View Full Version : working out(whats your stats if you lift)etc.

10-20-2008, 09:42 PM
hey everyone ive been in and out of workingout for awhile now and whenever i do get into it again i dont workout more than everyother day and so i wana get real serious now and go every day and start working out everything(i only do benching and curls and sum flys now). so anyway i was wondering if anybody nows ways to stay motivated and comitted to working out steady. i know one way is too see what other people do and get motivated by them and how they look and theyre success and all so i wana get this started by getting all those who workout to post your stats and even a "workout" pic if you want to and if its permitted...so this can prolly encourage and motivate not just me but anyone to stick at it,stay comitted or even give them that nudge they need to start working out too! so have at it post away oh and if anybody has any tips or pointers to beginers or just anything just post it up...oh one more thing,if your taking vitamins or suplements please post up too maybe even what kind too... so yup lets see them posts

10-20-2008, 11:04 PM
i lift 12 oz. at a time pretty regularly about every other day drinking bud lights does that count

10-21-2008, 06:25 AM
the motivation has to come from the inside.set a goal thats reachable but attainable.youll get frustrated from time to time cause your maxes wont go up but get a good workout program put together and it will go up...slowly at times but it will go up.as for supplements you can use whey protien if you want to bulk up and put on pounds. for me it didnt really help my lifting much.

10-21-2008, 08:00 AM
yeah i hear ya one that redrider91...i started with it like prolly around a year ago and hav skipped some months,im 17 and about 5'7"ish and i weigh 130lbs some days more some less and about 2weeks ago i maxed out at 210lbs and my best for curling is 100lbs 10 times on a bar though so i think i'll start up today again...thanks for the reply

10-21-2008, 08:09 AM
Its important to make sure you know the muscles that are involved. Working different muscles will help your bench tremendously if that is what you are going for. Doing bicep work is good, but you get a lot of your bench from your Triceps as well. Get those stronger and you will see your bench go up. It is also important to make sure you work your shoulders and chest as well. All of these contribute to a bench and are often overlooked for just bicep work.

10-21-2008, 09:20 AM
5'6" 165 lbs.

Bench-305 max
Have no clue about anything else because I never max out. I lift 3-4 days a week. Motivation comes from inside, just wanting to make yourself bigger and stronger than anyone else. Granted that is a huge goal but it doesn't help to keep you driven and want to achieve more in life. Also find ways why you should be in the gym rather than being like the majority and coming up with excusses on why you can't. I don't care what the lifestyle is, if you want it bad enough you can get in great shape. A lot of people I work with say they just don't have time with kids, but spend about 3 hours a night in front of the TV. But you also need to eat right and take proper supplements to gain lean mass and strength. I use Beverly products and rely on taking Ultimate Muscle Protein, Ultra Size, Ultra 40 Liver Tabs, Mass Amino Acids, Muscle Synergy, and Glutamine. And I take about 10 different vitamins a day.

10-21-2008, 09:45 AM
6' 230lbs
Bench - 325
Squat - 675
Dead lift - 585

I had been out of the loop since high school and realized 12 weeks ago I had let myself go. I hit the scale at 259 12 weeks ago and am down to 230 right now. Diet is the number 1 factor in success. I have almost cut out all my carbs and take in my body weight + protein each day. I take a multi vitamin, amino chain, omega 6, protein shakes, hydroxy cut. My goal is 215 before christmas. I want 20 inch arms, I am at 17 right now, but have some fat to cut off. When I first started I hit a cycle and it was the boost I needed to really get serious. I dont condone it and wont do it again, but I got massive results in my first six weeks.

10-21-2008, 09:50 AM
[i]and if anybody has any tips or pointers to beginers or just anything just post it up...[/B]

Focus on three core lifts, squat, dead lifts, and bench. The isolated lifts such as curls and tricep extensions are great in addition to the core lift, but focus on those three.

As for the motivation, that's up to you.

