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View Full Version : Joe "The plumber" seeks lawsuit

11-03-2008, 06:26 AM
Looks like Joe will be seeking justice in a lawsuit to be filed over his background was illegally investigated by atleast 4 known sources after his question to Sen. Obama sparks "Spread the wealth" response.

Good for him!

Bill Fuller
11-03-2008, 06:33 AM
GO JOE!!!!

11-03-2008, 06:34 AM
And I would like to know why this radio host isnt fired immediatley and the issue picked up nationally? It sure would be if it was about a black man:scary: There is no fairness, only 1 sided BS.


Some seem to be able to see through it all, but the national media doesnt want it known...why? because the Black vote is key to an Obama victory. He isnt what he claims to be folks....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/76L7tC2AGk0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/76L7tC2AGk0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

11-03-2008, 07:47 AM
I kind of get the feeling that "Joe the Plumber" is actually part of the McCain camp and has been since day one. The way things unfolded just seems kind of sketchy. He asks a question one week ... two weeks later he's on stage for McCain .

Kind of makes you wonder if this was some kind of political ploy since McCain had been slumping in the polls. Since the 'Joe the Plumber" incident , this seems to be the only thing the McCain camp is playing against Obama's camp.

11-03-2008, 07:55 AM
Obama shows up on his street, with no notice and Joe walks out and asks him a question. Whether he was a McCain supporter or not, the question and answers are what brought this all to light and are of revelence. There is no pre planned route on this, no notice to the public that a candidate will vist any given location beyond the big public displays...yet people feel somehow, the McCain camp planted this guy in his own house and neighborhood to ask 1 question that changed the election...lol

Man, McCain has a great deal of foresight if thats the case.

11-03-2008, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Man, McCain has a great deal of foresight if thats the case.

And if he does have that kind of foresight... who better to have in the white house? ;)

11-03-2008, 09:58 AM
everyone is missing the point about all thios joe the plumber crap! joe the plumber is getting all the attention, its Obama's answer that we need to be paying attention! If everyone that gets "rich" (because having your hard work pay off is a bad thing apparently) has to "spread the weath to make someone else better off (thus making the rich poorer) whatis your motivavtion for working hard? no one will get rich b/c if you do your gonna have it taken away anyway.

If i get rich and want to spread the wealth, I'll donate to charity

vote Bob Barr (libertarian) 08!:D

11-03-2008, 02:18 PM
You know whats funny. He lives 2 streets over from me

11-03-2008, 03:08 PM
Spread the wealth... hmm sounds a lot like a commie if you ask me. well, now we know these "great changes" Obama wants to make... he wants us to be like Russia was way back. if he's gonna back this spread the wealth bs then why does he not donate a large amount of his generous salary as a senator...

11-03-2008, 03:56 PM
Ken, who are you voting for and why, in simplest terms? Not starting anything, just curious.

I am personally sick of seeing everything about this election and can not wait until it is over.

I certainly dont like how things are right now and would definitely like to see something change here (this is no way is supporting obama, just cant think of a better word for change...)

I am completely neutral at this point, honestly.

I am a country boy who loves hunting riding and the great outdoors. I hate fueling my truck up, I hate large oil companies, and the crash of the stock market is only making it better for me, I'm buying stock cheap... for those of you who need to retire this year, I am feeling for you!

What's the 411 on this joe the plumber...? I dont watch TV....~

11-03-2008, 04:19 PM
I am voting McCain. It is of my opinion that he will lead us for 4 years until either a real democrat can emerge to challenge him, or McCain steps aside to allow a better republican option. I dont think either candidate will do well in the first term, there is just to much to do and neither candidate has the economic back ground to do 95% of what is needed.

With that said, I dont think obama coming to town to save us all will help in any way, based on a few reasons. His math doesnt add up to his purposed spending, which means he will have to raise taxes, his socialist views go against what this country was founded on and could reap him a serious backlash by many in our congress when they finally get a glimpse at what he intends to do beyond the campaign trail.

What obama can do in 4 years is to add very liberal justices to the supreme court and also judges at the federal level that could effect things in this country for decades that would possibly change the way we think of America. With Obama in power, and a majority in the house and senate, managed by the most liberal democrats in the nation, things could be changed that would take an act of civil war or a complete overthrow of the government through elections to bring back the balance of what this country was founded on and what many believe in. Abortion, Immigration, Taxes, Our basic rights, The redistribution of wealth as dictated by the government through taxes and the list goes on.

While we face these issues every election, never have we had such a radical left wing liberal poised to take command with everything in place to hand him the most power any president has ever had in modern history at a time where ideals and moral structure will be needed to help our leaders make the best decisions for us, not for his own agenda.

