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View Full Version : Sick of it all......

10-15-2008, 07:18 PM
I just cant seem to stay healthy. A few weeks back I detached a rib from my breast plate and dealt with that until mid week last week. This past saturday, while shooting a race in Ohio, I developed an absess behind a tooth and dealt with that pain until monday when they were able to pull it. Woke up this morning and did not feel the need to take any pain medication and no sooner told my wife that fact when I turned and my back went out

Im only 38 years old, my only vice is cigarettes, I dont drink etc....but man I cant take falling apart No matter how careful I am, no matter how well I try and eat healthy, it just seems I cant get over always having a dang injury or alot of pain. Its to the point I even get tired of complaining about it all!

I've lost weight, infact i've lost 4 pants sizes since july! With my foot feeling better from breaking it last year, I have gotten stronger and do alot of walking and hiking now. My shoulder, that had been killing me since February finally started not hurting just before I tore my chest up....story of my life!

Maybe I need some spirituality in my life, if anyone knows the answer to it all, please let me know! I would just hate to give in to teh fact that this is life and it will only get more painfull and worse the older I get!

Sorry for dropping the whining bag, I just know my family is running out of answers even though they see the effects of this crap daily and I know even they have to be getting tired of it.

10-15-2008, 07:31 PM
Prayer can go a long way buddy :)

10-15-2008, 07:36 PM
hey i here ya man, last winter i tweaked my knee pretty bad while snowboardin and the the year before that i sprained my ankle pretty bad and both of the injuries bother me from from fall to spring but i guess thts what happens when ur playin sports over half the year

10-15-2008, 07:39 PM
Ken I know how you feel man .... I'm always on an up and down with my health... but you gotta stay positive. As bad as you think you have it , someone else would love to trade their health for yours.

But I think I know the answer to why this is happening .... it seems like you're always on the go go go. Maybe it's time to take a break from things for a little while. Take a vacation or even just say "Screw it .. this week I'm not doing anything" . Many times , health problems start happening when people are over worked, over stressed ... it's the body's way of telling you " Hey I need a break"

ANyways , I'm no health expert , but take the advice for what it's worth . Hope ya start feeling better soon.

10-15-2008, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Honda or DI3
hey i here ya man, last winter i tweaked my knee pretty bad while snowboardin and the the year before that i sprained my ankle pretty bad and both of the injuries bother me from from fall to spring but i guess thts what happens when ur playin sports over half the year

I could handle it if I were rcing or playing sports...im just muddling through life:eek2:

10-15-2008, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Ken I know how you feel man .... I'm always on an up and down with my health... but you gotta stay positive. As bad as you think you have it , someone else would love to trade their health for yours.

But I think I know the answer to why this is happening .... it seems like you're always on the go go go. Maybe it's time to take a break from things for a little while. Take a vacation or even just say "Screw it .. this week I'm not doing anything" . Many times , health problems start happening when people are over worked, over stressed ... it's the body's way of telling you " Hey I need a break"

AMEN to the first part, I know people thata re far worse off then myself and thank god every day for what I have and for their benefit and peace.

As for the second part....

In february when I left a fulltime job, I thought I would be well rested and be able to enjoy life more. And for the most part thats true. But the more downtime I seem to have the more friggon things seem to be going wrong. I spoke briefly to my doc and she said she felt taht due to the heavy lifting I had done most of my life is catching up to me now that I dont do it any longer. Most of my body aches are coming from arthritis and joint problems. LOL I let Santo Derisi's wife feel my shoulder when I rasied it and she almost puked haha....its like gravel:(

I think when we finally get health insurance again I am going to have to let the docs break out the knife and see what they can do because I cant take much more of this crap. Ive been sucking pain killers like candy for 3 weeks, and they make me so sick I detest taking them. Im using joint medicene for old people, what the hell is it going to be like when I do get old:p I smell so much like ben gay that I am pretty sure my wifes sense of smell is toast:eek2:

