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11-10-2008, 01:10 PM
today one of my teachers told me that there is a rumer going around that there is going to be a re election because Barak Obama doesnt have his birth cirtificate. Is this true?:confused:

11-10-2008, 01:12 PM
I doubt it, but I can only hope.:o

11-10-2008, 01:20 PM
no. thats not true. he has one. everyone is starting rumors because they are mad he was voted in. it just a big dumb contrivercy becasue he is part arabian/black/white/whatever. but his mother is a U.S. citizen so that automaticly qualifys him to be a u.s. citizen!

trust me! he would had never made it this far if he wasnt qualified to be in that spot! they've done all the checks, he's qualified

i didnt support the man nor did i vote for him, but he's our President-Elect so i supose i will suport him

11-10-2008, 01:23 PM
He did release one and Hawaii officials confirmed that they had one on record as well.

11-10-2008, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by 631kfx400
today one of my teachers told me that there is a rumer going around that there is going to be a re election because Barak Obama doesnt have his birth cirtificate. Is this true?:confused:

We can only hope,

11-10-2008, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
no. thats not true. he has one. everyone is starting rumors because they are mad he was voted in. it just a big dumb contrivercy becasue he is part arabian/black/white/whatever. but his mother is a U.S. citizen so that automaticly qualifys him to be a u.s. citizen!

trust me! he would had never made it this far if he wasnt qualified to be in that spot! they've done all the checks, he's qualified

i didnt support the man nor did i vote for him, but he's our President-Elect so i supose i will suport him

Not trying to cause problems, because I'm sure nothing will come of it as it seems the democrats get away with whatever they want. However, to be president the law states you must be a naturalized born citizen, meaning you MUST be born in the U.S.A., not just have a parent that is a citizen. Some people believe Barrack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and as far as I know there has only been a copy posted on his website, not actually produced for anyone to visually authenticate!!!

11-10-2008, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by racerdad88
Not trying to cause problems, because I'm sure nothing will come of it as it seems the democrats get away with whatever they want. However, to be president the law states you must be a naturalized born citizen, meaning you MUST be born in the U.S.A., not just have a parent that is a citizen. Some people believe Barrack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and as far as I know there has only been a copy posted on his website, not actually produced for anyone to visually authenticate!!!

as far as i know a digital copy was released and officials in Hawaii stated that they do in fact have the birth certificate in their possession and that it is authentic.

As far as the born in the USA thing, the law is correct although there are some exceptions (John McCain was actually born in the panama canal zone which was under US control and they allowed that)

11-10-2008, 05:00 PM
I don't think Obama could be any whorse than the stupid Screwball we've had for the last 8 years. just my .02

11-10-2008, 05:05 PM
agreed!....seriously how much worse can it possibly get because the dudes half black?

11-10-2008, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by warriorxcr1
agreed!....seriously how much worse can it possibly get because the dudes half black?

Its not the fact that he is black, its the fact that hes a democrat and that is not what we need right now considering how the economy is.

Ruby Soho
11-10-2008, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
no. thats not true. he has one. everyone is starting rumors because they are mad he was voted in. it just a big dumb contrivercy becasue he is part arabian/black/white/whatever. but his mother is a U.S. citizen so that automaticly qualifys him to be a u.s. citizen!

trust me! he would had never made it this far if he wasnt qualified to be in that spot! they've done all the checks, he's qualified

i didnt support the man nor did i vote for him, but he's our President-Elect so i supose i will suport him

100% correct.

Ruby Soho
11-10-2008, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
Its not the fact that he is black, its the fact that hes a democrat and that is not what we need right now considering how the economy is.

republicans have been in office for the past 8 years..

11-10-2008, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
republicans have been in office for the past 8 years..

your correct so lets get a democrat in and tax tax tax!!!!

what you just said is what almost every person who voted for osama, obama thought.

i support the man but i dont think he belongs in office.

just my 2 cents.

11-10-2008, 06:28 PM
I heard he eats babies...

11-10-2008, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
republicans have been in office for the past 8 years..

and democrats have controlled congress and the senate for the past 2 years......

**** has gone way down since then

11-10-2008, 07:05 PM
So join a club, write stuff on pickets and stand infront of the white house. Or soon to be purple house.

11-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
your correct so lets get a democrat in and tax tax tax!!!!

what you just said is what almost every person who voted for osama, obama thought.

i support the man but i dont think he belongs in office.

just my 2 cents.

well those taxes are going to have to be put up due to a REPUBLICAN president who got this country in major debt.

war is not cheap and someone has to pay for it. also i didn't vote for Obama just to let you know.

11-10-2008, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by killerofcrows48
I heard he eats babies... \

11-11-2008, 05:31 AM
Originally posted by killerofcrows48
I heard he eats babies...

me too... and since theres no factual data on a denial, then it must be a truth!(sounds like a Sean Hannity comment..:huh )

11-11-2008, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by ben300
and democrats have controlled congress and the senate for the past 2 years......