And your buying stocks cheap....thats very smart. The liberal media only tells of woe, they never seem to find those that make things happen or plan ahead for issues of this nature. Congrats, you my friend are a capitalist. When you do strike it big as teh market roars back, I will be standing here waiting for my portion of your windfall that Obaba has promised......as I will be at the lower level of the income structure and will hold him accountable for my share of your money:chinese:

11-03-2008, 04:30 PM
I'm going to quit my job wensday.:macho

11-03-2008, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I am voting McCain. It is of my opinion that he will lead us for 4 years until either a real democrat can emerge to challenge him, or McCain steps aside to allow a better republican option. I dont think either candidate will do well in the first term, there is just to much to do and neither candidate has the economic back ground to do 95% of what is needed.

With that said, I dont think obama coming to town to save us all will help in any way, based on a few reasons. His math doesnt add up to his purposed spending, which means he will have to raise taxes, his socialist views go against what this country was founded on and could reap him a serious backlash by many in our congress when they finally get a glimpse at what he intends to do beyond the campaign trail.

What obama can do in 4 years is to add very liberal justices to the supreme court and also judges at the federal level that could effect things in this country for decades that would possibly change the way we think of America. With Obama in power, and a majority in the house and senate, managed by the most liberal democrats in the nation, things could be changed that would take an act of civil war or a complete overthrow of the government through elections to bring back the balance of what this country was founded on and what many believe in. Abortion, Immigration, Taxes, Our basic rights, The redistribution of wealth as dictated by the government through taxes and the list goes on.

While we face these issues every election, never have we had such a radical left wing liberal poised to take command with everything in place to hand him the most power any president has ever had in modern history at a time where ideals and moral structure will be needed to help our leaders make the best decisions for us, not for his own agenda.

And your buying stocks cheap....thats very smart. The liberal media only tells of woe, they never seem to find those that make things happen or plan ahead for issues of this nature. Congrats, you my friend are a capitalist. When you do strike it big as teh market roars back, I will be standing here waiting for my portion of your windfall that Obaba has promised......as I will be at the lower level of the income structure and will hold him accountable for my share of your money:chinese:

AMEN!!!!!!!!! I am not looking forward to tomorrow........ All I can say is that I know my vote will atleast cancel one out.... God help us after tomorrow........

11-03-2008, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic

im surprised you have one with that spelling:blah:

11-03-2008, 04:41 PM
Who needs school. You guys are going to pay for my house, food, cloths, truck and beer. Thanks!:D

11-03-2008, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
im surprised you have one with that spelling:blah:

Maybe obama redistributed it....2 D's in one word is just not needed:devil:

11-03-2008, 04:43 PM

11-03-2008, 05:33 PM
NOBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-03-2008, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Maybe obama redistributed it....2 D's in one word is just not needed:devil:

lol good stuff.

11-03-2008, 08:08 PM
Talk about spreading the wealth :rolleyes:
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the everyone else. That's the Republican way.


11-03-2008, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by fofity
Talk about spreading the wealth :rolleyes:
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the everyone else. That's the Republican way.

heck yeah, to bad it took partisian votes to allow all that pork to flow.

Add a hand out to those that pay no taxes and you have taken the repulican way and added the Obama Hammer to the fleecing of those that actually work for a dollar!

You ready to vote 3rd party?

11-03-2008, 08:33 PM
Kudos to Joe, he has been assaulted by the media just for asking a question.

What's really funny, is that the supposed party of humanity, peace, and love is largely the first people to attack someone when presented with facts and reality.

11-04-2008, 03:40 AM
i just can't believe that the people that are going to vote for george w. mccain think that this country is better now than 8 yrs ago???:rolleyes: they could put a stuffed animal up there...i'd vote for it before i'd vote for a repub' after the last 8yrs we've had in this country...

11-04-2008, 05:40 AM
Joe the tax evading plumber is merely the Kato Kaelin of the moment..

the guys riding his 15 minutes as hard as he can.. he's just another of the politically polarized masses that cant see anything but red... no matter how much better the opposition is.

his fame ends this evening when McCain finally goes back into one of his homes to try and figure out at which point did his pandering lose the crowd.

11-04-2008, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by Rastus
Kudos to Joe, he has been assaulted by the media just for asking a question.

What's really funny, is that the supposed party of humanity, peace, and love is largely the first people to attack someone when presented with facts and reality.

show me a DNC sponsored ad where they attacked Joe the dumber..

its been the GOP who's created the personal attack ads.. theyve been so busy attacking obama personally, they forgot to explain what theyd do better.