Im not giving up by any means, just venting a little for my mental health:D

10-15-2008, 08:04 PM
I know how you feel ive been playing sports and riding for a while and all my injuries have been from just weird stuff not from sports or riding ive pulled muscles stiches broken bones nothing from somthing intense just from some weird day to day stuff but maybe you should give it a break take it easy for a little i dont really know you but you sure seem buisy from what ive seen around here and dont worry it could always be worse ive been not able to walk or do anything for the past 2 months the first month i was in the hospital the whole time and have another month till i can start trying to walk again because i crashed a dirtbike and screwed myself up pretty bad..im no expert but id say keep up the eating healthy and maybe take it easy here and there you maybe be going through a ruff patch keep your head up..hope i could help

10-15-2008, 08:05 PM
Your gettin old Pappy!:blah:

10-15-2008, 08:07 PM
Pappy sounds like you have had a pretty physical life. I know that exercising makes me feel great. Not to mention it strengthen your body, makes it harder for you to get injured. Also I have stopped drinking soda for the last 3 weeks. Your body needs a fair amount of water to rejuvenate your joints and disk between your vertebra. Joints can become stiff and ache. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Soon to be 36 on oct 30.

Just a thought.

(Not a doctor, but I play one on the internet)


10-15-2008, 08:11 PM
Gave up daily soda's in june, couldnt agree more!!! tahts why i lost the weight.

Ive been advised to do low impact excersise due to my back...im in a no win situation:p

10-15-2008, 08:21 PM
Kenny,we need to go on a good 'ole fishing trip.That cures all kinds of stuff :)

10-15-2008, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by wvspeedfreak
Kenny,we need to go on a good 'ole fishing trip.That cures all kinds of stuff :)

after next week, the water temp should be down enough to go after walleye and crappie. I wont forget you when we start making plans;)

we wanted to fish alot in september but was scared that due to my shoulder and then chest late in the month that if I fell in i wouldnt be able to swim much less save one of the kids:ermm: pretty damn pathetic for me to be in this state. im more mad then i am upset or feeling pity on myself.

10-15-2008, 09:19 PM
i can relate i think im gonna start prayin

10-15-2008, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by SRH
i can relate i think im gonna start prayin

LOL..didnt I tell you the other night that your going to get walking again and in 20 years be *****ing just like me:p

10-15-2008, 09:58 PM
Pappy, sorry to hear that you are strugglin. I saw you all weekend long at Powerline park with 8 cameras around your neck walking from spot to spot. Thought about introducing myself, but decided to bother a busy man.

Unrelated, but I saw how all of you photographers showed ya'lls pictures to each other at the first turn. Good to know all of ya get along like that. I was actually impressed.

10-15-2008, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

Im only 38 years old, my only vice is cigarettes, I dont drink etc....but man I cant take falling apart No matter how careful I am, no matter how well I try and eat healthy, it just seems I cant get over always having a dang injury or alot of pain. Its to the point I even get tired of complaining about it all!

Welcome to the almost 40's :ermm:

But seriously Iv'e got a few years on you (not many though) and I devote more time to my health and wellbeing now than ever before. My general health and endurance is as good as it's ever been and even better in some ways - b u t I find I come off the boil very fast if I take my eye off the ball or get a virus, injured or just get lazy.

Exercise and diet have become everything to me and I rarely put anything in my mouth that doesn't have some nutritional value.

Hang in there

10-15-2008, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44

Unrelated, but I saw how all of you photographers showed ya'lls pictures to each other at the first turn. Good to know all of ya get along like that. I was actually impressed.

Usually when there is a wreck we all kid each other about who got the best shot of it...I usually win:devil: :blah:

10-16-2008, 08:15 AM
Funny this should come up. My Grandpa just told me a couple weeks ago that growing old isn't for pu$$ies.:D

I do know some people have had really good success with some natural supplements. My grandparents took/take Noni juice. They swear by it. Another natural supplement I have heard about was Reliv and a buddy of mines wife sales it and his father who was diagnosed with cancer a year or so ago started taking it and within 6 months and no other treatment he was cancer free. If I didn't know the guy I would say Bull $hit but it seemed to work for him. Also exercise would be a huge benefit to your health. Even something low impact that isn't in your normal routine. You need to push the body not just maintain it. i.e. if you walk 10 miles every day that is great but eventually your body will get use to it and you will not see any further beneifits, you need to try walking it faster each time.

