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10-19-2008, 03:07 PM
Just wondering how many lease there vehicles rather than buy them. I was thinking about leasing instead of buying a new one cuz it seems like it would be a better deal for me but im still doing my research. So just seeing who out there prefers to lease over buying.

10-19-2008, 03:32 PM
im kinda in the same boat as you, ive always bought everything ive gotten..... when i first got my liscense i had a really old mustang given to me by family that was held together by rust.... and since then ive just saved and traded till i was able to hook the 04 f150 i got now and next year im gonna try to get a 07-09 ram or tundra with all the bells or whistles and im in the thought proccess if i should just wait a few years and buy one or pay a healthy down payment next year on one.....

10-19-2008, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by 450rRacer22
Just wondering how many lease there vehicles rather than buy them. I was thinking about leasing instead of buying a new one cuz it seems like it would be a better deal for me but im still doing my research. So just seeing who out there prefers to lease over buying.

Just to answer your question, there is a reason people will lease you a car, and it is because they make as much or more money off of it.

Ultimately it is your call, you may have to take on more insurance that you normally would, there is usually hefty penalties if you go over so many miles and that is where they will really try to rope you into being a lifetime leaser through them. (rollover over mileage) and you really can't modify it if you are a sound system or exhaust type person unless you are going to change it back to stock.

But, if you don't have much of a downpayment, or someone is giving out great lease rates then go for it.

10-19-2008, 03:56 PM
I don't see the point in leasing for the consumers stand point. You pay so much a month when that would be the payment to own the car.:cool:

10-19-2008, 05:01 PM
when I get older I'm most likley gonna lease my daily driver, but own a car such as a Porsche/vette etc, to mess around in.

10-19-2008, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
I don't see the point in leasing for the consumers stand point. You pay so much a month when that would be the payment to own the car.:cool:

The other way of looking at it, is that if you go with a 3 years lease , you're in a new vehicle every 3 years .... which will include bumper to bumper warranty.

Leases have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage .... new vehicle at lease end, no worries about warranty, great for companies if they purchase the unlimited mileage, if the gas prices are really affecting you at the end of the lease you can go with a smaller vehicle, you can buy out at the end of the lease and own it.

Disadvantage... You don't own the vehicle, if you put on a lot of miles you need to buy extra mileage or pay for it at lease end, you have to pay for any damage to the vehicle ( scratches, cracked windshield, etc).

My dad leases his Dodge truck , it's his first time leasing a vehcile and he likes it. It gave him the opportunity to try out the truck. He added some genuine Mopar accessories ( bedliner and running boards) which Dodge will reimburse him for when he returns the truck ( unless he decides to pull them off). Also he doesn't put very many miles on it since he lives out in the bush ....the truck only gets used when he comes into town to do groceries or for appointments ... all other times his old 94 Ram get's used.... he'll be reimbursed for being under his mileage.

10-19-2008, 05:42 PM
So if you throw on a exhaust and whatnot, they will reimburse you for it? Or does it have a limit.

10-19-2008, 06:00 PM
why would anyone lease? because they cant afford to buy, cant afford to buy? why rent ? buy what you can afford and use it as long as possible then buy a new one that you can afford and pay for it, thats the way i think.....

10-19-2008, 06:31 PM
my mom is thinking about leasing a new one in the off season so i can have hers. the payments are considerably lower if you lease. after i thought about it, idk why anyone would buy a car.

10-20-2008, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
So if you throw on a exhaust and whatnot, they will reimburse you for it? Or does it have a limit.

I'm guessing that it would be up to the dealership whether to allow it or not. The stuff my dad put on the truck were genuine Mopar accessories right from the dealership and had them install it so they'll reimburder him for it when the lease is done. It basically adds value to the truck when the dealership turns around to sell the truck.

SRH ... leasing doesn't have to mean you can't afford the vehicle. My old man can take that $500 a month and put it towards owning a vehicle , but he'd rather lease and get into a new model every 3 years. And as I said , he doesn't have to worry about his warranty running out or having to dish out the $$ if something goes wrong with it since it's a lease... just bring it into the dealership and pick it up later in the day.

