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12-13-2002, 01:56 PM
Life is pretty much sucking......if you all think you can top this tell me.....i moved away from my school where I went to from the 1st grade to the 10th grade...half way across the country...i get to ohio I start racing break my self....can't RIDE QUADS ANYMORE.....after many many years of riding and fast sucsess 3 podiums with names like ben jackson and farr.....2 months of racing...then my best friend dies in a car accident.....two days later my grandpa dies he was like my best friend....its hard making friends in school I lost the only thing I was good at because I was SHOWING OFF....and 2 vary important people to me....I really have nothing left....sorry guys I know I am *****ing but I dunno stuff is really baring down on me....

12-13-2002, 02:01 PM
things will get better dont worry just give it time

12-13-2002, 02:01 PM
DAMN. i thought i had it bad when my two only grandparents died along w/ my dog. U cant ride ever again. On the podium w/ FARR. Holy ****. tell me more about that.


12-13-2002, 02:01 PM
When I'm down I think of the people that have it WAY worse than me. Could you imagine having to worry about what your going to eat everyday if anything? I could be homeless and still have it much better than some people in the world.

12-13-2002, 02:21 PM
Dude things will get better. What happened why you can't ride anymore?

12-13-2002, 02:38 PM
That is pretty bad. Things can't be bad forever. Go out and do something, maybe get drunk or party:blah

12-13-2002, 02:41 PM
Things always get better...

12-13-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Str8Wicked
Things always get better...


12-13-2002, 02:45 PM

12-13-2002, 02:48 PM

By the way Im gonna throw in a question here...

Who is rating all the topics 5 stars. It seems that all the Threads are 5 star threads now :huh

12-13-2002, 02:49 PM

who knows... I never even actually looked at the stars before...

12-13-2002, 03:00 PM
That is pretty bad. Things can't be bad forever. Go out and do something, maybe get drunk or party
Sorry about your your loses!

but if I was you, I would go and smoke a doobie...

12-13-2002, 03:07 PM
Things will get better dude you have to believe that.
Be yourself and you will make plenty of friends just give it time.
sorry to hear of your losses:(

Noone can take your memories away you will allways have them of your friend and grandpa.

12-13-2002, 03:22 PM
where in Ohio are you? I'm like 15-20 minutes south of Cleveland.
You'll never be able to ride again??? If so you have my sympathies.

12-13-2002, 04:51 PM
Hope you are going to be okay. Its just a real bad run of Bad Luck. I have only lost one person close to me, my grand father, and I have really needed his help since he has been gone, he used to help me with a lot of stuff. I really wish I had spent more time with him. You will get more friends soon, it just takes time, Christmas should cheer you up.:D

Steve-o 400EX
12-13-2002, 05:01 PM
Hang in there man, with the streak your havin, you are due for somethin really good to happen. How did u hurt urself ridin? tell me more, I'm always willing to listen.;)

12-13-2002, 06:14 PM
keep your chin up;) Lifes a test to test what you can handle in life itself,sorry to hear about your Grandpa and your friend,I lost my dad 2 yrs ago......it was the hardest thing I have ever been thru,the hurt dont go away....it just fades a little,Things will get better man......trust me!!(even if you dont know me;)I have a friend that was paralized from the waist down in an accident,he thought all his glory days were gone,his uncle went out and got him a FL350 odyssey to maybe give him another out-let, and get him back in the dirt,on his 1st run in his new Ody,he came back crying(this guy is 36)he was SO happy,now the guy is lethal when it comes to racing.......and he thought most of his life was over,you should see him go!!Things get BETTER man,good luck to you;)

12-13-2002, 06:28 PM
Sorry to hear man, after awhile you have to get used to those things, cuz u cant change it so you will have to deal with it, I know ur in a tough situation but dont give up on tryhing to saty happy. Sorry and g/l man

12-13-2002, 06:35 PM
if you all think you can top this tell me.....

I was born, fat, stupid.........and ugly.

