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View Full Version : Need to loose weight, do you think this will work?

12-10-2002, 10:38 PM
I am at 210! The biggest I have ever been! I would not say that I am fat now just solid. I am 6ft and I want to get back down too 185. That was a good weight for me. I am right now starting this and my goal is too loose 10 pounds in 14 days. I have started running and ran 3 miles tonight and plan to get up to 5 miles a day by Christmas. I have cut down to just eating 1 or 2 times a day and when I do it is just going to be fruit or tuna. Do you think it will be possible to get that much off by then? Well I will keep you up to date at the weight loose and we will see if it is possible. Wish me luck.

12-10-2002, 10:51 PM
Eat Protien *or nothing*.. and run in sweats, or clothing that you know will make you SWEAT *extremely* .... drink alot of water.. i know people that wrestle that loose 5 pounds in 1 days time.... from doing this.... trying to *make weight*... but just watch what you eat, i am in the same basic situation as you, but im not fat... as you stated... im jus gettin slower an stuff.... an i feel it....
time to start runnin my big arse round the block again!


12-10-2002, 10:54 PM
One word......stairmaster. I lost 12lbs in 2 weeks. Plus I have cut down on the junk I used to eat. Eating better helped just as much as working out.

12-10-2002, 11:24 PM
Crazy4bluEx that is a good idea. I believe I will through a pair of windbreakers on and a sweater next time I run to make the sweat poor. Hmmmm thanks for the idea. airheadedduner I have one of those GAZZELS and believe it or not that thing will break you down, I am running some on it also. Thanks.

VooDuu Child
12-11-2002, 02:33 AM
My girl lost ten or twelve pounds simply by drinking water. Lots, like 65 oz's a day, every day. Do it, you'll be a believer.

12-11-2002, 04:55 AM
there is a new diet out in the mainstream now that basically sez this......no dairy....no breads or pasta...and no sugar. meat is ok along with fruit etc. i geuss its considered a high fat zero carb diet.

the water thing does work.....not only does it fill ya up.....it will keep ya flushed out.

just becareful....maybe take a vitamin.....:)

12-11-2002, 05:36 AM
You have to eat 4-6 small meals each day.. Think of it this way.. When you only eat 2 meals each day your body doesnt know when it will get fed again so it starts to store everything as fat. When you start eating more you body kicks in its motobolizm and starts burning the food your eating then burning stored fat. Always eat your carbs before noon, so you have the rest of the day to burn off what you have eaten. You need to eat lots of protein, you will never get enough protein buy eating, so you will need supplements( protein shakes).. And remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so as your size shrinks you might weigh the same or a little more. I will try to post some pics of myself ( not conceited). I am only 5'3" my heaviest was 167. I powerlift.. My last tournaments I placed 3rd in Ohio and 4th in Pa. My best bench is 305. But I only weighed 152.. Hope some of this helps.. REMEMBER you must eat to lose weight..

12-11-2002, 05:49 AM
Leave 1/4 of the food on your plate each time you eat and drink lots of canned pork chops,,it works for me..:huh

12-11-2002, 05:53 AM
6 or 8 of them really cheap, greasy beers with every meal. thats prolly why his truck always smells like stale beer and porkchop farts. eeeeewwwww!!!!:blah

12-11-2002, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by yellowex01
You have to eat 4-6 small meals each day..

This is good advice. I weighed 195 this time last year and I now weigh 175. All I did was running and moderate weight training. I didn't want to get huge... just toned. It depends on what you want to do. I tried to keep my calories per day at around 2200 and eat 5-6 small meals per day. Don't be fooled, carbs are not bad. You should just try to get your carbs from fruit rather than doughnuts. Tuna is good for protein. I stayed away from supplements but that's your call. No one diet will work the same for any other person. Try different things till you find out what's right for you. I'm no expert, I've just had good results from talking to lots of different people and forming my own plan. Good luck.

12-11-2002, 08:07 AM

people think when they stop eating they lose weight.. FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!11

when you stop eating your metabolism slows down to compensate for the lossed intake of calories.

all you are doing is killing yourself

your starving your muscles(which is what burns calories and speeds up your metabo along with your thyroid)


bring a snack, like a apple or banana or soem sort of goodness. eat brunch

eat lunch eat another snack around 2 pm eat dinner and dont eat anything 2 hours before bed

at least eat 4 times a day, your better off with 6 or 7

your MOM IS WRONG 3 meals is the WORST THING TO DO!!!!!

drink at least a 8oz glass of water when you wkae up and try to drink a half gallon a day. you piss alot intially but it will fade.

dont worry about the long distance running, your draing yourself unless your training for a marathon.

my schedule

5:30am breakfast(egg,12 grain toast, protein shake, water, multi vite)

6:30am clementine, banana....

by now i have had about 16oz of water or so

8:00, 3 slices of turkey,1 slice swiss/american or provalone, 2-3 slices ham, 12 grain bread. i would do lettuce and tomatoe if i had the time but its soggy by the time i get to work

9:00 16oz choco milk

11:00 lean cuisine(there actually pretty good)
or stoufers(fatter)

12:00 10" hougaie. ham, turkey, chicken cheese steak hoagie lett,toma, prov, DRY

i do not like mayonaise or oil, if you put these on go lite on the mayo, oil isn't as bad

1:00 banana, water, slim fast bar or pro teing bar.power bar.... chips whatever


2:30 leave work

2:45 -4:00 gym

4:15 home, protein shake and a sandowhick or sumpin

6:30 dinner. whatevr is looking good and as much as i can get.

