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View Full Version : Treverton Coal Piles

10-19-2008, 09:32 PM
who else has been there before? my friends finally talked me into it this weekend and wow i was impressed. id say it rivals breezewood, probably the most fun weekend ive ever had riding, although this is one time i do wish i still had my quad. i bet you could ride for a few weeks and not cover all the trails and piles, the place is huge. i love rolling down main street with the huge coal mountains sticking straight up in the background. i have a bunch of videos ill have to post sometime.

10-19-2008, 09:38 PM
I've always called them the east coast's redneck dunes! There's nothing like leaving there covered in nasty black dust from head to toe hockin up nasty loogies for the next week, Makes it worth it enough to go back the following weekend lol! :devil:

10-19-2008, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Makes it worth it enough to go back the following weekend lol! :devil:

haha yup thats the plan...

10-19-2008, 10:00 PM
haha or when you sneeze and it's black slime. It's gross. Never been there, but most of the slate pits are the same way around here.

So have you had the yzf to a track yet? I honestly have no idea when I'll make it up to rocket again. It's a pretty cool track, but honestly, not worth the drive when I have so many local tracks around here to choose from! Next season though I'll be up. haha I only made it up once this year. Planned on going up in june, but a broken back kinda delayed that.

10-20-2008, 04:53 AM
yea i was at the rocket 2 days after i got it, ill probably be up again in hunting season.

10-20-2008, 05:43 AM
haha now the next question is how'd you do? The next time I'm up there I'd like to work on the step up before the finish line and the step down on the down hill. Those are really the only things I'm not really doing there. The double after the table top is sketchy sometimes too. Sometimes I can nail it perfect without a problem, and other times it just feels like I don't have enough speed.

10-20-2008, 11:23 AM
Im planning on heading up there within the next week or two. Im gonna take the rhino's up there though. I cant wait, ive heard the area is alot of fun. I think we are also heading to the minersville? area. Only part that sucks is i gotta drive all the way up there first to get the permit to ride up there. I know alot of people ride there without them, but it would be my luck getting caught and busted. So i figured ill play it safe. Anyone know of any other good spots around the area?

thank you

10-20-2008, 04:32 PM
tower city, mt caramel, theres a few more, ive never been at any of them though. you will have fun at treverton, theres trails and piles everywhere and more hill climbs than you could ever count. the only thing in a rhino is theres a lot of whoops... whoops on the trails, in the turns, up the hills, in the driveways, theres even whoops on the whoops.. i didnt mind it much though, i kinda like them and i know i improved a lot over the weekend on whoops. as for the permit, we all ride without them. i dont know of anyone that has one and ive never heard of anyone getting caught. i dont think cops are a big issue up there. sit along the road on a sunday afternoon and you'll see half cars and half quads/bikes flying up the roads. it doesnt hurt to play it safe though... someone told me once you get on the piles they cant do anything, they have to catch you going in. any truth to that?

10-20-2008, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
haha now the next question is how'd you do? The next time I'm up there I'd like to work on the step up before the finish line and the step down on the down hill. Those are really the only things I'm not really doing there. The double after the table top is sketchy sometimes too. Sometimes I can nail it perfect without a problem, and other times it just feels like I don't have enough speed.

well it was my first time on the bike. i putted around our yard when i first got it, then went to the rocket without any experience on a bike lol bad idea. i was hitting only those smaller doubles (it was the first time i ever jumped a bike) but i sucked so bad i was so pissed. i got a lot more seattime now and i was at breezewood the other weekend hitting just about every jump so now im decent at jumping and at treverton i got whoops down so id like to see how i do at the rocket agian. i know im gonna hit the table in the back and the finish line double and id like to get through the whoops/rhythym section. we need to go at the same time, it'd be nice to have another 250f to pace off for some of those bigger jumps.

10-20-2008, 05:12 PM
I ride up there every chance I get. I plan on being up there in December. The police aren't really an issue if you don't act like a hammerhead. I ride with the locals and never had a problem.

10-20-2008, 06:17 PM
anyone else ever see an old VW bug there? saturday and sunday he was there, the thing was sick. i have no idea what kind of engine it had but it was climbing some of the piles.

and i was watching the huevos 7 part where they're there, its pretty cool watching them ride in the same places you do. those drop ins they do are crazy though:eek2: i have some cool shots of my friend on a 450r dropping into the one whole but its no nearly as big as dunk.

10-20-2008, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
well it was my first time on the bike. i putted around our yard when i first got it, then went to the rocket without any experience on a bike lol bad idea. i was hitting only those smaller doubles (it was the first time i ever jumped a bike) but i sucked so bad i was so pissed. i got a lot more seattime now and i was at breezewood the other weekend hitting just about every jump so now im decent at jumping and at treverton i got whoops down so id like to see how i do at the rocket agian. i know im gonna hit the table in the back and the finish line double and id like to get through the whoops/rhythym section. we need to go at the same time, it'd be nice to have another 250f to pace off for some of those bigger jumps.

The double after the table is pretty much all commitment. When you do it, you're like wow that was easy! When you clear the table, just keep on the gas and you'll hit it nice and smooth. I still haven't had my yzf up there. Next season we'll figure out a day and I'll head up.

10-20-2008, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
The double after the table is pretty much all commitment. When you do it, you're like wow that was easy! When you clear the table, just keep on the gas and you'll hit it nice and smooth. I still haven't had my yzf up there. Next season we'll figure out a day and I'll head up.

yea sounds good.

i was hosing down my bike tonight and i dont think i ever posted any pictures on here of it yet so here she is. im going for the plain look for now until i get some new 09 graphics from a local shop. im thinking either a black/white setup or throw the white plastics on and get some blue graphics goin:ermm: either way the rims are getting painted black this winter:cool:


10-20-2008, 08:05 PM
anyone have any good pics or videos of the coal piles?

i promise ill throw the videos i got up sometime

10-20-2008, 08:31 PM
looks good! I have some plans for mine this winter. I'd like to get my suspension done by PR2. If I have the money, full graphics, new rims, and some other little things here and there.

here's my hog. I still don't have any pics with the new chain and sprockets either...





10-20-2008, 10:02 PM
yea i have alot of pics ill post some up tommrow. i just got done riding the coal hills all weekend. i mostly ride at freeland. does anyone go there

10-21-2008, 12:35 AM
Jesse, you can find a whole crap load of trevorton coal pile vids on youtube with buggies, motorcycles and atv's riding them.

10-21-2008, 09:15 AM
that place is bad ***. was there a couple of weeks ago...and trying to go back this saturday. check out this thread. treverton (http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=367905)

im on the kx and 400ex. there are a bunch of vids in the link he gives...this place is the best place i have been to to ride yet.

10-21-2008, 09:56 AM

10-26-2008, 04:16 PM
Ah!!!!!!!!!! My home town.

11-22-2008, 03:17 PM
I have a couple of treverton videos @ www.youtube.com
search for joeker360

here is a pic 4 ya.

11-22-2008, 03:24 PM
another pic