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View Full Version : Setting up 400 for MX. A waste?

11-03-2008, 05:32 PM
Here's my delima. I have a '99 400EX. Most mods are in my sig.I mainly ride a local mild mx track. I want a 450 but I won't be able to buy one for acouple years most likely as my wife needs to get another car before I get another quad. I may be able to spring for some A-arms in the spring, and I would eventually get an axle. I've picked up some used 8" rears I need to get tires for but If I don't bend em up they'll go on the next one. The question is is it a waste to spend money on the 400 when I'll probably end up with a 450 anyway. I have kicked around the idea of just doing a CRF hybrid instead of getting a 450r, yfz, etc. If I could find a deal on a used JB, or Lonestar 400EX hybrid frame.

11-03-2008, 05:41 PM
build a budget MX quad. You can find a lot of used parts that are perfectly good. Get the shocks revalved and resprung for +2 a-arms rather than buying new shocks. You dont need a lot to race MX just ot really be out on top you usually need long travel shocks and such which i wouldnt bother dumping into your quad if your already planning on getting a new one. A hybrid however you could go all out if its cheaper and just save the money you were gonna spend to buy a 450 and use it for the 400ex with the 450 motor in it.

11-03-2008, 07:39 PM
That's probably what I'll do. Keep an eye on ebay maybe I can pick some parts up here and there. That's where I got the shocks. I don't race yet(save for flattrack at the fair this year). I may try the beginner class out at Meadow Creek next year. I've not been there yet to check it out. I really like the way the EX feels I'd just like to step into something with more power eventually.

11-03-2008, 07:42 PM
you can find a lot of deals on craigslist to just be careful i would never buy anything not in person from that site.

11-03-2008, 08:17 PM
I had the same dilema a few months ago. I had a 400ex and some money. You can either put the money into the 400ex and try to make it as fast as the 450r, which it never will be, or put the money into buying the 450. I figured instead of wasting money trying to make the 400 a race bike, just buy the 450. People say that 440ex's compare to a 450r but thats bull**** because 450 motors are different. Instead of a smaller bore with a big stroke, they have a big bore with a small stroke. This allows them to rev fast and have a lot of horsepower. Just because the 440 has a displacement of just 10 less, it wont rev nearly as fast, and its not the same thing. Dont waste your money on something that will be an inferior race machine.

11-03-2008, 11:13 PM
HondaRaceReady I understand what your saying about trying to make it as fast as a 450. I have no illusions of thinking I can make it just as strong as a built 450 so I think the only engine work I would consider doing to it is a 450r carb and a CRF timing chain. Unless of course it blows up. My original question was mainly concerning suspension as I'm probably going to have to ride it two more years. Is it a waste to put money into A-arms, axle and maybe shock re-valves.

11-03-2008, 11:31 PM
For anything outside of the Pro and A classes, a 400ex with a-arms, shocks and axle will compete pretty well. Motor work will help, but proper tires and gearing is far more important.

11-04-2008, 08:56 AM
I say set it up, unless your running pro you can do fairly well with a 400ex, do your suspension and then later do the motor swap and you will be good. It will be cheaper unless you plan on financing then the 450 will feel cheaper than the engine swap. But if your paying cash, hybrid all the way.

11-04-2008, 10:18 AM
this thread makes me laugh..... cuz i am in the EXACT same situation. sounds like i wrote the original post, lol! i've come to the conclusion that if i can ride it, i should at LEAST be able to hang; now if its a long, wide-open horsepower track, maybe not... so i guess you need to know your case.

anyways, here's my thoughts; as said, find stuff used... keep your stock suspension components and put them back on when you finally do sell, and seperately re-sell the suspension components you bought. i did this alot when i was into building paintball guns.

11-04-2008, 11:58 AM
I'm going to take the other side and say don't put any more money in your 400 than you have to, since you already decided you want a 450. You won't get your money back out and you will be able to buy a 450 that much sooner. If you break something on the 400, replace with a used upgrade (aftermarket), otherwise run it like it is.

My opinion is that this will also make you a better rider more quickly. This is because you will be trying to keep up with 450s and modded quads with your 400, so you will have to ride hard and make fewer mistakes. Thus, when you get your 450 you will already know how to ride and will do well on it.

Just my opinion take it for what it's worth.

11-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I will widen it as I get the money but as suggested I'll do it as cheap as I can but still get good parts by buying used when I can find them. I don't want to borrow money for another quad so I'll probably get a 450 when I have the cash. In a way I'd like to pick up a 250r just because I always wanted one, but I'll probably buy a 450 or build a CRF hybrid first. Racing is something I'll probably only do occasionaly.

11-04-2008, 05:22 PM
anyone see the laeger ads today? a-arms and brake lines for $460 or something!!!

11-04-2008, 06:15 PM
I'd agree with the others here. People are parting out 400ex all the time on here. I run MX I'm running B class next year, so that should be interesting.
Anyways I'll steal this from that Moto-x ad "Its not the bike its the rider."

11-04-2008, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by mooseracerX
I'd agree with the others here. People are parting out 400ex all the time on here. I run MX I'm running B class next year, so that should be interesting.
Anyways I'll steal this from that Moto-x ad "Its not the bike its the rider."

I don't buy that it is always the rider. Bottom line is, as much as I love my 400ex, and it is built 50/50 xc/mx...kinda odd...lol...but it just doesn't have the *** it needs to be able to master an A track like a 450. There is no way in hell, reguardless of the rider, that my 400ex would ever be able to make enough speed on certain triples right out of corners to make it. Just to damn heavy and not enough ***. Which is why I bought the high comp piston and other engine mods....then got an LTR at cost from work, the the 400ex build will take the back burner for a while...atleast until it grenades

worth doing...yeah, it's fun, but don't expect to win everytime. Afterall...it's still just a quad designed to ride trails...not tracks...

11-04-2008, 07:31 PM
Yeah that is true. Although around here it is pretty much who ever than ride the hardest for the longest. The only way I'm going to get a 450 is if I made a CRF Hybrid.

11-04-2008, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by mooseracerX
The only way I'm going to get a 450 is if I made a CRF Hybrid.

I'm the same way. but i've already started. :D

11-04-2008, 07:36 PM
Did you post any pictures in the Hybrid section?

11-04-2008, 08:00 PM
Cool keep me in the loop.