water water water

9-11 i try to hit rhe sack. in bed before 10:30 normally

lift monday wednesday

run tuesday, thursday

i walk a minute, walk fast, jog, run, sprint a minute(1 minute each) 4 sets of 5 minutes total

the last two minutes skip the running and go as hard as you can(or do this on a stationary bike)

cool down walk for 2 mins.

my best was 172lbs
5.4% body fat

now i am 190, starting to get back. i will be down to 180 in 2 months and about 6% fat. about 10% right now

i drink about 12-18 beers every friday and saturday maybe throw in a long island or two.

i eat constantly and every wonders why i am thin, BECAUSE THEY STARVE THEM SELVES AND SHUT DOWN THERE BODY

probally start taking HYDROXYCUT agian by MUSCLETECH and my protein is designer protein by next nutrtion, chocolate

1 scoop to 10 oz 1 or 2% milk

i dont like alot of junk food

plus when you start eating healthy you will FEEEL SO MUCH BETTER. i eat a bk buger now and i can feel the greese in me, makes me wanna puke. i know all i did was pooor ish down my throat

its like putting 6 yr old 87 octane in your high comp alchy motor, youd be like WTF:huh

one bad thing about drinking though

as SOON as you get a buzz your body stops something called protein synthesis. in other words your muscles stop absorbing protein and quit reparing themselves. this can last up to 3 days. so what you did that day in the gym was pretty much pointless

the good part is chronic doesn't do this, arnold smoked joints, so do i


drop the high reps, do heavy sets of 4-6 reps take 2-3 minute breaks and do 4-5 sets with one warm up of about 15 controlled reps. then every 3 work outs pump out 12 reps sets of CONTROLLED LOW WEIGHT REPS

if you are new to lifting dont go as heavy and work on form. you dont want to pull or tear something

strength is in your head not your muscles

youare capable of alot more than you think

good luck

dam that was long

12-11-2002, 08:11 AM
and what ryewith said

make your own plan from differant advise

to skinny and you lose power to big and you look fugly

i like six packs............ molson canadians mostly, sometimes i spluge for bass

but i donnt want no DUNLOP

12-11-2002, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by YZROOSTINYA

people think when they stop eating they lose weight.. FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!11

when you stop eating your metabolism slows down to compensate for the lossed intake of calories.

all you are doing is killing yourself

your starving your muscles(which is what burns calories and speeds up your metabo along with your thyroid)


bring a snack, like a apple or banana or soem sort of goodness. eat brunch

eat lunch eat another snack around 2 pm eat dinner and dont eat anything 2 hours before bed

at least eat 4 times a day, your better off with 6 or 7

your MOM IS WRONG 3 meals is the WORST THING TO DO!!!!!

drink at least a 8oz glass of water when you wkae up and try to drink a half gallon a day. you piss alot intially but it will fade.

dont worry about the long distance running, your draing yourself unless your training for a marathon.

my schedule

5:30am breakfast(egg,12 grain toast, protein shake, water, multi vite)

6:30am clementine, banana....

by now i have had about 16oz of water or so

8:00, 3 slices of turkey,1 slice swiss/american or provalone, 2-3 slices ham, 12 grain bread. i would do lettuce and tomatoe if i had the time but its soggy by the time i get to work

9:00 16oz choco milk

11:00 lean cuisine(there actually pretty good)
or stoufers(fatter)

12:00 10" hougaie. ham, turkey, chicken cheese steak hoagie lett,toma, prov, DRY

i do not like mayonaise or oil, if you put these on go lite on the mayo, oil isn't as bad

1:00 banana, water, slim fast bar or pro teing bar.power bar.... chips whatever


2:30 leave work

2:45 -4:00 gym

4:15 home, protein shake and a sandowhick or sumpin

6:30 dinner. whatevr is looking good and as much as i can get.

water water water

9-11 i try to hit rhe sack. in bed before 10:30 normally

lift monday wednesday

run tuesday, thursday

i walk a minute, walk fast, jog, run, sprint a minute(1 minute each) 4 sets of 5 minutes total

the last two minutes skip the running and go as hard as you can(or do this on a stationary bike)

cool down walk for 2 mins.

my best was 172lbs
5.4% body fat

now i am 190, starting to get back. i will be down to 180 in 2 months and about 6% fat. about 10% right now

i drink about 12-18 beers every friday and saturday maybe throw in a long island or two.

i eat constantly and every wonders why i am thin, BECAUSE THEY STARVE THEM SELVES AND SHUT DOWN THERE BODY

probally start taking HYDROXYCUT agian by MUSCLETECH and my protein is designer protein by next nutrtion, chocolate

1 scoop to 10 oz 1 or 2% milk

i dont like alot of junk food

plus when you start eating healthy you will FEEEL SO MUCH BETTER. i eat a bk buger now and i can feel the greese in me, makes me wanna puke. i know all i did was pooor ish down my throat

its like putting 6 yr old 87 octane in your high comp alchy motor, youd be like WTF:huh

one bad thing about drinking though

as SOON as you get a buzz your body stops something called protein synthesis. in other words your muscles stop absorbing protein and quit reparing themselves. this can last up to 3 days. so what you did that day in the gym was pretty much pointless

the good part is chronic doesn't do this, arnold smoked joints, so do i


drop the high reps, do heavy sets of 4-6 reps take 2-3 minute breaks and do 4-5 sets with one warm up of about 15 controlled reps. then every 3 work outs pump out 12 reps sets of CONTROLLED LOW WEIGHT REPS

if you are new to lifting dont go as heavy and work on form. you dont want to pull or tear something

strength is in your head not your muscles

youare capable of alot more than you think

good luck

dam that was long


12-11-2002, 10:12 AM
eat nothing until you get hungry and when you do just eat salad. If you get thirsty drink some protein shakes. I lost alotta weight last year that way for wrestling.