Many dealerships will also offer bonus incentives like free oil changes , free fluids , etc for the term of your lease.

10-20-2008, 08:42 AM
I think that would be my only problem with leasing a truck is if i cant put the parts on it that i want. Has anybody ever leased a used vehicle before? When i say used i dont mean like a 2 or 3 year old vehicle just one that is maybe a year old with like 20-30 thousand miles on it. I was reading a lil bit about leasing used vehicles because 40,000 dollar truck just isnt in my price range right now to lease or buy.

10-20-2008, 02:03 PM
yeah but at the end of the lease of making the payments your left with nothing thats what i cant grasp, i mean maybe for the elderly or the very well off its a good way of doing things because of the vehicle care but to me for people just starting off financially its not the best way to go about things

10-20-2008, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by CaseDawg350
my mom is thinking about leasing a new one in the off season so i can have hers. the payments are considerably lower if you lease. after i thought about it, idk why anyone would buy a car.

because eventually, it will be paid off and it is YOURS... it'll only cost you money to maintain it, keep it legal, and to fill the tank.

10-20-2008, 03:58 PM
Bingo! I would be 10 feet deep in **** if my truck wasn't paided off.:o

tim colston
10-21-2008, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by SRH
why would anyone lease? because they cant afford to buy, cant afford to buy? why rent ? buy what you can afford and use it as long as possible then buy a new one that you can afford and pay for it, thats the way i think.....

I would agree to a point. The only reason, I THINK, is if you can write the car off totally. My dad leases one of his business vehicles for that reason alone. That would be the only way I would ever lease a car.

10-21-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Disadvantage... You don't own the vehicle, if you put on a lot of miles you need to buy extra mileage or pay for it at lease end, you have to pay for any damage to the vehicle ( scratches, cracked windshield, etc).
The not owning the vehicle only applies if you buy outright because if you think about it anytime you finance the bank is actually who owns the vehicle not you so that is out.

right now is a good time to lease a truck or SUV because of the way their values are dropping. We leased a 4-runner almost 3 years ago and if we were to trade it in right now we would be upside down (owe more than it is worth) but in a couple of months we just bring it back and we owe nothing.

10-21-2008, 03:44 PM
This is how i have always looked at things

NEED a down payment. Typically these run about $2500 for most cars under teh $40000 mark. Then, the payments each month vary between 200-450. At the end of the three years, you are chit outta luck. Lets run through a rough estimate of 3 years of a lease.

2500 to start

Say a $300 a month payment for 36 months. 10800.

Total being 13300.

Where does that 13300 go after the three years? No one knows. Lets take a look at purchasing a vehicle.

You dont always need a down payment. At the end of the three years, what ever money you invested is still yours and not the banks. You also dont need to worry about little things like damages that would cost you hundreds if it happened on a lease and you dont need to watch your milage. Only downside is the payments may be a little more expensive.

The only time i would lease a car is if it were like a porsche or something else of that nature that would be really hard to afford the monthly payments. Anyway, thats my $0.02

10-21-2008, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by 99TRDTaco
The not owning the vehicle only applies if you buy outright because if you think about it anytime you finance the bank is actually who owns the vehicle not you so that is out.

i was waiting for someone to mention this

im leasing my truck now only because i had too much negitive equity do to 2 piece of **** cars in a row. after this lease is up, i will be buying my next truck

10-22-2008, 10:00 AM
I buy my vehicles, but I drive a lot and would surpass the milegae caps.

here is a good rule of thumb.

You buy things that appreciate in value and Lease thinge that depreciate in value

tim colston
10-22-2008, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by initall
I buy my vehicles, but I drive a lot and would surpass the milegae caps.

here is a good rule of thumb.

You buy things that appreciate in value and Lease thinge that depreciate in value

I would like to know of any current car or truck that is out there on the market, that would appreciate in value? :confused: