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View Full Version : 300EX racing pipe?

12-11-2002, 10:10 AM
what is the best 300ex racing pipe? i have a WB now, and i dont exactly like it, i was lookin for the best overall mx pipe? the pro-circiut looked mighty nice, but i seen some supertrapp racing pipes by like tc and other race names? where can i find these? and how much? can anyone post some pics with these supertrapp pipes on or any other good pipes on a 300?

i have engine work done, and noise is no issue since i live and practice in the middle of no where and ill mostly be racin with it,
help me out!!

and if i find a nice pipe, i will try to sell the WB

12-11-2002, 02:42 PM

12-11-2002, 03:51 PM
i love my fmf hi-flow header with fmf powercore 4 scilencer. alot of the guys out at the track i race at have fmf exaust and they love em. but if u dont want the fmf get the sparks. i'v heard they have some awsome exaust just never seen one on a 300ex in person. good luck with whatever u choose