12-13-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
keep your chin up;) Lifes a test to test what you can handle in life itself,sorry to hear about your Grandpa and your friend,I lost my dad 2 yrs ago......it was the hardest thing I have ever been thru,the hurt dont go away....it just fades a little,Things will get better man......trust me!!(even if you dont know me;)I have a friend that was paralized from the waist down in an accident,he thought all his glory days were gone,his uncle went out and got him a FL350 odyssey to maybe give him another out-let, and get him back in the dirt,on his 1st run in his new Ody,he came back crying(this guy is 36)he was SO happy,now the guy is lethal when it comes to racing.......and he thought most of his life was over,you should see him go!!Things get BETTER man,good luck to you;)

That was the best advice I have heard through this hole forum. Good job Trtrx250r. I havn't had it as bad as you but I have had some bad luck. Right now my mom just got over a divorce and 3 surgerys from a car accident. My dad and my mom were trying to get back together during their divorce. On the way home they were fighting and my dad has a real hot head (Bad Temper) So he spead up the car and yelled "Im gonna slam this car into a pole" So he did it and my mom has been living through it since it happened. She had a few surgerys becuase she lost a few teeth, She kist had a choleastatoma witch is a surgery in her ear and she almost died becuase it almost reached her brain. The doctor said she was a walking time bomb. And since then we have had so much money problems its been ****. She has a B/F now witch he is really cool. He helps us with the house and if it wasn't for him my house would of been long gone! Im glad that we still have our house. My dad is really screwing us with money now so its still hard to afford the house and whatever we have to pay off. I know yourself has had it worse but im just telling you what I have been through. I hope the best for you and I hope everything works out in your family! Good luck man:)

12-13-2002, 07:09 PM
Ryan88,Im sorry to hear about that,life makes ppl do strange and crazy things at times,I wish the best to your mom,and support in any way makes a difference,You guys will be ok,I can tell by the way you think;) Im 31 and at times,feel just as worried as I did at 14......When ppl are depressed,they're not in their normal state of mind,when someone loses someone else,they feel like they lost a big peice of them selves bro's.......Life IS one big test;)

and thanks fer the "flowers" ryan88,;)

12-13-2002, 07:16 PM
Somethings in life you can't change. Somethings in life you can change. Change the things you can, and don't dwell on the things you can't. People die every day. Focuss on your loved ones that are still alive, and share the memories of those who have passed on with the living. As far as making new friends goes, be yourself. Nobody likes a phoney. If your friends can't except you the way you are, those people are not your friends. Do what makes you happy, and don't worry too much about what other people think. They're just jealous. If they wanna tell you what they think, make sure you listen to them. Then tell 'em to go to helll! Cheer up, every once in a while life sucks. Most of the time it's great. You'll be fine. Trust me, it ain't as bad as you think it is.

12-13-2002, 07:17 PM
Thanks JTRtrx250r, We all have been through some hard times. Well theres nothing you can do about it so im still trying to make the best of it :) . And yes life is one big test! Whats hard in my family is that we all are dealing with problems and im talking like mental problems. My dad is in some mifia crap so my mom is scared that they might come after her. He is with some real trouble now. My sis has been in a few mental hospitals ect. She is sucidal but now she is doing good. I runs in my dads family. A couple of dutch wackos, and thats where I get it from. ;) Well good luck to both of you too.

Lets make the best of it! :)

Steve-o 400EX
12-13-2002, 07:47 PM
I know it has to be especially hard on you losing your best friend, I know I would be a wreck if that ever happend to me. I lost my grandfather last fall, it was really hard on me b/c I was close to him, the hardest part was I had to watch him suffer for 2 years with strokes. I know you can pull through it though, these things will just make you stronger, trust me. It is hard now but it will change you for the better. I am very sorry to hear this and I wish you the best of luck to pull through and come out a better person.

12-13-2002, 08:03 PM
Steve O's 100% on that one!!!

12-13-2002, 08:07 PM
dude it will all geeet better if only people would realize that cause of one person that didnt at my school now my whole weekend that i had planned on riding is screwed. on wedsnesday night my freind commited suiside. Yea that was a shocker I knew he was having problems with depresion but i mean he thought noone liked him ect and then wed. he was in a really good mood then he went home and hung himself in his kitchen. I mean i know that it sucks losing people but life isnt over youll get over it tomorrow i have to go to the wake then monday i get out of school to go to the funeral. Its so hard dealing with it but ill get over it so will you. I felt so bad this was one of the most akward moment ever thursday afternoon when his brother came in ot school and the whole football team signed his jersey and his brother ttook it try telling your friends brother that your sorry he commited suiside. Holy crap it was so weird to see the whole football team in tears (yea it was quite a site) but dude the unlucky spell will end and it will all get better
I feel so bad for my freinds parants. could you amagine walking inot your kitchen and finding your son hanging im your kitchen dead? Holy crap i could never even amagine that

