View Full Version : best xc quad for me?

10-06-2008, 06:42 PM
im thinking about getting into the xc racing and getting a new quad maybe next year. right now i have a 2003 polaris trailblazer 400. it does great in the woods and i just got 3rd in a race over the weekend on it. but it weighs 500 lbs, and the suspension isnt too good on it... the engine is amazing.

what would be a good xc quad. i dotn plan on putting bookoos of money into it as soon as i get it. just maybe a pipe and soem good suspension. more later when i get the money but im wondering what would be a good quad to start on. i been riding for 10 years so i dont think experience would be a problem.

and ppl please dont say the ktm, banshee, 250r, or any older/almost 12 grand out of the box bikes.

ive pretty much marked off the ktm, ltr 450 (too wide), banshee, 250r, and would prefer if it were a geared bike. i know the first thing i should do is go and ride all the bikes and see what i like the most but im just looking for a starting spot.

thanks in advance guys!

03-17-2009, 08:15 PM
well how much are you lookin to spen.. a 400ex would be a great quad. but you can also just keep the polaris if you like it and throw some good shocks on it and a steering dampner... dotn worry about the motor... your not gonna beable to use it as much as the shocks...

racer 557
07-18-2009, 10:47 PM
skip the 400ex dude trust me i would go with some 450

trust me tho the 400ex sucks when it comes to gncc like snowshoe in woods because i was little faster in my class at this i did ok but when we got out of the woods 450's were gone there is a alot of things i would change about my 400 or add

but even after probbally 1-4 months it will get boring riding it

01-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Get your self a used Honda 450r they are pretty cheap (2500-3000).Then you have money to mod it. But I would get a 05 450r they are better then then the 04.

01-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by racer 557
trust me tho the 400ex sucks when it comes to gncc like snowshoe in woods because i was little faster in my class at this i did ok but when we got out of the woods 450's were gone there is a alot of things i would change about my 400 or add

ever hear of its the rider and not the quad...

i have a buddy that raced woods on a 300ex and he was in Jr. class (under 16) and he was beating half the B class on a stock 300ex, was piped and had razers and thats all...

un till they change the 450's i will keep on saying this THEY ARE JUNK! i dont like them. esp. the 450r, the only 450 i would ride is a yfz...

you can get a 400ex with mods for about 2k, or you can get a stock one that needs work for 500, a buddy of mine got a 02 400ex for 500 bucks, HMF Exhause, Pro armor ners, razer tires and a few other things, it needed a fuel screw, the guy got a chick knocked up and needed the money, he was askin 600 but he couldnt prove it ran, so we jewed him 100...

if you know how to ride you can take anything and race and be good,

you could give bubba stewart a KX 85 andhe would still be able to beat alot of riders on that quad.

01-09-2010, 10:16 AM
woodsracer said it. 400ex. 450s are too expensive to maintain and are not a beginner bike.

01-09-2010, 10:54 AM
people just dont know how to get a 400ex to have power, if you can make a blaster go to a 240 and be as fast as a stock 450 with light mods( with the right rider on it) then a 400ex would be just as fast,

here is what you do, its the smartest and cheapest thing to do,

you find the cheapest, not beat to **** 400ex you can find, the first normal mods you do to it if it doesnt have it a pipe and tires right? and some other random things...

well if you are racing it, get some front shocks... and a slip on, pull that oe carb and buy a FCR, its hands down the best carb i've ever touched for a 4 stroke, i think a 38 or 39 would be perfect.

dont spend your money inside the motor when you can do other mods out side first, front shocks, a-arms, axle tires, after you get the chassis stuff done you move on to the motor, it doesnt pay to have a 500stroker if you have every thing else stock cause its like puting a banshee motor in to a trx 70 with no shocks, its going to be the worst ride ever, im not sayin that the stock quads dont handle we, but i would rather have a quad that soaks up all the hard hits and not have the motor then haven to be sore for 3 days after a hard day of riding..

its not the quad that wins the race, its the person behind it, and how well the quad will handle for you, if you like how it rides then that the importaint thing...

01-09-2010, 02:50 PM
I own 2 400exs ( 2003 stock and a 2002 416 modded). I had very good luck on mine. They are very reliable and easy to work on too. And I'm building a 3rd for race only. I put 450r shocks on my 02 they made a difference to it. But I heard if you go over 426cc's on them they tend to not last ( motor blowing). As for the 400z or the other they tend to blow on anything (stock or modded).

01-09-2010, 03:16 PM