11-04-2008, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by gncc89
i just can't believe that the people that are going to vote for george w. mccain think that this country is better now than 8 yrs ago???:rolleyes: they could put a stuffed animal up there...i'd vote for it before i'd vote for a repub' after the last 8yrs we've had in this country...

Another uneducated reply. I love how everyone thinks this is entirely our presidents fault. Hmm what about our Democatic CONGRESS???? People fail to see the facts. :rolleyes:

11-04-2008, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Punk'd
Another uneducated reply. I love how everyone thinks this is entirely our presidents fault. Hmm what about our Democatic CONGRESS???? People fail to see the facts. :rolleyes:

finally someone else sees it too!!!!!

11-04-2008, 07:15 AM
Oh and BTW buddy. Just voted for McCain


11-04-2008, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
Joe the tax evading plumber is merely the Kato Kaelin of the moment..

He has a tax lein, just like many people do, including elected officials(Charlie Rangel and Al Franken just to name 2)

Just because Obama doesnt approve the message, doesnt mean its fair or right, just as its not right on the other side. This is exactly why people fear their goverment, an average person can get thrown under the bus at any moment. I see now he is a racists because he is bald:p Do you know how many black men I know that are bald:eek2: It has reached the point of ludicris.

11-04-2008, 10:20 AM
Forget them all! I'm doing a write in vote, I vote for ME!! You all should do the same and show these a-holes were tired of all there B/S and lies. Thats my (3) cents, And I'm sticking to it.

11-04-2008, 10:38 AM
Joe the plumber has got some tuff competiton.. I should be Joshie the body man.. :o

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Dv6lvACMJBo&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Dv6lvACMJBo&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

11-04-2008, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I see now he is a racists because he is bald:p Do you know how many black men I know that are bald:eek2: It has reached the point of ludicris.

ha! i hadnt seen anything that implies he's racist, though now that you mention is there is alot of bald people black and white, so actual race cant be it.. are you saying theyre all republicans hatin' on democrats? lol..

you dont suppose theyre hatin' on the people with hair too, do you? (some secret circle.. probably speak using telepathy since they dont have hair to block thoughts)

11-04-2008, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
ha! i hadnt seen anything that implies he's racist, though now that you mention is there is alot of bald people black and white, so actual race cant be it.. are you saying theyre all republicans hatin' on democrats? lol..

you dont suppose theyre hatin' on the people with hair too, do you? (some secret circle.. probably speak using telepathy since they dont have hair to block thoughts)

LMAO....well i wouldnt put anything past people these days:devil:

11-04-2008, 12:40 PM
LOl..Bill Ayers, Black Panthers....when did we board the timemachine:eek2:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/neGbKHyGuHU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/neGbKHyGuHU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

11-04-2008, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

You ready to vote 3rd party?

I did! Bob Barr's (and the libertarians party in general) ideas of a hands off economy, stay out of my personal life, national DEFENSE (not offense), no nation building ideas, and persoanl liberty above all else really make the most sense to me. Every problem we have has been created by interventionist foreign policy and economic regulation. Other things like gay marraige, (which i dont agree with personally), victimless crimes like prostitution, are not the business of government, they have no right to say what two adults can do with thier private life. Add to the fact that he has an A+ lifetime grade from the NRA that is much better than either other candidate.

Will he win? No. But could we use a 3rd prominent party? You bet. All I can hope is my vote for Bob Barr (and the other Libertarian candidates on my ballot) will help start a movement. I know he wont win, but I can sleep well tonight having voted for who I WANT, not voting for a lesser evil

11-04-2008, 03:48 PM
I dont see why atleast, a 3rd party candidate wouldnt be scooped up for a VP choice.

I still think if Obama picked Hillary,the election would be in the bag no ifs ands or butts, but Obama and Clinton dont get along...lol

I also think McCain was the wrong choice for the rep. party

11-04-2008, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I am voting McCain. It is of my opinion that he will lead us for 4 years until either a real democrat can emerge to challenge him, or McCain steps aside to allow a better republican option. I dont think either candidate will do well in the first term, there is just to much to do and neither candidate has the economic back ground to do 95% of what is needed.

With that said, I dont think obama coming to town to save us all will help in any way, based on a few reasons. His math doesnt add up to his purposed spending, which means he will have to raise taxes, his socialist views go against what this country was founded on and could reap him a serious backlash by many in our congress when they finally get a glimpse at what he intends to do beyond the campaign trail.