10-21-2008, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
hey everyone ive been in and out of workingout for awhile now and whenever i do get into it again i dont workout more than everyother day and so i wana get real serious now and go every day and start working out everything(i only do benching and curls and sum flys now). so anyway i was wondering if anybody nows ways to stay motivated and comitted to working out steady. i know one way is too see what other people do and get motivated by them and how they look and theyre success and all so i wana get this started by getting all those who workout to post your stats and even a "workout" pic if you want to and if its permitted...so this can prolly encourage and motivate not just me but anyone to stick at it,stay comitted or even give them that nudge they need to start working out too! so have at it post away oh and if anybody has any tips or pointers to beginers or just anything just post it up...oh one more thing,if your taking vitamins or suplements please post up too maybe even what kind too... so yup lets see them posts Looking at pictures of other people who lift will only make you more depressed that its not you haha, definately wont give you the motivation to be like that

just eat clean and pump some iron...watch what others do in the gym, ask questions...

Remember, cheat on your girlfriend...not your workouts.

10-21-2008, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
Looking at pictures of other people who lift will only make you more depressed that its not you haha, definately wont give you the motivation to be like that

just eat clean and pump some iron...watch what others do in the gym, ask questions...

Remember, cheat on your girlfriend...not your workouts.

I have to credit this man for my recent gains. I have gained a solid 7 or 8 pounds since I took some advice from him.

But I'm 5'11-195
I haven't maxed on anything in a LONG time. Last time I maxed on bench I did 305 and that was 4 months ago. I think I could probably do 315 now.
Squats- I just rep 315 for 3 sets of 12. 315 is all the weight I have so I don't have much of a choice there.
And I never do deadlifts. For some reason I just can't get into them. Haha, if you wanna know what I do, just ask Warnerade.

10-21-2008, 01:14 PM
Yeah shawn knows what he is talking about.

Dead lifts are great man.

Do those, some lat pull downs, some bent over rows, some shrugs and then hit your biceps hard and thats a good day in my opinion. Back days are my favorite, for some reason.

10-21-2008, 01:30 PM
6' - 174lbs

For racing i concentrate mainly on core, back, a little legs, shoulders, and chest. Not so much on my arms.

10-21-2008, 01:34 PM
I'm 6'1" 155lbs. I dont know my max at all anymore because I have worked out a lot since then. For leg curls and i think its leg extensions I rep 80lbs 3 sets of 12. Leg press I know I maxed out the machine i think it was like 435 and I could do more but I dont rep on that. Benching jeeze i'm weak I rep like 85lbs or something lol 3 sets of 12 on that. Arm curls I started doing less weight but more reps to work up a kind of endurance. Rowing I think I was doing 80lbs 3 sets of 12 for that. I should record my max to see my progress better rather than just being able to do 10bs more the next week or so. My legs are real strong and have a lot of endurance... my arms not so much i'm trying to focus more on that.

10-21-2008, 02:02 PM
What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

10-21-2008, 02:06 PM
badger milk

10-21-2008, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by ******101
What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend? Optimum Nutrition protein shakes mixed with water during the day...

Syntha-6 protein mixed with skim milk immeditatly before bed

10-21-2008, 02:26 PM
I thouth you drink them before working out. How does that whole protein shake/bar thing work

10-21-2008, 02:36 PM
I use to use whey powder. they come in flavors and you just put them in milk or a smoothie and it taste pretty good. When I took it I didnt feel as worn out the next day and my muscles seemed t recover better. I dont work out as much anymore but I should start.

10-21-2008, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by ******101
What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

Anything from Beverly International! Get some Ultra Size because you can do so much more with it than just make shakes. They have tons of food recipes to make with it. Or get some UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) which is 80% Casein, 20% Whey which is a slower absorbed protein perfect before bedtime. But you really need to know that a protein shake is a supplement and not a miracle drink. Just because you drink a protein shake doesn't mean you will get ripped and strong. You should count on your diet for about 80-90% of your nutritional gains. If you eat crap food, but drink a protein shake a day you are just wasting your money. Protein shakes are there to give you additional nutrients that you didn't get from your meals.

10-21-2008, 02:58 PM
when should they be taken, before or after a workout? Does it vary on the product?

10-21-2008, 02:58 PM
im 8 feet and on the off days i can curl 500

10-21-2008, 02:59 PM
Hey guys can someone post up some work outs i want to get stronger in my legs and bench

Also, what is the best creatine and whey protien to get to help gain the amout of muscle you gain?