Just some ideas. Keep your head up mental wellness is as important as physical wellness.

10-16-2008, 08:25 AM
well your not alone my friend, You know I went to shoot for huevos this past weekend, did a couple shoots nice brisk ride to get a feel for the track. stopped an bang couldn't walk, messed up a disk in my back its touchin the cord in my back been a couple days lots a meds an I can finally get up and walk around again. crappy part is I didnt take any crazy hits.:confused: this is the second time

10-16-2008, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
after next week, the water temp should be down enough to go after walleye and crappie. I wont forget you when we start making plans;)

we wanted to fish alot in september but was scared that due to my shoulder and then chest late in the month that if I fell in i wouldnt be able to swim much less save one of the kids:ermm: pretty damn pathetic for me to be in this state. im more mad then i am upset or feeling pity on myself.

Fishing solves all life's problems.

This time of year it's a good idea to start wearing life jackets while out on the water. With water temps dropping pretty quickly , if you fall in you won't last more than a few minutes ... your body will start shutting down and hypothermia will set in and you'll drown.

Atleast with a life jacket , once hypothermia sets in and your arms and legs are useless , you'll still keep afloat and last a LOT longer in the water.

This time of year I don't step foot into the boat without my Mustang Floater jacket ... it's just too risky.

Just a tad bit of advice for everyone.

10-16-2008, 10:38 AM
I feel for you Ken, all the inspirational crap has been said so I don't bring anything good to the table here. What I can say is light exercise that gradually gets a little tougher seems to be working for me. I do know the feeling you have though. You'll be good to go just don't over do it. Proper rest,diet,and exercise will help over time you just gotta get in the mind set to do it and do it hard.

10-16-2008, 11:13 AM
Gotta give up the cig's dude
I have friends that are dieing
as young as 50 because of it
I would start there and I bet
you will start feeling alot stronger

10-16-2008, 11:36 AM
After 5 years of riding and breaking 2 wrist and an ankle and having shoulder surgery - Nate was kinda hurting.
A fellow rider introduce him to MONAVIE. It is full of glacosomene and works wonders on your joints and inflamation. We have been taking it for a year now and feel great.
I - the mom - had a back injury about 10 years ago and have tried everything. I was on 800 mg of ibuprofen 3-4 times a week. My inflamed back was hitting my nerve and shooting pain down my leg. The MONAVIE keeps the inflamation down enough to take that pain away.
email me with your address and I will send you a case to try for free. enmorello@aol.com
I think this will help and would like you to try it.
Let me know - Beverly Morello

10-16-2008, 04:06 PM
Beer can fix anything.....;) Get well buddy.....:macho

10-16-2008, 04:38 PM
I'm only 30, and after a hard day of riding with all my teenage and early 20's riding buddies I can hardly stagger around. Then I see Gust out there, winning Nationals?? Do you think he gets stove up like us humans?

I guess that really doesn't have much to do with this thread, but maybe we can learn something from his daily life. Most of the tough old farts around here are really active. Like feeding cows, working in the hayfield, running chainsaws, stuff like that. So, I don't think slowing down helps. One old farmer around here was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago. They said it was all throughout his body. Told him to slow down. They didn't give him any hope at all. I still see him everyday on my way to work at 6:30 and on my way home sometimes after 8:00 pm still working. Feeding his cows, moving hay, or something. I say activity and TRYING to do what God wants you to do. Notice I said trying. :)

10-16-2008, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by smartypants
Beer can fix anything.....;) Get well buddy.....:macho

I know some people , that know some people , that can hook him up with stuff that'll take away his pain for a few hours. :bandit: You might think that the Cookie Monster and Big Bird are hanging out with you , but what the hell ... the pain is gone. :p

Just joking !!