What obama can do in 4 years is to add very liberal justices to the supreme court and also judges at the federal level that could effect things in this country for decades that would possibly change the way we think of America. With Obama in power, and a majority in the house and senate, managed by the most liberal democrats in the nation, things could be changed that would take an act of civil war or a complete overthrow of the government through elections to bring back the balance of what this country was founded on and what many believe in. Abortion, Immigration, Taxes, Our basic rights, The redistribution of wealth as dictated by the government through taxes and the list goes on.

While we face these issues every election, never have we had such a radical left wing liberal poised to take command with everything in place to hand him the most power any president has ever had in modern history at a time where ideals and moral structure will be needed to help our leaders make the best decisions for us, not for his own agenda.

And your buying stocks cheap....thats very smart. The liberal media only tells of woe, they never seem to find those that make things happen or plan ahead for issues of this nature. Congrats, you my friend are a capitalist. When you do strike it big as teh market roars back, I will be standing here waiting for my portion of your windfall that Obaba has promised......as I will be at the lower level of the income structure and will hold him accountable for my share of your money:chinese:

Pappy ,

I was hesitant to post my opinion on all this since I am from a province that is so far to the left its just rediculous.. But I totally agree with you.

You can trust me , social programs are going to kill the great country that you live in. Here in Quebec you can go on all your life without working a single day , getting a check every month no questions asked.

People go to the hospital when they have a fu... cold , why ? because going to the hospital is free , so when you have a broken foot or whatever , you wait 10 hours just to SEE a doctor.

Most meds are free.. do you know how much it costs our governement per year ? CRAZY

I could go on and on about every stupid social program that we have, but its not worth it.

All those new socialists that you have are blinded by the Obama character, because thats what it is. A good looking box with nothing in it. They dont see that social programs will never create wealth , to finance a social program you need a HUGE amount a taxes + all the governement jobs it takes makes it so expensive and complicated that going back to the way it is now is almost impossible.

Following the American campaign from here is also very complicated. All we see is Obama preaching about socialism , the great health care and CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE.. all they show about McCain and Palin is the errors or misses they had on TV,

I cant wait 'till its over, but from my point of view, things are going to be hard for the years to come.

11-04-2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks for sharing that info and your opinion. I know Greg will chime in as I believe he has a different view on the Canadian system.

I also have friends stationed all over the world, and I get their view from being an American abroad, and not one of them has found any place that matches the good old usa:p

I do think that, with proper and structured leadership(responsible as well) that we can turn this country around and have everything we all would want. We just have to get greed out of the way(our elected sellouts), let real americans do what they do best (be capitalist) and manage our system of government with an eye towards the future.

Its no secret I dont like the socialist path outlined by Sen. Obama, but it may take the worst to bring out the best in all of us.

11-04-2008, 05:55 PM
Hell Ken , how did you know I'd chime in ?? :blah:

I do have a very different view than EX-Rider43 . But again it's no surprise to me , seeing from which province he comes from ... Quebec.

Hey I have family in Quebec , most share the same views as you Ex_Rider43 .... it seems to be a very common trend in Quebec.

But when you look at the big picture ...the province of Quebec is the only one out of the 12 that has this view on such issues.

Your province was the one that wanted to seperate from the rest of Canada , yet still receive the money from the Federal government to pay for your provincial needs. You wanted to live by your own rules , run the province the way you want , not have association with Canada , but still have the 11 other provinces foot the bill and chip in.

Now you can poll all of Canada and 99% of people will pride themselves on our healthcare system. Why are there long waits in hospitals? Because of lack of doctors ... because most kids now days don't want to get into that field. Most kids were brainwashed into entering the Technology sector in the 80s and 90s ..... now the schools are pushing kids to enter Trades. Not enough kids were pushed into becoming doctors. Add the cost of education for a doctor .... not many can afford $120 000 to go through med school. Hell 99% of kids these days are too lazy to even attend school.

You tell me which you would prefer ... waiting 10 hours to see a doctor or paying an $80 000 hospital bill? I'd wait 10 hours rather than have to re-mortgage my home.

You talk about most meds being free . I have a health condition that will prevent me from ever getting health benefits through an employer . I also have meds , that if the Government of Ontario wouldn't cover, would cost me over $1000 every 2 weeks. Would you be able to afford an extra $2000 a month on top of all your other bills? I also have other meds that I pay out of my own pocket on a monthly basis which average about $200 a month.

So by your terms , I should have to live on the street in order to pay for my meds .... or I can live in my home and live with a condition , which if not treated with meds, can kill me?

This country (Canada) was founded on helping out your brothers and sisters no matter how bad things gets. The Me Me Me mentality is not !!!