10-21-2008, 06:50 PM
This is my routine that I have been following for about a month now, I'm about to make some changes to it, shaaaaaawn?

10-21-2008, 06:52 PM
here ya go

10-21-2008, 07:12 PM
another thing you need to do is a rotation. im on a 6 week rotation and it works pretty good.

10 8 6
10 5 10 5
5 3 5 3
3 3 3
5 5 5

im maxin out this week right now.havent done my power clean yet but i should get 195-200.squat is 385 and bench is 230.btw im 5'9 170

10-21-2008, 07:19 PM
6' 150

This august i couldnt bench 135...now im doing 175. Hopefully around 200 at christmas.

But on the internet i can do well over 275

10-21-2008, 07:20 PM
I HEARD that Michael Phelps ate 7000 calories everyday for breakfast when training

10-21-2008, 07:22 PM
derek your FBW on friday would killed me haha

heres a PM I sent to madskills a while back...you WILL see great results if you eat right.

heh, my weekly routine right now is eat whatever I want, and sit on my *** when im not at work haha.

When I used to work out ( i stopped in april ) this was my routine

Monday - chest, biceps and abs

tuesday - back and triceps

wednesday - day off

thursday - legs

friday - shoulders, rear delts, and abs

I also did this for a little bit, it was a pain in the ***...but when done right, the side profile of my chest and back looked a lot better.

monday - superset between chest and back (do one set chest, one set back...back and fourth until workout is done )

tuesday - biceps triceps and abs

wednesday day off

thursday - legs

friday shoulders rear delts and abs

either routine will work, and the nest guy will say something completely different...but these worked great for me.

for the question about protein, after workout is the most critical...but you wanna get 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, obviously protein from chicken or steak will be better than a shake...but its not always convenient. I used to drink 5-6 shakes a day depending on what I was doing outside of work.

carbs and fat are just as important as protein, but it can get down to a science and I dont really feel like explaining...ask though and I will...just dont wanna for no reason.

10-21-2008, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by tgreenz400
I HEARD that Michael Phelps ate 7000 calories everyday for breakfast when training you HEARD wrong

10-21-2008, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
you HEARD wrong yes sir

10-21-2008, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade

carbs and fat are just as important as protein, but it can get down to a science and I dont really feel like explaining...ask though and I will...just dont wanna for no reason.

Why do you have your chest/bi and back/tri set up like that? Ive heard of it being done, but with a day of rest in between.

Yeah my FBW workout it tough. My whole routine is tough I've been really trying to get back in shape.

Anyways on the protein/carb/fat, what do you think the good levels are, ive always though 40 40 20 was a good mix but lately im thinkin more like 60 20 20 is where i want to be, almost like on atkins but not completely out of the picture, and clean healthy meat.

10-21-2008, 08:25 PM
Well as for the balance, it really depends on your goal. I am trying to cut off all the blubber, so I am about 70 20 10.
has a wealth of info on this subject and a lot of members are very knowledgeable.

10-21-2008, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
you HEARD wrong

Why is he wrong? During the Olympics they were bragging that he was eating 12000 calories a day during his training.

10-21-2008, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by gojk
Why is he wrong? During the Olympics they were bragging that he was eating 12000 calories a day during his training. Dont argue. Hes always right

Im sure him and michael talk about it

10-21-2008, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
derek your FBW on friday would killed me haha

heres a PM I sent to madskills a while back...you WILL see great results if you eat right.

heh, my weekly routine right now is eat whatever I want, and sit on my *** when im not at work haha.

When I used to work out ( i stopped in april ) this was my routine

Monday - chest, biceps and abs

tuesday - back and triceps

wednesday - day off

thursday - legs

friday - shoulders, rear delts, and abs

I also did this for a little bit, it was a pain in the ***...but when done right, the side profile of my chest and back looked a lot better.

monday - superset between chest and back (do one set chest, one set back...back and fourth until workout is done )

tuesday - biceps triceps and abs

wednesday day off

thursday - legs

friday shoulders rear delts and abs

either routine will work, and the nest guy will say something completely different...but these worked great for me.

for the question about protein, after workout is the most critical...but you wanna get 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, obviously protein from chicken or steak will be better than a shake...but its not always convenient. I used to drink 5-6 shakes a day depending on what I was doing outside of work.

carbs and fat are just as important as protein, but it can get down to a science and I dont really feel like explaining...ask though and I will...just dont wanna for no reason.