12-11-2002, 10:50 AM
yo yo diet

12-11-2002, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
there is a new diet out in the mainstream now that basically sez this......no dairy....no breads or pasta...and no sugar. meat is ok along with fruit etc. i geuss its considered a high fat zero carb diet.

the water thing does work.....not only does it fill ya up.....it will keep ya flushed out.

just becareful....maybe take a vitamin.....:)

On a no carb diet fruits are off limits as well....even though they are healthy they have plenty of sugar....which sugar is carbs. The low/no carb diet does work, but it is all easily gained back once you go back to eating carbs. Lose weight fast, put it back on even faster!

12-11-2002, 11:12 AM
one bad thing about drinking though
i assume you are talking about beer.


12-11-2002, 11:35 AM
Just put your fat @$$ on a 90 and do some flat land tricks for a few weeks.

12-11-2002, 11:47 AM
think of it like that and eliminate junk food, and dairy products as well. When I found out i was allergic to milk products i lost like almost 10 pounds, and i wasnt even overweight at the time. I compensated and gained the weight back by consuming a steady stream of BUDWEISERS ever since, it seems to work well,. :huh Eat lots of rare steaks and vegetables as well. And take your vitamins like pappy told ya to. ;)

12-11-2002, 12:01 PM
any alcoholic beverage

not water

12-11-2002, 12:05 PM
also my freinds are always sick

they'll get the flu deathly for a week

i get a sore throat and the sniffles for a day

12-11-2002, 12:19 PM
I have lost about 20 pounds after I figured I didn't want to be a couch potato anymore :huh . What works fast is the carb diet, try not to eat food with any carbohidrates. It will make you more tired. The best thing is to just get you and your fat tummy out for a run or a workout. Lifting weights did alot for me! I also started eating good food and that helped alot. Once you start eating little and littler everyday you get used to it and don't get as hungry. Being bored makes some people hungry. Keep motivated!

12-11-2002, 01:02 PM
wow this is all great advice i too want to lose some weight and this is all gonna help, thanks guys :D

12-11-2002, 01:04 PM
heres some tips from MX trainers that i got from someone else on the site...




12-11-2002, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by LiLMissHondaEx

On a no carb diet fruits are off limits as well....even though they are healthy they have plenty of sugar....which sugar is carbs. The low/no carb diet does work, but it is all easily gained back once you go back to eating carbs. Lose weight fast, put it back on even faster!

Ummm no you can eat fruits because the sugars in fruits are natural fruits and dont do the same as like sugar you put in cookies.

12-11-2002, 02:23 PM
If you wanted to sweat it out you could wear a sauna suit...you put a t-shirt on then a lightweight trashbag over that..then a long sleeve shirt then a sweatshirt....this will keep the heat in and you will lose weight quick, wrestlers use this to lose weight for a couple days before a match, and wear a couple pairs of sweatpants for your lower side, my friend dropped from 140 to 120 in just a few weeks by exercising in that suit,,,,it may sound stupid but it works, i thought he was the biggest d.a for walking into the lockerroom before p.e and putting on his trash bags under his clothes LoL...but it worked so oh well

12-11-2002, 03:44 PM
Hey i wrestle, and what I do to keep my weight low and constant, is not eat much at all only after practice about 5:30 and in the morings I eat a orange. I practice lose about 1.5 lbs and when I sleep in sweater and sweats or shorts I lose about a pound sleeping with about 4 sheets on me. When I have about a week before a match I eat alot of salad, alot of eggs, not the yoke only the egg white (outside), another good drink to have is orange juice. Run will help too but you wont have much energy from not eating too much. The main thing to do is slow your eating rate down.

12-11-2002, 03:58 PM
eat lotsa little nutritions things and drink tons of water and jog, ive been doin that and i was 230 (ouch) and im 5ft 11in and now im 195
i dont run distance, i do a mile as fast as i can in sweats and im gunna move it up to 2 miles
a mile in 4:15 not to bad for a fatarse

12-11-2002, 04:02 PM
First off, suckers... JK but I am under weight, I eat a lot of junk food, meat, pasta and veggies! I mean it, I have been trying to gain weight for awhile now... I only weigh 145lbs if, and I am 6'4" ! If I wanted to loose weight all it would take is no inhalor for 1 day and doing work would do it.

Doctor says I use about a lot of the energy breathing during meals that I make from eating them... I am very asphmatic, as I have said before, this is why I weigh very little.
Good luck with your weight loss plan.

12-11-2002, 04:07 PM
i must be doing something wrong -- last summer i was 170 and 6'2" and now i am 200 lbs and abou 6'3". When you work out and do a lot of strenous exercise ( in my case, football practice adn lifting) you will gain weight because muscle tissue weighs more than fat. I have gone from a size 36 to a size 33/34 waist and have lost all of my stomach -- crunches will get ya some nice abs!!

