saying, i disagree with the rational..
eg: the local grocer/retailer is still wanting the "old school" thinking of 30-40% margins, instead of "rolling with the punches" and winning by volume sales at 10-20% on major consumption products, just to keep the doors open and keep customers.

ive no sympathy for these businesses at all..

ill buy milk and bread from the place with the lowest cost, period.. i can assure you its not my local grocer who all but robs the seniors and others in our area, who really cant drive 30min one direction to do major shopping..

as far as being an engineer.. the market is swamped with out of work engineers already.. electrical, industrial, mechanical, etc.. (maybe a locomotive engineer..:) )

dont even bother with IT type jobs..

in my area(and many others)the best bet is to get into a repair service, automotive and otherwise.(as MXjunkie was saying)

11-12-2008, 11:59 AM
My dad has his own business building houses. i work with him full time. up until about a year and a half or 2 years ago all we were doing was spec houses and customs. but now its too risky to build a spec house that could sit cause nobodys buying right now. now instead of building houses were doing more additions, remodeling, finishing basements, garages, ect.

11-12-2008, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Wills77
My dad has his own business building houses. i work with him full time. up until about a year and a half or 2 years ago all we were doing was spec houses and customs. but now its too risky to build a spec house that could sit cause nobodys buying right now. now instead of building houses were doing more additions, remodeling, finishing basements, garages, ect.

Same here. One day I was doing plumbing work the next was drywalling. :p

11-12-2008, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Same here. One day I was doing plumbing work the next was drywalling. :p

haha were at 3-4 different jobs all week...this week= doing trim/sophets on a 3 bay garage that we built, building a countertop for a bar in a basement we just finished, and a 6000+ square ft driveway that were doing with pavers with a 50ft dia. circle with a fountain in the middle

11-12-2008, 05:26 PM
kinda sucks too when you're in college trying to get a degree and it's not looking good when you graduate to get a job. we just gotta keep pushing though and stand on our own feet. we've gotta change some stuff but the results aren't gonna happen overnight. i work with my dad doing construction and contracting work for the port of houston and it's been pretty solid. good thing i'm also a brasilian citizen so maybe i'll run off for a little bit and work if i have to :D

11-12-2008, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by 250r(quadman19)
kinda sucks too when you're in college trying to get a degree and it's not looking good when you graduate to get a job. we just gotta keep pushing though and stand on our own feet. we've gotta change some stuff but the results aren't gonna happen overnight. i work with my dad doing construction and contracting work for the port of houston and it's been pretty solid. good thing i'm also a brasilian citizen so maybe i'll run off for a little bit and work if i have to :D

Sucks even worse when you got into a great school, busted your butt through 4 years, told yourself all the hard work would pay off in the end, got the degree, tried to land a job somewhere and find that every company is on a hiring freeze :ermm:

Totally sucks, nobody is hiring right now. I can't even find a measly "joe job" like I would of had in high school with a college degree. The job market like everything else is in a very sad state :(

But I agree with your attitude, just gotta keep moving forward. Life goes on, hopefully things will improve.

11-12-2008, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Wills77
haha were at 3-4 different jobs all week...this week= doing trim/sophets on a 3 bay garage that we built, building a countertop for a bar in a basement we just finished, and a 6000+ square ft driveway that were doing with pavers with a 50ft dia. circle with a fountain in the middle

Oh I love soffit.:chinese: Pavers can be fun, just not in the rain or overcast.:p
This week was the worst week ever. Monday took two 8 footer garage doors and installed a 16 footer. The owners said they couldn't get the car into the garage without hitting the walls.:huh Yesterday there was no work.:mad: Today We did wall paneling in a room. It was nice cause the home owner brought us donuts and coffee and soda and gave us a nice 15 dollar tip at the end of the job. Tomarow, no work and same with friday.:ermm: :mad:

11-12-2008, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
What business are you in? I'm just wondering all the different areas that have been hit.

I was an engineer when the tech market crashed (six or seven years ago?). I heard about sales figures being down, but it didn't actually affect me, my paycheck never changed.

Now, I'm in the gambling business, and I've been hit pretty hard. Gambling is a luxury that fewer and fewer can afford to do. My paycheck has decreased about 20% each year for the past three years, I'm making about half as much now as when I started. custome bike builder south carolina

11-12-2008, 10:04 PM
I'm not a engineer but i hop Obama has a plan no job is safe unless you work in the hospital system