Yeah like he said, that got me some pretty good results in a couple months. I was doing every muscle group in one day and getting tired of it so, I figured splitting it up would make me get back into it. Well, it definitely did.

For protein, I like to eat something lean about an hour and a half before I work out. Like tuna or chicken, and then drink a shake with 2% milk after I work out. I stay away from any kind of meat that has a lot of fat. I get most of my fat through fish and flax seed oil.

10-21-2008, 10:29 PM
Not arguing, just looking for an explanation. If you are going to slam someone down, and least show some facts as to why the person was wrong.

10-22-2008, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by gojk
Not arguing, just looking for an explanation. If you are going to slam someone down, and least show some facts as to why the person was wrong. I didnt slam anyone down, simply stated a fact. There is absolutely no need for any human being to eat that much...your body can only digest and use so much at a time before its simply crapped out. I was eating 6 full course meals in a day for a while and that was only about 4500 calories, and I dont think I coulda got anymore. Not to mention, have you seen the size of phelps? Not likely he can slam down that much food. His mid section simply isnt big enough.

12000 calories a day? Unlikely.

7000 calories in one meal? Unlikely.

7000 Calories a day? that sounds a little more like it.

Maybe im completely wrong, I dunno...but if he really was eating 12,000 in a day and 7000 just at breakfast, I'd sure like to see it.

10-22-2008, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Why do you have your chest/bi and back/tri set up like that? Ive heard of it being done, but with a day of rest in between.

Yeah my FBW workout it tough. My whole routine is tough I've been really trying to get back in shape.

Anyways on the protein/carb/fat, what do you think the good levels are, ive always though 40 40 20 was a good mix but lately im thinkin more like 60 20 20 is where i want to be, almost like on atkins but not completely out of the picture, and clean healthy meat. Its just a superset derek, keep that whole region of your body pumped up, vs. just half of the region

I've never done ratios like 40 40 20, I just went off what I was trying to do with myself at that point in time. basically always kept at 1-1,5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, no matter what..and if i was trying to diet down, I would keep my carbs around .5-1 gram, and carb load every 4th day and drop my protein intake to keep my calorie number the same. Or if I was bulking I would get the same protein numbers, with about 3-4...or even 5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight...

10-22-2008, 09:52 AM
Fox News Story (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,403803,00.html)

Fox must need to fire their journalists then.

I have found a few stories saying it is unlikely, but no proof that it is impossible or the fact that it didn't happen.

10-22-2008, 09:55 AM
anyone can say they eat like that, like I said...I'd like to actually be there to see it happen before I beleive it.

ah well, off to the strip club!

10-22-2008, 02:38 PM
I haven't lifted in a while, but when I was, after 18 weeks, my max was bench 215, squat 275, and deadlift 425. I'm 6' 4" and 185. Height isn't your friend in the weight room. I plan on getting back into, but not so much for max weight and repetition and endurance.

10-22-2008, 02:40 PM
Power clean was 175

10-22-2008, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
Height isn't your friend in the weight room.

Ain't that the truth? I'm not that tall but I have longer arms. I'm just thankful I can manage to put up what I do.

10-23-2008, 05:03 PM
I'm currently getting back into weight lifting. I was pretty good in high school.
One thing I always had trouble on was bench for some reason. I'm 6 foot and i weight about 150lbs.
I am good (i think) at power cleans, i currently can do 195

10-23-2008, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by madskrillz2
Ain't that the truth? I'm not that tall but I have longer arms. I'm just thankful I can manage to put up what I do.

why isnt height your friend in the weight room? further to move an object?

10-23-2008, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by FoxHondaRider
why isnt height your friend in the weight room? further to move an object?