12-13-2002, 08:15 PM
well unless your in a wheel chair you can still ride a quad, with all the bad luck u may be making thinsg worse than they are

12-13-2002, 08:57 PM
i got some bad luck too, not a lot of bad stuff has happened to me, but today my auntie was diagnosted with breast cancer and they have to operate on her the week before christmas. She has always been a nice aunt and always understood me and my quading relationship, they wont know if the cancer has spread until she is under the knife and they can see.

good luck man
keep on truckin

12-13-2002, 09:08 PM
Well guys your all right....as for riding my mom put the quad up for sale in the want ad....she dose'nt want me to race or ride quads...I have tryed reasoning with her...beggin her but over the last few years its like I would do crazy things like 100 foot triples and break my ankle or leg or crush my foot....shatter my knee....and permently crack both my collar bones....5 surgerys....shes right I am stupid like that but it seem like whenever I get infront of a crowed of people I try to rise to the moment and do somthing impressive instead I end up looking like a fool....as for racing I am good friends with ben jackson he says with a bit of seasoning and practice with him within a year I could be a pro rider....3 times I have been up to the podium with him and i have raced for 2 months....what I did for riding is my own fault....I blew it for my self....Now I have to pick up in another hobbie....

12-13-2002, 09:09 PM
that sux man....i havent seen an answer, so how come u cant ride anymore? i am down to one grandpa, and one great grandma....i only got to meet my moms dad, and my dads grandma(still alive), and grandpa..them my great grandpa died, my great grandma kinda lost it for a few years....then in 99 my moms dad was doing good, he was always nice to me, would buy me pretty much anything i wanted...he died in his sleep...and that next week i broke my arm....like they have said, life is one BIG test, and u just have to make the best of it....

12-13-2002, 10:15 PM
Yea and i thought i had it bad. My Great Grandpa died about 3 weeks ago. and my girlfriend mooved 4 hours away. My b-ball team lost the state championship and my dad said i can only race in 5 races next year:huh (i get in trouble a lot)

12-13-2002, 10:24 PM
Hey man, i am really sorry to hear about all of that. I know how it is to lose people who you care about. My great grandmother died a few years back, and my grandfather is dead. My brother acts like i am not even alive since he has his new wife which hates my family. A few months ago, i lost my best friend since i was 6 and the girl who i was in love with and had been with on and off since 6th grade due to one big fight that resulted with all of us going our seperate ways and not talking anymore. Things get better! Now i have found a really good girl and i have some new friends who are there for me. It will get better! Remember, their is allways someone out there who has it worse than you, that is what i remembered when i was going through all of it and i believed things would get better and they did. Good luck to you !

12-13-2002, 10:29 PM
man, i feel for you, and i know how it is , in december a friend of mine from church was raped and killed by her father, and her mom came to stay with us , the mom died in my house, the father is in jail, a month before all this another friends daughter died in an accident , and a few months after that her husband died, times have been real tough around here, but things will get better, just believe that , and they will ;)

12-13-2002, 10:53 PM
im going crazy here...i havent seen my g/f in like 6 months

12-13-2002, 10:56 PM
I bet you have a helluva grip :p ;)

Steve-o 400EX
12-14-2002, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by rookiex
Well guys your all right....as for riding my mom put the quad up for sale in the want ad....she dose'nt want me to race or ride quads...I have tryed reasoning with her...beggin her but over the last few years its like I would do crazy things like 100 foot triples and break my ankle or leg or crush my foot....shatter my knee....and permently crack both my collar bones....5 surgerys....shes right I am stupid like that but it seem like whenever I get infront of a crowed of people I try to rise to the moment and do somthing impressive instead I end up looking like a fool....as for racing I am good friends with ben jackson he says with a bit of seasoning and practice with him within a year I could be a pro rider....3 times I have been up to the podium with him and i have raced for 2 months....what I did for riding is my own fault....I blew it for my self....Now I have to pick up in another hobbie....

I know what ur sayin with the crowd, I play ice hockey for my high school. Me and my friends have really made it huge this year and tons of people show up at our games and I am one of those guys that play to the crowd. When I hear them go nuts It just gives me more drive to take someones head off or get the puck to the net, last year I got a little too carried away with hits, and someone gave me a cheap shot and I tore my MCL and fractured my Knee. They were unsure if I could be able to play again but I am! Just hang in there and ur gunna be fine.;)