Whoever said starving yourself wont work is wrong. Eventually it will, im not talking one week, try a month. just look at the ppl in the concentration camps. eat enough to keep yourself going and you will lose weight. NOTE: this is NOT healthy and you shouldnt do it. i did it and i actually gained weight but lost fat -- hovering around 6%. Doing this leads to severe exhaustion if you do any type of strenuous activities ( i passed out 2 times at football practice) in the end,you get the desired results. Dont go down the road i went -- there are a ton of better ways.

12-11-2002, 04:14 PM
I am 6'3" and i only weigh 153 :mad: I wanna gain more weight !!! i am so underweight. I am gunna invent a place where you go to gain weight. LOL. I have gained weight since summer, so i am happy. I gotta go to the gym tho, build those muscles. I am a big lanky kid. Maybe do some running, i cant really run tho since i screwed up my leg on the YZ80. So i will prolly just do some jogging. :blah

12-11-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Honda300Rider
I am 6'3" and i only weigh 153 :mad: I wanna gain more weight !!! i am so underweight. I am gunna invent a place where you go to gain weight. LOL. I have gained weight since summer, so i am happy. I gotta go to the gym tho, build those muscles. I am a big lanky kid. Maybe do some running, i cant really run tho since i screwed up my leg on the YZ80. So i will prolly just do some jogging. :blah

they have a place to gain wieght its called Mcdonalds!

12-11-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by flyin_400EX

they have a place to gain wieght its called Mcdonalds!


never thought of that, i dont want greasy food, tho. Feels so gross!

12-11-2002, 06:39 PM
from being a wrestler and getting hurt alot lol....

the best way to cut weight, is to ~

grab a garbage then sweats and a face mask and get in front of a heater jog and, push ups, sit ups will make you loose 6 pounds and a couple ounces 30- 35 mins you can do this but when things start looking funny and moving around grab a friend and make him give you water and drag you to the shower we did that to one of my friends .. oh and another thing we got are coach in trouble beacue we had the bag so make sure if any of this happens to you get rid of the bag.

and dont drink water that is stupid the point of sweeting is to loose it to cut the weight for the match,,

but make sure you do have some water i only lost 8 percent or so when i did it, you shoudnt loose no more than 12 oh and there has people died from hit,, i think it casued alot of my head achs , a year ago but its up to you be carefull have a friend around!!

email me if you have any comments

12-11-2002, 06:40 PM
i weigh 204 pounds now i love eating!!! forget cutting weight !!

12-11-2002, 07:33 PM
This is the program i am on. Its a pretty good one, i am not trying to lose weight tho, just getting in shape. This is a navy seal program and its gets pretty intense after a while. I am only on week 4. I do everything but the swimming. But i am sure u will lose pounds with this.


12-11-2002, 07:36 PM
Just call Richard Simmons or FreeRide's Pal "Chuck" or also known as Chuck Norris

12-11-2002, 07:41 PM
stacker 3 or 2. it really works

12-11-2002, 09:46 PM
Well I just weighed my self today and after 2 days I am now down to 208 from 210. I can live with a pound a day if I can keep this up. I have run 5 miles in 2 days and eaten nothing but 4 cans of tuna a 2 cans of fruit. I am going to keep this up as long as my body holds up. I will keep you informed.

12-11-2002, 09:51 PM
I must gain more weight . Ive gained 10 lbs in the past month and a half but i still need to gain more . Im at 150 lbs and im only 5 foot 8 inchs. I wanan get into the 165 170 range and stay there . Any suggestions? I eat Mcds often ( i feel a heartattack happening soon) but its gross as **** . Come on make me GAIN !!!!

12-12-2002, 03:58 AM
listen to yourselves people

you all say starve yourself

and then you say you have no energy!!!!!!!!



5.4% fat and built


when you stop eating it slows your metabolism!!!!!!!!!!

slow metabolism = DUNLOP


of course if you stop eating you will lose weight

its because your starving yourself dumbazz

think of it like this

imagine your stomache is a 5 gallon bucket and when you eat 3 meals a day each meal is 6 gallons, well 6 gallons dont fit in a 5 gallon bucket so it overfills and turns into fat because you do not have time to burn it off. now if you only fill the bucket up 2-3 gallons every 2 hours and you burn 2 gallons a hour you NEVER overflow.

when you dont eat your right, you dont overflow either, but when your body needs the nutrients it needs and its not there it goes after your muscles. this IS WHAT EVERY LIFTER AND THERE MOTHER tries to PREVENT! ITS CALLED CATOBALISM. you want to be ANTI-CATOBOLIC!!!!!!!!

also the bucket gets smaller. unfortunately the bucket is not your stomache its your metabolism, you just slowed it down to make up for your loss of intake. EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO AVOID

anybody that knows ANYTHING ABOUT LIFTING KNOWS YOU NEED TO EAT. you just need to eat GOOD FOODS

also for those of you that want to gain weight you need to DOUBLE your caloric intake.

mxquad, although mcdonalds will assist in the calorie department its is ****ty food. you need to eat chicken sandwhiches and stuff. if i have to hit fast food i hit up wendy's grilled chicken sandwhich with NO honey mustard. i dont get the fries though.

if your lifting take some tuna if you dont wanna buy protein. on can is 37.5 grams and almost no fat. i think 3.5 grams total fat.
for 5'8" at 160 your suggested caloric intake should be 23-2500 a day. you need to be around 4000-5000 a day. yo should put on about 10 lbs of lean muscle in a month if your doing things right.

th scale dont mean ish(unless your need to stay in a weight category) i like to be in the 175lbs range cause i can feel that i am faster(right now i am 192:mad:, thats molsons fault not mine though)

if anyone is taking creatine drink LOTS of water.

so MANY GILRS RELY ON THE SCALE, thi sis total bs

you need to go by body fat

i have seen smoking chicks weighing in between 125 and 150lbs and they are lean and just out right banging. because they have muscle mass. muscle mass is heavier than fat

beside gilrs are fatte than guys to begin with

ladies donr be afraid to hit the weights. your body does not produce any where near the same amount of testosterone as men. you will not get bulky, unless you are seriously trying to get big(power lifters and such)

people pic up some books AND EAT!