10-23-2008, 07:15 PM
im a beast im 6'2 235 bench 275 yea baby

10-23-2008, 07:55 PM
i never would have thought it worked like that. I figured your body would be the same whether your short or tall. taller you have to move an object more but i giess you dont notice it. my goal is to just be able to rep 100lbs 3 sets of 12 on every machine every workout in the gym. If I could get to that I would be happy. I'm almost there hopefully in a month 'll be at that 100lbs for everything. Then I can work on endurance more and work up my cardio again back to running 7 miles a day

10-23-2008, 07:58 PM
if you can rep 100 lb's on a leg extension you better be repping a crap load more than that on the squat.

10-23-2008, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
if you can rep 100 lb's on a leg extension you better be repping a crap load more than that on the squat.

Repping 100 lbs on leg extension is pretty bad, i rep like 200 sum. But, god gave me the gift of more muscles in the ol'legs then the arms. it blows cuz the girls dont check out ur legs lol

10-24-2008, 07:01 AM
Don't go so heavy on your leg extensions, it can destroy your knees:


Just do squats, lunges, and leg press, avoid heavy and lengthy use of the leg extension machine.

As for the height thing, yea it definately works against you. Most "body builders" are going to be under 6 feet tall usually closer to 5'8.

10-24-2008, 11:24 AM
I've been bodybuilding for almost 15 years. I took a bad hit last year 07, when I had 2 back-to-back recontructive surgeries on my shoulder... labrum, rotator-cuff, acromium resection, and few other things... It has really taken a toll on me getting back in the shape I used to be in. Thankfully, I believe I've turned the corner.

For motivation, best advice I can give is: "rome wasn't built in a day". Its good to have long term goals, but set your self attainable short term goals, like weekly goals. Can be as simple as "I will lift 4 days this week for 45 minutes each". then assess if you met your goal.

Also, its hard, but try not to fall in the supplement trap... there are a few staple things to keep on hand but don't worry about having the lastest and greatest supplements, cause it is impossible to keep up with the fads and the supplement market in general.

Lifting and bodybuilding is about consistency, that means in the weight room, diet and cardio sessions, with a few added "shock days" to keep things interesting.

Also, your workouts in the gym should be no more than 40-75 minutes, after that you start to lose focus and intensity. I usually lift twice a day, for 40-45 minutes ea session. For example, if mondays are chest and bi's, I'll do chest in the a.m. and bi's in the evening, just so I'm not in there all morning or night. I try to keep my core muscles, i.e. quads, chest, back, shoulders, split up during the week, for 4 different lifts for 4 sets each, roughly. I'll throw in bi's, tri's calves, hammstrings, traps, abs, on those different days. There is a whole science on this stuff, that I have been studing for about 8 years now. But that gives you an idea.

These are my opions based on my experience, everyone is a little different in how their body reacts to stimulus but I thought I'd share, what I do.


P.S. remember it doesn't matter what you can bench, just what it looks like you can bench... :D :D I should have followed that philosophy when I was younger, and I wouldn't have had all of the shoulder problems.

10-24-2008, 12:28 PM

shrugs- 240
bench- 155
cleans- 135
deadlift- 280

Something like that.. I havent worked out in a month or so...:chinese:

10-24-2008, 02:31 PM
Don't worry about not being able to do the weight that some other guys do. You are not always going to be the strongest guy in the gym, get past it. Don't let testosterone stand in the way of using proper form and technique. Doing 12 quality reps of a lower weight will do a lot more good than 12 sloppy half reps with a heavy weight. Plus you will end up hurting yourself. I have a lot more respect for beginners in the gym who use low weight and have good form than some idiot walking around just stacking on weight to impress someone. And I can't stress enough that their isn't a "best" or "magical" supplement out there that will get you shredded without hard work and diet. Just start small, stay focused, invest your time at the gym not spend it, lift smart, and don't let slow progress get you down. Give it time and you will slowly see the benefits.