10-17-2008, 05:26 AM
I think you need some rest! your awake for too long and work yourself to death and the body never has time to repair it's self. :)

10-17-2008, 10:38 AM
i just turned 42 and im in pretty good health..

i can still climb a rope, trees, etc... do pull ups, sit ups, push ups and outrun many of my son's friends..

my secret(if anyone would call it that)..
i drink about a quart of OJ per day, every day and stick with clear fluids most of the time..(water or water with those drink mixes) and milk over cereal.(non-factory swwtened)

i eat veggies and 'bran" laden things to keep everything moving as it should..(seeing your garden in pics, i expect you chow veggies alot as well)

and i havent smoked in 6yrs. $4+ per pack was too much to bear and i was getting tired walking up stairs or riding. also, i love being able to fully smell and taste things again..

also, only tiny low fat/sugar snacks after lunch(like wheat crackers) and never after dinner. this helps to keep my blood sugar in check and keeps my stomach from growling..
i believe my blood sugar control is really making the difference..

BTW. check your blood sugar levels, its very important at our ages and can make the difference between fully aware/alert and lumbering through the day feeling weak.
most are free-clinic checkups, so shop around.

also, i try to get between 6 and 8hrs sleep a night..

as for your broken/bent body parts.. well.. stupid middle age and slower healing..

10-18-2008, 04:27 PM
Stop whinning you big baby

10-18-2008, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Doug Hansing
Stop whinning you big baby

I'll get your mom to post how hard I can still throw it, you little *****.

10-19-2008, 06:27 PM
ha yeah, everyone has **** to complain about, this threads probably gonna go a long way...

10-19-2008, 06:33 PM
when you said your vice is smoking you mean you smoke? That definitely can't be helping out your health. And maybe get some more sleep. Seems like you are always working and never take time to relax. Get well soon

did you banned that guy for calling you a big baby:eek2: Man he was definitly joking and you can't post a thread like this without getting a little ribbing

10-19-2008, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by coryatver
when you said your vice is smoking you mean you smoke? That definitely can't be helping out your health. And maybe get some more sleep. Seems like you are always working and never take time to relax. Get well soon

cigarettes as in smoke...no puff the ganja:p

I know they are deffinatley affecting me and ive tried quiting a zillion times.

I also agree with the staying active which i try to do. I know i cant run a race these days or do 1/2 the things I used to thanks to the arthritis. Id rather deal with a specific injury I think then to deal with this stuff. I do all i can every day, some days its alot some days it isnt much. I really noticed how much it was affecting me when it came to do things I absolutley love to do....like hunting and such. The past few years has me recovering more then hunting and folks, if that doesnt tell you how I feel and that the pain is real I dont know what will. I hunted on my wedding day:devil:

I talk with others my age and some are starting to feel their age, but like Gust was mentioned and even a week ago I hung out with a 38 year old rider who is in better shape then I probably ever have been. I knw we are all different and life has dealt us different cards to play, it just doesnt seem logical that at 38 I should be having issues that in most folks dont show up until their late 50's. My dad died at 58...so it concerns me greatly.

As far as the sleep, I get more then most and since my sickness in 2005, have no problem taking several naps during the day. BTW...only signs of that illness left is the shakeyness and I still get some dizzy spells and what not. I will have to ask my doctor if that stuff affects the joints:confused:

10-19-2008, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
cigarettes as in smoke...no puff the ganja:p

I know they are deffinatley affecting me and ive tried quiting a zillion times.

I also agree with the staying active which i try to do. I know i cant run a race these days or do 1/2 the things I used to thanks to the arthritis. Id rather deal with a specific injury I think then to deal with this stuff. I do all i can every day, some days its alot some days it isnt much. I really noticed how much it was affecting me when it came to do things I absolutley love to do....like hunting and such. The past few years has me recovering more then hunting and folks, if that doesnt tell you how I feel and that the pain is real I dont know what will. I hunted on my wedding day:devil:

I talk with others my age and some are starting to feel their age, but like Gust was mentioned and even a week ago I hung out with a 38 year old rider who is in better shape then I probably ever have been. I knw we are all different and life has dealt us different cards to play, it just doesnt seem logical that at 38 I should be having issues that in most folks dont show up until their late 50's. My dad died at 58...so it concerns me greatly.

