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11-08-2008, 12:21 AM
I shot a very nice buck this morning with a muzzle loader. I figure him to sore around the 140 range as a 8 point. I beleive I hit him low in the shoulder. I let him lay for 2 hours before picking up the blood trail. I then jumped him up abot 150 yards from were I first shot him. He was bleeding realy good until I jumped him. Then the blood just went to spots. i left went home for lunch and gathered some hunting buddys up and we went back. We tracked him clear across our property were he then crossed a river and went into a State Refuge which is off limits. I am very sick over this. I have a few trail cam pictures of him and I have been holding off all year just for him, now I have blew it. just was wondering if you hunters think he has a good chance of surviving ? I realy hope i did not feed a good deer to the cowoties.

11-08-2008, 12:43 AM
hmmm.. Isn't there a law you can go on otherwise off limit property to recover wounded game? Well I suppose refuges are strict. anyway I wish you good luck in a positive outcome

11-08-2008, 07:01 AM
As far as I know there is no law saying they have to give you permission to get your deer. If they dont give you permission, too bad I guess. Sorry about your deer.:(

11-08-2008, 08:27 AM
i know here in KS the law is that if you shoot the animal legally on property you have permission to be on and it runs onto somebody else property, you have the right to go and get it. but its always nice to go beat on the persons door to let them know. most of the time around here they even offer to help find it.

11-08-2008, 12:05 PM
How big was the river and did he make it through it? Its been 8 years or more ago but i shot one and had it end up in a small pond area(only about hip deep at the deepest spot). Just like yours the blood trail started pretty good then just kept getting less.

Thank you

11-08-2008, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by bluebaron
hmmm.. Isn't there a law you can go on otherwise off limit property to recover wounded game? Well I suppose refuges are strict. anyway I wish you good luck in a positive outcome

ya agreed...it should just be common sense...the only problem you may have is prooving where you shot him if you're caught dragging him out...:eek2: ...but i would say take your buddies and go get him.

11-08-2008, 04:13 PM
i went and visited the local game warden today and he said that its just tough luck, that he could loose his job if he gave me a pass to go in on the refuge. He brought out te book and showed me the rules on this. Just to put it simple unless you work for the state or the federal goverment the refuge is off limits to you from N0V 1st until March 15th. I just hope he lives.

11-08-2008, 04:17 PM
Dude, that sucks.....I would think that a game warden would take over and recover your deer for you. They should do everything possible to recover animals........even if that means going on that reservoir.

11-08-2008, 08:28 PM
I would give your conservation department a call. If I had to guess I would say he is not going to make it.

11-09-2008, 02:09 PM
I would definitely call your conservation department.......they should do all things possible to recover an animal.

11-09-2008, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by quadlee
i went and visited the local game warden today and he said that its just tough luck, that he could loose his job if he gave me a pass to go in on the refuge. He brought out te book and showed me the rules on this. Just to put it simple unless you work for the state or the federal goverment the refuge is off limits to you from N0V 1st until March 15th. I just hope he lives.

I would check with your state office, refuge is just supposed to be safe haven for all wild game for no hunting zone. But I have never heard of it being a no tresspassing zone..? If your just walking around with no weapons, I mean what harm is that..? I shot one in shoulder with a bow a few years ago and tracked it to a river and then lost blood and it was afternoon also so it got dark on me. Came back the next morning and found it laying in the river...so make sure you searched the water really good.

11-09-2008, 08:39 PM
Id agree, my rifle would be left behind and I would be in that refuge looking for my deer.

Also, set those cameras up in some thickets, might catch him again if he made it.