10-24-2008, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by woodsman250r
Don't worry about not being able to do the weight that some other guys do. You are not always going to be the strongest guy in the gym, get past it. Don't let testosterone stand in the way of using proper form and technique. Doing 12 quality reps of a lower weight will do a lot more good than 12 sloppy half reps with a heavy weight. Plus you will end up hurting yourself. I have a lot more respect for beginners in the gym who use low weight and have good form than some idiot walking around just stacking on weight to impress someone. And I can't stress enough that their isn't a "best" or "magical" supplement out there that will get you shredded without hard work and diet. Just start small, stay focused, invest your time at the gym not spend it, lift smart, and don't let slow progress get you down. Give it time and you will slowly see the benefits.

Yeah. Like he said don't worry about what other people are doing. You don't have to bench press 400 pounds to be strong. I hate when someone weighs around 250 and maxes out at 300 and wants to brag about it.

10-24-2008, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
if you can rep 100 lb's on a leg extension you better be repping a crap load more than that on the squat.

i do 80lbs right now on leg extensions. If anything leg press ruins your knees because you have to lift so much to get a workout. I never feel the burn on a leg press I just feel it putting stress on my knees.

10-24-2008, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by FoxHondaRider
i do 80lbs right now on leg extensions. If anything leg press ruins your knees because you have to lift so much to get a workout. I never feel the burn on a leg press I just feel it putting stress on my knees. :huh

You shouldnt be waddling after you get off the leg press, squat, or hack squat...

10-24-2008, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade

You shouldnt be waddling after you get off the leg press, squat, or hack squat...


10-24-2008, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade

You shouldnt be waddling after you get off the leg press, squat, or hack squat...

waddling? Its like no matter how much i do on leg presses its just lifting weight and i'm not gaining anything. Other machines I will feel it but leg presses its almost like a waste of time. I just dont see how leg extensions kills your knees your just bending your legs out to make them straight with weight on top of them. Leg presses weight is being pushed upwards on your legs rather than the way they flex.

10-24-2008, 07:45 PM
if your the type of goon I'm thinking of in the gym...add more weight, do more reps and kiss your knees when you comes down.

10-25-2008, 04:21 PM
hey thanks everyone for all the info and stuff it apreciated.is it bad to workout the same muscles every day(well mayb 2 days off in a week)? becouse i aint into working out my legs and i dont run either all i baisicly want is to look good or as troybilt said make it look like i can bench alot,or in other words im working out to look good not so much for strength. so all i workout is chest shoulders and arms(im blessed wth a 6pack that i never worked for so i dont have 2 wory about abs) so is there any tips or types of workouts to make that all a lot biger or i should say whats the best workouts for those parts? by the way i take shaklee vitamins each day about 10ish a day and i take a soy protien shake everyday and somtimes an afterworkout rebuilding shake from shaklee and i dont eat junk food and mayb have on average 2 sodas a month mayb 3 somtimes less and my mom makes good healthy food couse she's like a health freak person(sorta cept for the freak part) and i have my own weights at home and do not go too the gym.

10-25-2008, 04:23 PM
oh and has anybody seen or heard of this http://www.stemulite.com/ i saw it online on the yahoo home page and looked at it,wats yall think?

10-25-2008, 04:36 PM
dont over traint your muscles... work out each muscle once a week, they need time to repair

10-25-2008, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
dont over traint your muscles... work out each muscle once a week, they need time to repair

Yea, what he said. You can workout the secondary muscles like bis, tris, calves, etc... more than once but give yourself 2-3 days in bw for recovery. Keep to a 5 day or 4 day split to give yourself plenty of recovery time. Like 2 days on, 1 day off... etc...

Take somewhere bw. 1-2 grams of protien per lb of body weight, I shoot for 2-2.5. Also, most claim its best to take 20-30 gms of protien post workout, within 20 minutes after the workout. I done both pre workout and post workout, I've personally had the best results with protien post workout. Try to get as much protien as you can from solid food, don't rely on shakes for 80% of your daily protien intake.

hey good luck to ya. T

10-25-2008, 11:46 PM
Picked up some creatine and protein at gnnc

Wheyabolic extreme 60


Amap 189 creatine pills

10-25-2008, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Gray33
Picked up some creatine and protein at gnnc

Wheyabolic extreme 60


Amap 189 creatine pills

i thought creatine screws up something in your body after awhile?

10-26-2008, 03:43 AM
ya it makes your weiner smaller

10-26-2008, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
ya it makes your weiner smaller