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View Full Version : DHL done!!!!!!!

11-10-2008, 12:50 PM
Well from day to day I ship things out for customers, and members of forums that I do dealings with. DHL has been always a very affordable shipping company to deal with and I have never had much bad to say about there services.

Well as of today, DHL is no longer doing an kind of domestic shipping inside of the US. Another huge company down the drain!!!!!

I guess I'll be shopping for shipping services for the afternoon. :(


11-10-2008, 12:53 PM
Fed Ex beats UPS...I've been using Fed Ex for over a year...I gave up on DHL because they treated my packages like ****!

11-10-2008, 01:11 PM
Why don't they just stick their hand out to the government like AIG and GM are doing?:confused: :huh

11-10-2008, 10:50 PM
DHL is owned by Connie Kalitta(EX-NHRA Racer) so I wounder how this will effect his NHRA Team

11-11-2008, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by xsr_racing28c
Well from day to day I ship things out for customers, and members of forums that I do dealings with. DHL has been always a very affordable shipping company to deal with and I have never had much bad to say about there services.

Well as of today, DHL is no longer doing an kind of domestic shipping inside of the US. Another huge company down the drain!!!!!

I guess I'll be shopping for shipping services for the afternoon. :(


My ole man told me about this a few months back that this was going to happen ( he works for FED EX and his work told them all it was coming) but a few workers at DHL told me that is wasnt true.. at one time it was mentioned something about them filing BK.

I guess it was .lol

We havent had the best of luck with DHL in the past so it doesnt hurt my feelers too much.

11-11-2008, 12:28 AM
I shipped a bmx frame through d.h.l about a year ago and the kid that got it called me and asked me which war the package went through before it got to him.. Oh well, fedex FTW :blah:

11-11-2008, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by hskers82
DHL is owned by Connie Kalitta(EX-NHRA Racer) so I wounder how this will effect his NHRA Team

DHL is not owned by Connie Kalitta.


11-11-2008, 07:07 AM
I was grossly misinformed on my info.Thanks for clearing that up.I still wonder if this is going to effect his team because I know DHL was one of his sponsors

11-11-2008, 07:48 AM
company isn't done. it was/is a european company. they are just pulling back out of the u.s....

11-11-2008, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Fed Ex beats UPS...I've been using Fed Ex for over a year...I gave up on DHL because they treated my packages like ****!

Agree. I almost always use FedEx. They are my prefered choice.

11-11-2008, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Fed Ex beats UPS...I've been using Fed Ex for over a year...I gave up on DHL because they treated my packages like ****!

see, we're the complete opposite, we were using fedex to ship all the guns to our firarms dealership that my family owns, and we have had several problems with there shipments being damaged or broken... one in particular, a mosberg rifle...we got it, opened the package to chekc if everything was there and ok, and not once, but TWICE!, the foregrip and the stock were completely broken in half!...and on top of that, fedex stuck us with the return bill twice. Plus they were getting to expenisve to ship handguns, since its mandetory overnight shipping with them.

they're a good company, but they suck **** for selling guns, thats why we went with "brown"

11-11-2008, 09:38 AM
I work for UPS and i dont see why people get there packages all damaged and stuff. I load trucks and if anything that comes down the belt that even looks slightly damaged or looks poorly boxed it gets sent down to get reboxed or we tape them up ourselves then load them. Could be different in other areas i guess but around here i know we take the time to fix things if needed.

11-11-2008, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Scro
Why don't they just stick their hand out to the government like AIG and GM are doing?:confused: :huh

you must not understand how many people would loose jobs if GM went under. DHL is a big company but not one that would affect as many people as the 2 companies u stated.

11-11-2008, 10:29 AM
I use UPS always, never any problems

11-11-2008, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
I use UPS always, never any problems

You better go knock on some wood now . lol:p

They all damage things, not any one of them are perfect.. I have had an issue with each one of them at least once , but I actually think my worst out of them all has been UPS. Never used to have problems for many years, then it went down the tubes. The last time I shipped with them I literally had stuff running out of the box sitting on my porch and the box was busted open completley on one side,but yet the driver knew nothing...:rolleyes:
considering the box only sat there for about 5 minutes ,there was ZERO chance it was tampered with after delivery.
Its unfortunate when you try to recover insured items... I never was abe to get 100% of the value on the item I shipped to someone because it was too difficult in trying to prove value on it .