Racing Rice
12-12-2002, 07:50 AM
Im 5'11 and weigh 165 lbs. When I got married in May I weighed around 215. I actually began to diet in about August though. Heres what I did.

Eat 5 times a day. Eat 3 small meals. With snacks (fruits and veggies) in between. Dont skip breakfast, it helps get you metabolism going in the morning. Get rid of the fatty foods eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Eat poulty like Chicken and Turkey instead of beef. Stay away from fatty cheeses and such. Use mustard instead of mayo. No fat in mustard. Trust me, if you can stick with it you WILL lose the weight fast.

Do something. If you run, great. Bike ride, situps, anything and everything. Just dont go overboard and burn yourself out. Make sure you stretch a lot. Excersice (cardio) in the morning to get your heart rate up. This will really jump start your metabolism.

A body with 150lbs of muscle will burn 2000 calories a day at rest. You will want to eat less then that to speed up the weight loss.

If you do this, you WILL lose weight. I lost 30 lbs in a couple months. Anyone can do it if you stick with it..

If you have any questions, PM me, I dont mind helping you out.

Good Luck.


Racing Rice
12-12-2002, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Honda300Rider
I am 6'3" and i only weigh 153 :mad: I wanna gain more weight !!! i am so underweight. I am gunna invent a place where you go to gain weight. LOL. I have gained weight since summer, so i am happy. I gotta go to the gym tho, build those muscles. I am a big lanky kid. Maybe do some running, i cant really run tho since i screwed up my leg on the YZ80. So i will prolly just do some jogging. :blah

Eat lots of protein when you workout.

One thing, some people cant gain weight, its just how thier body is. I have some tall very skinny friends that cant gain much weight. Maybe as you get older and your metabolism slows down you will start to pack on a little more pounds.

12-12-2002, 08:00 AM
I've done a fair amount of research on training and weight-loss and YZROOSTINYA is right on. There is quite simply no GOOD way to lose weight quickly. Sure you can starve yourself or put your body into ketosis by going on the Atkins diet but neither of those are healthy and the chances of keeping the weight off with them is miniscule. And anyone who tries to lose weight by depriving their body of water is a fool!

Establish REASONABLE goals, focus more on overall fitness than a particular body weight, and recognize that as with most things in life there are no quick fixes. Being in good shape requires a change in lifestyle. Eat better (not necessarily less), exercise more, and drink plenty of fluids. It's not easy but it is relatively simple. ;)


Racing Rice
12-12-2002, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by dhines
. And anyone who tries to lose weight by depriving their body of water is a fool!


Good point, I forgot to mention water, drinking a lot of water is very important. It can actually make you feel less hungry. Meaning you will eat less. Not to mention your body needs a lot of water.:)

12-12-2002, 02:22 PM
thanks racing rice, i will try that.

12-12-2002, 02:40 PM
i am 15 yrs old im 5'7 and im 240lbs, last year i was 170, and around 5'4-5'5, and i just gained weight :( watching the scale ... 190 .... 200 (eh maybe im growing).... 210 (enough mcd's!).....220(what the ****) ....... 235(god hates me) ...... 240(shouldnt have eaten all the granola bars)...

12-12-2002, 02:53 PM
best way to loose weight is to smoke herb. last year when i smoked at least twice a day i lost over 20lbs. id get the muchies like crazy, then i wouldnt be hungry for like a day, then you do it again, and so on. it worked for me

12-12-2002, 08:27 PM
i also thought this may be important

for any who are on the wrestling team or track or just trying to cut weight for your girl.. if you are active and do alot of activities do not worry about the calories worry about how much the food weighs,
imagine a cup cake with all the sugar in chocolate , then imagine a sniker bar ....

are you with me so far if so read below

which one weighs the most .... . the sniker bar weighs the most...
the cupcake is mostly bread and just junk food harful to your teeth but not your weight if you are active... you cant just sit on your lazy but expecting to loose weight buy eathing cakes, but if you are energetic that may be what you need cause its the weight of the food that you are eating makes a difference in how much you way..

dont worry about calories and jog or something i am about to cut weight pretty soon but i am going to take my time and do it right this time...

12-12-2002, 08:55 PM
So you are saying that foods that weigh less are better for you? I have been studying nutrition on and off for about 8 years now, and that doesnt sound right.

Also dont forget to incorporate vanadyl sulfate into your workout.. It keeps the blood into your muscles that you just worked on longer( it acts like insuline). And you can use Dandelion, horse hair root, those are both very good dieretics.

When lifting heavy I eat 18 egg whites a day.. Most of them are raw into my shakes. Make sure you get pasturized eggs and there is no risk of samenella poisening..That is the purest form of protein.. To gain weight you need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per body pound.. That is alot of protein. You cant do it without shakes.. Designer Whey is pretty good.