As far as the sleep, I get more then most and since my sickness in 2005, have no problem taking several naps during the day. BTW...only signs of that illness left is the shakeyness and I still get some dizzy spells and what not. I will have to ask my doctor if that stuff affects the joints:confused:

Hey paps, I recently quit smoking and the gum worked really really well for me. Its been about a month now and still going strong. The biggest thing is you half to WANT to stop smoking not think you need to quit.

10-19-2008, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by coryatver
when you said your vice is smoking you mean you smoke? That definitely can't be helping out your health. And maybe get some more sleep. Seems like you are always working and never take time to relax. Get well soon

did you banned that guy for calling you a big baby:eek2: Man he was definitly joking and you can't post a thread like this without getting a little ribbing

We banned him cause he has been on the chit list for a while. He deserved the Ban Hammer

10-20-2008, 12:15 PM
If you smoke, quit cold turkey now. You will be amazed what just doing that will do for your body. Also get supplements to take. Take things like glutamine, protein, glucoseamine (sp?), amino acids, and a healthy vitamin stash. Drink about 5-8 glasses of water a day and cut any fast food or highly processed foods. Get yourself a cheap home gym and some dumb bells and put together some 45 minute workouts using light weight but high reps for cardio that won't strain the joints. Also if you don't already have one, get a bicycle of some kind for a low impact cardio workout. And judging by your pics you have some decent land with hills. Make a nice hiking trail with some hills to build up your back and legs without putting a ton of strain on them. Also try to eat as clean as possible. Cut all junk such as candy, pizza, hot dogs, and fried foods. Stick to veggies and fruits for snacks and rely on chicken breast, tuna, baked fish, venison and shrimp for your meats and poultry. Stay clear of red beef as much as possible unless it is grass fed cattle. I am a firm believer that a healthy diet and lifestyle will replace a great deal of dependency of perscription drugs. Doing these things should slowly help with your aches and pains! Don't underestimate the power of a healthy diet and exercise! :macho

10-20-2008, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by woodsman250r
If you smoke, quit cold turkey now. You will be amazed what just doing that will do for your body. Also get supplements to take. Take things like glutamine, protein, glucoseamine (sp?), amino acids, and a healthy vitamin stash. Drink about 5-8 glasses of water a day and cut any fast food or highly processed foods. Get yourself a cheap home gym and some dumb bells and put together some 45 minute workouts using light weight but high reps for cardio that won't strain the joints. Also if you don't already have one, get a bicycle of some kind for a low impact cardio workout. And judging by your pics you have some decent land with hills. Make a nice hiking trail with some hills to build up your back and legs without putting a ton of strain on them. Also try to eat as clean as possible. Cut all junk such as candy, pizza, hot dogs, and fried foods. Stick to veggies and fruits for snacks and rely on chicken breast, tuna, baked fish, venison and shrimp for your meats and poultry. Stay clear of red beef as much as possible unless it is grass fed cattle. I am a firm believer that a healthy diet and lifestyle will replace a great deal of dependency of perscription drugs. Doing these things should slowly help with your aches and pains! Don't underestimate the power of a healthy diet and exercise! :macho

If you switch all the do's and dont's i would be doing pretty good.

10-20-2008, 04:14 PM
Next time Jehovah's Witnesses knock on your door, see what they got to say. Ask for the book "What does the Bible really teach?" Lots of good stuff in there that you can use your own bible with to look up scriptures.

10-20-2008, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
We banned him cause he has been on the chit list for a while. He deserved the Ban Hammer

something like this?


10-20-2008, 04:55 PM
can u get protein in pill form or only shake?? because i hate those shakes, im talking lean protein

10-21-2008, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by SRH
can u get protein in pill form or only shake?? because i hate those shakes, im talking lean protein

Not really. Best way to take it is in a shake form. If you hate the taste, just get vanilla and mix other stuff in it with a blender. I do choc. shakes, choc peanut butter, mint choc. and the list goes on. Just get a high quality vanilla protein, not the crap from Walmart and try that. I recommend using Beverly products but that is my opinion.