**** has gone way down since then

sorry but the housing bubble began deflating in 05-06 which started this whole thing but nice try, and also there is no congress and senate, the house of representatives and senate make up the congress. perhaps if you spent less time letting the talking heads make up your mind for you and spent more time getting some proper edjamacation you wouldn't make such simple mistakes and assumptions .

this whole rumor is ridiculous, Judges have thrown out frivolous lawsuits from the wingnuts and smear merchants. The State of Hawaii, including the Republican Governor, have verified the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Obama's original birth announcement in the local newspaper from 1961 has also been verified. end of story.

11-11-2008, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by I live for this
I don't think Obama could be any whorse than the stupid Screwball we've had for the last 8 years. just my .02

Yea well that screwball kept our a*** safe for the past 7 years, lets see what happens now.

I def did not vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama, but in reality i hope he does a good job b/c our a*** are in his hands. I just think we look weak now and will be attacked.

11-11-2008, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by fofity
sorry but the housing bubble began deflating in 05-06 which started this whole thing but nice try, and also there is no congress and senate, the house of representatives and senate make up the congress. perhaps if you spent less time letting the talking heads make up your mind for you and spent more time getting some proper edjamacation you wouldn't make such simple mistakes and assumptions .

this whole rumor is ridiculous, Judges have thrown out frivolous lawsuits from the wingnuts and smear merchants. The State of Hawaii, including the Republican Governor, have verified the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Obama's original birth announcement in the local newspaper from 1961 has also been verified. end of story.

the housing burst is NOT, i repeat NOT, the fault of the lawmakers, president, congress or senate.

it is the fault of stupid Americans who bought way more then they could afford and were tricked into ballooning mortgage rates and non-fixed rated mortgages. there is no reason to have 2 cars, a house, and student loans all at the same time. esp when that adds up to be more then 75% of your income. and that happened a lot. i know hundreds of smart people that are not loosing their house right now. and that is because they had 20% down payment and got a fixed rate mortgage. they also keep a car for more then 2-4 years till it is paid off and don't buy a Lexus when they can only afford a KIA.

11-11-2008, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by brian76708
well those taxes are going to have to be put up due to a REPUBLICAN president who got this country in major debt.

war is not cheap and someone has to pay for it. also i didn't vote for Obama just to let you know.

but didn't obama say he was going to CUT taxes for 95% of Americans?

but now it is ok to say that he is going to raise them. didn't everyone see this coming. all dems have been raising taxes...why would he change.

obama wants to fund two 600 billion dollar programs, without any major cuts (OTHER THEN OUR MILITARY....HUGE MISTAKE) but he also said he wasn't going to raise taxes...interesting how that is going to happen.

if you took his race out of this equation he woudln't have won, but we will never know that for sure.

11-11-2008, 01:47 PM
not to burst all of your bubbles but..... the whole housing thing can be blamed almost solely on Mr. Clinton.

11-11-2008, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by c450Razy
not to burst all of your bubbles but..... the whole housing thing can be blamed almost solely on Mr. Clinton.

Really i would love to know how, i am not being sarcastic i would really like to know.

11-11-2008, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Really i would love to know how, i am not being sarcastic i would really like to know.

Mr. Clinton is the one who thought "Every American should be able to afford a home." thus making way for leting Fannie and Freddie get affordable-housing credit for buying subprime securities that included loans to low-income borrowers.

And we all know what happend there..

11-11-2008, 04:46 PM
this is not to be a smarta## or anything, but to the ones saying the democrats are not good for the economy, werent we in a huge surplus the last time a democrat was in?

it has done nothing but steadily decline since George Bush has been in, but that is NOT me saying its 100% his fault. in fact to the guy that credited the banks for handing out ridiculous loans, and the american people buying more than they can afford, i would agree more with that notion that i would saying its Bush's fault

11-11-2008, 08:16 PM

11-11-2008, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by 631kfx400


11-11-2008, 09:04 PM
clinton was president during the dot.com boom in CA, he had nothing to do with it he was just able to ride the coat tails of the innovation that was happening in CA and in other states as well.

The Housing problem goes back even further than Clinton, with Jimmy Carter. The Community Reinvestment Act was signed in 77 I believe. This was the idea that every person should be able to have a home, which on paper is great. it encouraged banks to give loans to lower- income classes, but when you cant afford a house you dont buy a house even if you can get a loan. If you only make $1000 a month and your mortgage is 900 it will catch up with you (the numbers are arbitrary of course but hopefully it gives an idea) This act was pretty much saying to the banks give these load, with little or no down payment. Thus people were getting way over their head with the debt and now people cant pay the bills. There is a lack of common sense, just because you qualify for a huge loan does not mean you should take it. My parents are a great example of this, they took the smaller home loan, but bought in the right place and they are able to make payments and as a matter of fact the value of the house has actually gone up during this time. So you have to be smart and wise with your money, which right now there seems to be a lack of it. but that is just my 2 cents what do i know LOL

11-12-2008, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by spdygonzalez450
clinton was president during the dot.com boom in CA, he had nothing to do with it he was just able to ride the coat tails of the innovation that was happening in CA and in other states as well.