12-12-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by YZROOSTINYA
yo yo diet

YZ, I dunno why but thats like the funniest thing i've ever heard, I couldn't stop laughing until i got to page 4. :p

12-13-2002, 04:23 AM
smoking chronic speeds up your metabolism, thats why you get the munchies

arnold swanajdghedhdjkbder used to smoke chronic

alot of body builders do, also helps with soreness

fooracer! :devil

people that are thin need to double your calories

when i started lifting i was 150lbs 5'11" and could barely bench 65lbs 3 sets of 8

at my peak i was pushing 205 4 sets of 6
4 sets of 80lb curls
350lb squats 3 sets of 5
450 leg press 3 sets of 5
172lbs 5.4%

i ate all day long, people at my work kept telling me to see a doctor cause they thought i hade a tape worm

my record is 2 cheese burgers, 13 drumsticks, 2 hot dogs, double scoop ice cream on a suger cone, slice of pizza, banna split and a frozen pop, along with 8 beers in 2 hours. i had to take a nap after that though

i typically stop by 3-4 houses on thanksgiving and christmas

people eat!!! i swear to , i see it all the time in the gym, kids not gaing weight cause there not eating

12-13-2002, 04:34 AM
i also dislocated my shoulder twice which set me back about 6 months

this other kid i lift with started out with 50 lb bench, 140lbs 1.5 years later he benched 365
deadlifts 550 and weights 210 or so

extremem deication and he eats all day

he put on 70lbs in 7 months, although he got stretch marks he is nuts but it can be done

i love lifting, it makes me so much more aggressive on the bike or quad, also the doc said my build has saved me from serious injury a few times

i landed flat on my black from about 10 feet up jumping a triple on my bros mtn bike. luckily just really bad bruises and extreme mucsle soreness

he said i would have broken my back or pelvis if i didn't lift

i am not saying go crazy

just get into some decent shape. upi dont need the six pack, just get some strength and overall endurance. you will feel so much better physically and mentally

12-13-2002, 04:43 AM
Plus dont forget the honey's just love a tone bod...:)

Ballistic Atv
12-13-2002, 02:17 PM
If u r looking to get in shape and loose weight, or u r just starting to bodybuild i would reccomend goin to this website http://www.teenbodybuilding.com

It has alot of excellent information about lifting weights, bodybuilding, dieting etc.
There is also a very good message board on that site.

12-13-2002, 02:40 PM
Have your friend or someone sit on your quad and start running around pushing him!

racin 400
12-13-2002, 06:16 PM
that what i am talkin about.

12-13-2002, 06:22 PM
You have two choices:




12-13-2002, 06:26 PM
my record is 2 cheese burgers, 13 drumsticks, 2 hot dogs, double scoop ice cream on a suger cone, slice of pizza, banna split and a frozen pop, along with 8 beers in 2 hours. i had to take a nap after that though


i think i would have to take more then a nap:eek: thats a lot of food:D

12-13-2002, 09:38 PM
Well I have been at it about 4 days and just weighed my self and I am now and 205 from 210. I think this is working and I am not stopping until 185. I have been on pretty much a carb diet and just eating meat and drinking water. I probably have not had more than 15 carbs a day. I do feel lightheaded some and I guess that is my body not knowing what is going on. I am also running 2 miles a day.

12-15-2002, 09:46 PM
Well it has been around 5 days (started on the 11th) and I am now down 7 pounds! I am pretty sure I am going meet my goal by Christmas (10 pounds) and hopefully MORE. This is one of the best diets ever and the first I have ever been on. I am not hungry and I can still get VERY FULL. I just can’t see how this works but it does. Just sucks because you can’t drink pop or anything other than like water or some crystal light (which isn’t half bad).

12-15-2002, 09:50 PM
My old man has an awesome diet . It was given to him by the hospital and it's for people that need to lose weight fast in order to have heart surgery or what not . It includes eating eggs and bacon for breakfast , steak, chicken, salad , and a bunch of other things , but no bread or potatoes or anything ( This isnt a joke) . He lost upwards of 15 lbs in a few weeks . Ill try and find it and post it for people. Lataz

12-15-2002, 10:04 PM
brian, not to be lazy, but i dont feel like searching 5pages for details lol, what EXACTLY have you done (how far are you running now, average meals, snacks, etc.)

12-16-2002, 01:15 AM
" Quad18star " I am doing the same thing only keeping my CARBS under 20 a day! I eat all the meat I want (no carbs) and eggs (they have like 1 each) and can eat SOME vegetables. I heard that too that they put REALLY OBESE people on this diet to get them to loose weight quick.

"jamie400ex" as I just said above that is what I am eating and I am running 2 miles a day also. My average meal a day would be about 4 eggs and bacon or sausage in the morning (and let me tell yahh I don’t hold back on the bacon) and for dinner I eat either a HUGE steak and some type of vegetable or 3 or 4 pieces of chicken (not fried just made on the Forman Grill) and you could put like ham on it also and some type of vegetable. I have found that a good snack (as much as I could have) is those LIL SMOKEY sausages. I know it sucks that you cant have anything with like sugar and fruit and some vegetables but I mean come on you are on a diet and I would rather be eating this type of food (and ALOT of it) than eating the other type. I can honestly say that I am not hungry at all... EVER. I done a search on the web just too see what I could find about this diet and found this from a lady...


As of right now I would recommend this to any one. They say the first week is the hardest and I did get to feel light headed and weak about the 3rd day but that has passed and I feel fine now.

12-16-2002, 04:05 AM
heres some tips from MX trainers that i got from someone else on the site...

That was me... that posted those links. I strongly recommend you guys review them. Your body needs to be completely conditioned in different matters in order to race quads, rather than over training, burning out running with the same repetitive training.

After trying to race GNCC with 220 lbs of donuts around my waist. I figured enough was enough. I am down to 200lbs and 20 more to go before March 1. I ride 45 mins on the quad at 80% everyday & eat about 5 small meals a day as well to train using a crossbow. I also am doing squats with a ball between my knees to simulate a gas tank, which will assist you to control the quad with less effort from your upper body, while letting your knees on the tank hold your body in place. i.e. less arm pump… Try it

Also my trainer has me doing cardio in cold weather. This tends to burn more of the lazy body fat in your system.

Also be careful taking any fat burning product with Ephedra, aka Mahuang or Hydroxy cut, Xendrine, Trim Spa. Too many deaths are being linked to these products.

I also posted Pre Race Carb loading in the ex racing. This would pertain more to XC

12-16-2002, 04:32 AM
brian your on the atkins diet

as far as eating alot when i am in my routine of running and lifting i eat

6000 calories a day!!!!

hmmmmm yet i am not fat

once again people you NEED TO EAT

i cant WAIT till christmas dinner

all this talk about food is making me hungry...later

12-16-2002, 04:44 AM
"YZROOSTINYA" Do you eat some good amount of meat in a day? I know I am I just don’t see how it is working (but it is). Ohh well just ate 2 pieces of bologna and off to bed.

12-16-2002, 04:58 AM
i like meat.

not bologne tho, i like CORN BEEF. no lol. turkey breast !

12-16-2002, 06:15 AM
this is some good info...and yz i agree with what your saying but not everything lol. the eating part i fully agree with...if u starve yourself you loose weight but screw urself up. or u could eat and do it the right way and loose the weight and feel much better. so theres pretty much the healthy way and the unhealthy way. ive had to be on a diet where there is no carbonated beverages anyhting with tomatos, fatty foods, citric foods, fried foods, and a bunch of other stuff. so im basically limited to water or milk to drink. and only healthy foods, no pizza, cheeseburgers, fries. something is wrong with acids or **** eating my esophagus away so i gotta be on 1 of those diets. i must say eating healthy really makes you feel better. although i feel fatter being im eating more and not working out i know im a bum lol. i used to be all out and be on the wrestling team. and while every1 was loosing on average 2-4 pounds per practice i was usually gaining a pound and i did everything they did. i used to be around 170 but since my accident in august i pretty much quit and last i checked i was 187 :( im already on an eating diet so thats good lol im gonna start working out starting today though. i think that navy seal workout sounds good, along with lifting of course.

12-16-2002, 08:57 AM
You guys make this so damn complicated, Just run your *** around the block a few times.

12-16-2002, 01:45 PM
Yehh you can run your self around the block (and I am) but I have done that once before and with this diet I have lost what took me a month in a week.

12-17-2002, 04:28 AM
i eat god meat(turkey,chicken,tuna,ham,steak,pork) i dont eat pasturized meat(bologna,salomi,....)

i eat meat for about 50% of my daily intake. my cholesterol was 114 a year ago blood pressure 120/80 EVERYONE in my family has high blood pressure.

i dont drink soda(RARELY) mostly water or fruit juice or milk.

i need to start my sprints again to lose some weight, i am at 190 right now, need to get back to 175 and 5% body fat, about 9-10% now. too much weekend drinking.

if your lifting and you want something before bed eat a slim fasr bar, there actually pretty good, the chocalate chip cookie dough or fude brownie one, or a protein shake or bar

12-17-2002, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by BrianWrightR6
Yehh you can run your self around the block (and I am) but I have done that once before and with this diet I have lost what took me a month in a week.

Losing weight to fast is not good. Read all the books, if you want to keep weight off, your only supposed to loose like 2 lbs per week. Not 10. Besides, my uncle was on the same diet that your on. He lost about 40 lbs. But 1 year later, he has gained it all back and then some.

You have to maintain your new lifestlye for the rest of your life, if your going to keep the weight off. Its all long term.

12-17-2002, 10:17 AM
Yehh you do have to change your life style but that is just it, my old one was not obviously working so I am going to try this one. Not saying that I want start eating other things 2 years from now but I will at least know if I do what will happen.

12-19-2002, 11:21 PM
Well after 8 days into this diet I am down 10 pounds! I have not only met my goal for 10 pounds by Christmas but it looks like I am going to get a few more off me by then. I fell GREAT and can really tell that it is coming off. I am pretty much watching a pound a day come off and if I keep this up I will be down to 185 (my goal) in no time. Sheww I can’t wait. I was so tired of being slow and sluggish. 15 more too go.... That should be a walk in the park.

Hmm I just noticed my 200th post is just what I weigh now! That is cool.

12-20-2002, 12:35 AM
BrianWrightR6, Keep up the good work !!! my fellow chubby buddy.

I have noticed my clothes are loose fitting and my gun belt falls off my hips.