The Housing problem goes back even further than Clinton, with Jimmy Carter. The Community Reinvestment Act was signed in 77 I believe. This was the idea that every person should be able to have a home, which on paper is great. it encouraged banks to give loans to lower- income classes, but when you cant afford a house you dont buy a house even if you can get a loan. If you only make $1000 a month and your mortgage is 900 it will catch up with you (the numbers are arbitrary of course but hopefully it gives an idea) This act was pretty much saying to the banks give these load, with little or no down payment. Thus people were getting way over their head with the debt and now people cant pay the bills. There is a lack of common sense, just because you qualify for a huge loan does not mean you should take it. My parents are a great example of this, they took the smaller home loan, but bought in the right place and they are able to make payments and as a matter of fact the value of the house has actually gone up during this time. So you have to be smart and wise with your money, which right now there seems to be a lack of it. but that is just my 2 cents what do i know LOL

well said and spot on..

11-12-2008, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by spdygonzalez450
clinton was president during the dot.com boom in CA, he had nothing to do with it he was just able to ride the coat tails of the innovation that was happening in CA and in other states as well.

The Housing problem goes back even further than Clinton, with Jimmy Carter. The Community Reinvestment Act was signed in 77 I believe. This was the idea that every person should be able to have a home, which on paper is great. it encouraged banks to give loans to lower- income classes, but when you cant afford a house you dont buy a house even if you can get a loan. If you only make $1000 a month and your mortgage is 900 it will catch up with you (the numbers are arbitrary of course but hopefully it gives an idea) This act was pretty much saying to the banks give these load, with little or no down payment. Thus people were getting way over their head with the debt and now people cant pay the bills. There is a lack of common sense, just because you qualify for a huge loan does not mean you should take it. My parents are a great example of this, they took the smaller home loan, but bought in the right place and they are able to make payments and as a matter of fact the value of the house has actually gone up during this time. So you have to be smart and wise with your money, which right now there seems to be a lack of it. but that is just my 2 cents what do i know LOL

Exactly right, it's too bad more people don't realize this. The root cause of our problems started with the CRA created by Jimmy Carter (Democrat) then was made worse when Clinton (Democrat) when he got tougher on banks that wouldn't grant the risky loans. A lot of this was also pushed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (homework assignment: look up political contributions made by Fannie and Freddie, I'm sure you will recognize the number 2 guy) because Fannie and Freddie bought up these bad loans.

Bush noticed the problem during his 2nd term and tried to pass legislation to correct the problem, or at least slow it down. But congress (majority Democratic) turned downt the proposal.

Everyone should watch this video before posting...or voting.


11-12-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Premis
Exactly right, it's too bad more people don't realize this. The root cause of our problems started with the CRA created by Jimmy Carter (Democrat) then was made worse when Clinton (Democrat) when he got tougher on banks that wouldn't grant the risky loans. A lot of this was also pushed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (homework assignment: look up political contributions made by Fannie and Freddie, I'm sure you will recognize the number 2 guy) because Fannie and Freddie bought up these bad loans.

Bush noticed the problem during his 2nd term and tried to pass legislation to correct the problem, or at least slow it down. But congress (majority Democratic) turned downt the proposal.

Everyone should watch this video before posting...or voting.




both sides of the aisle had their hands in on CRA as it is now..
though hindsight shows it as too easily lent to greed, what was likely done with good intent has been twisted by those that only want votes, so they dont actuall have to work for a living..

though it certainly takes more than a president to enact a bill, bush had his go with it in 2005, under a republican majority...

as stated, both sides..

Outlaw 50
11-13-2008, 06:25 AM
Wow, this got a little off topic....lol

Here's a little info to put it back on track..

This website is set up to keep track of the lawsuit filed by Philip J. Berg to require Obama to disclose an actual live birth certificate.

Regardless of ones political affiliation we should all be concerned about this issue since it goes to the question of "Do we hold our Constitution as the supreme blueprint for our form of government or not?"

If we choose not to, then we also throw out the amendments we call our "Bill of Rights"....is this where we as a nation are going to go?

11-13-2008, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Outlaw 50
Wow, this got a little off topic....lol

Here's a little info to put it back on track..

This website is set up to keep track of the lawsuit filed by Philip J. Berg to require Obama to disclose an actual live birth certificate.

Regardless of ones political affiliation we should all be concerned about this issue since it goes to the question of "Do we hold our Constitution as the supreme blueprint for our form of government or not?"

If we choose not to, then we also throw out the amendments we call our "Bill of Rights"....is this where we as a nation are going to go?

That is where Obama and the rest of them would like them to go - He pretty much already said he doesn't believe in the Constitution. Why would he care!!!

11-13-2008, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Outlaw 50
Regardless of ones political affiliation we should all be concerned about this issue since it goes to the question of "Do we hold our Constitution as the supreme blueprint for our form of government or not?"

If we choose not to, then we also throw out the amendments we call our "Bill of Rights"....is this where we as a nation are going to go?

exactly.. (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Bush_administration_vs._the_U.S._C onstitution)

Outlaw 50
11-13-2008, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
exactly.. (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Bush_administration_vs._the_U.S._C onstitution)


All of these people should be held to account for their actions.........