A faster way the get the weight off is. Grap your honey for the night, go to motel six with a hand full of quaters and have wild monkey sex all night. Works for me every weekend :huh

Sleeping Catfish
12-20-2002, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by YZROOSTINYA
i also dislocated my shoulder twice which set me back about 6 months

this other kid i lift with started out with 50 lb bench, 140lbs 1.5 years later he benched 365
deadlifts 550 and weights 210 or so

extremem deication and he eats all day

he put on 70lbs in 7 months, although he got stretch marks he is nuts but it can be done

i love lifting, it makes me so much more aggressive on the bike or quad, also the doc said my build has saved me from serious injury a few times

i landed flat on my black from about 10 feet up jumping a triple on my bros mtn bike. luckily just really bad bruises and extreme mucsle soreness

he said i would have broken my back or pelvis if i didn't lift

i am not saying go crazy

just get into some decent shape. upi dont need the six pack, just get some strength and overall endurance. you will feel so much better physically and mentally

yeah i worked out for 6 monthes and got minimal results then i broke my arm. it really sucks balls because it is really weak after being in the cast. i was thinking about taking cell tech or maybe getting some growth hormones. i'm 16 and am only 122 lbs. so hopefully my doctor will let me get the hormones but i'm not too sure. my friend just started taking cell tech and one month later he looks a lot more muscular and went from benching 190 to 225. i have heard creatine can give you cancer. anybody else heard this?

12-20-2002, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by popo
BrianWrightR6, Keep up the good work !!! my fellow chubby buddy.

I have noticed my clothes are loose fitting and my gun belt falls off my hips.

A faster way the get the weight off is. Grap your honey for the night, go to motel six with a hand full of quaters and have wild monkey sex all night. Works for me every weekend :huh

wow thats a cheap call girl if she only cost a few quarters.. send her my way :blah just playing....if you wanna lose weight eat right and RUN

12-20-2002, 12:13 PM
There are a few problems with the Atkins/ high protein, low carb diet. First off, IT IS NOT healthy to be pushing all those greasy foods through your body. The cholesterol has to be so high!! Not good for the heart at all. Another, it has to be pretty expensive; I mean steak all the time and that. Most of the time when you get off a diet like that, you will end up just putting the weight back on. Just eat 5-6 meals a day, that are proportional and EXCERCISE!! You will see results in a healthy way. Also it is recommended not to lose more than 2-3 pounds a week at most!!! Just a little FYI:blah

Not trying to come off as a know-it-all, but these are some considerations.

01-17-2003, 05:08 PM
Well I have been on the diet for little over a month and lost 22 pounds. I am going one more month and I shoud be right where I need to be.

DGR Designs
01-17-2003, 06:15 PM

is that your tecate in DW this month in the readers rides special????

02-04-2003, 10:47 PM
Down 30 pounds now in a little under 2 months. I am just fading away! Almost at my goal, should be able to hit it in another week!

02-04-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by BrianWrightR6
Down 30 pounds now in a little under 2 months. I am just fading away! Almost at my goal, should be able to hit it in another week! good for you!!!:):) Just dont over due it..;)

02-05-2003, 04:40 AM
i got hit by a f350 a couple weeks back because the driver didn't feel like looking in his rear view

dislocated my shoulder AGAIN(yes that # tree)

luckily i caught it beofre it fully popped out. rode on it for 4 hours and went home drank a six pack and a vicaden. i went to sleep pretty good after that. hit the gym the next day it it wasnt sore(dont ask me how?)

but anyhow I was 193 a month ago and now i am 178 as i want to get lean again as summer will be here soon.

i am talking hydroxycut by musletech and designer whet proteun

i am cycling the hydroxycut and talking 1-4 scoops of protein a day with 1% milk.

making gains nicely. should be around 175 in another month and be around 6% body fat.

good luck with the weight loss brian.

its all about intensity and diet

02-05-2003, 04:43 AM
sleep fish, just watch what you take and stay healthy, your young and your body is still forming.

i was 150 and 5'9" at 17.

creatine does not cause cancer. if you take it CYCLE IT and drink lots of WATER

i put on 20 lbs in 3 monts with creatine

went from 65lb bench to 135 in a few months.

02-05-2003, 10:32 AM
hey YZ about your shoulder dislocating and not hurting. well i don't know by my left shoulder at a certain angle with a certain ammount of preasure will just pop out of socket hehe. it used to really suck and i had to have help to get it back in. but now i think that maybe i killed all the nerves or something. because it will only hurt for a few hours or so. maybe you killed the nerves too hehe.

02-06-2003, 05:16 AM
yeah, the only way to fix it is surgury, which is pointless cause I am only jumping higher and get faster. i am going to be getting another streetbike this year and will be hitting the track so another dislocation is inevitable.

they have to open up your skin from front to back, pull away the mucles and then shorten all the ligaments and and then reattch them and put the muscles back and skin......

your out for like 2 months at least so not sumpin i wanna do now, maybe when i am old(around 40 hahahaha)

bust yes, its sumpin thats constantly on my mind and definitly holds me back sometimes.

i put it back the second time it happend. its the weirdest feeling when you go to move you arm and it does exactly the oppisite and you cant stand up straight cause all the muscles are so tight and crooked. i was so pissed i just yanked on it and rode the quad home with a flat tire. that time it hurt SOOOO bad the next day, every bump and just in general feels like you r arm is just gonna fall off. thats what i hate.
good luck man

02-06-2003, 05:18 AM
mine is really vulnerable when it is fully extended towards the sky, a wave knocked it out once!!!! when i wa at the shore.

i have landed a few times nose down and thought for sure it was gonna pop right out. scary feeling

02-25-2003, 08:10 AM
I am there.....185 and holding. Never going back to 220 again.