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10-03-2008, 05:44 PM
k guys that same gguy from before welll he is beign a dick again but not to me but all my freinds. they ALL want to beat him up. the girl plan i didnt go through with it because then we would be freinds and it would make things way more comlicated if i ended up getin in a scrap wit him i no im not supost to but i just want ot soooooo bad. there was about 4 guys goin to jump him today but i stoped them this is like the 10th time i have told him to screw off think i should just give it to him or wat?

10-03-2008, 05:54 PM
Is this the story where some kid made a stupid pointless comment to you about your party and getting arrested?

Sounds like stupid highschool bs that won't mean anything in the long run.

Make your own judgement. If you think this person needs to be knocked in the face for the point to be made, than do it. And do it outta school. Very simple

10-03-2008, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Ryan
Is this the story where some kid made a stupid pointless comment to you about your party and getting arrested?

Sounds like stupid highschool bs that won't mean anything in the long run.

Make your own judgement. If you think this person needs to be knocked in the face for the point to be made, than do it. Very simple

no lol thats that other dude this is about the same guy startin roumors bout me for like a long as time and me telling him to stop countless tiems and he wont and now he is even pickin on my freinds so i just wannat beat his *** but i dont no if i should.

10-03-2008, 06:00 PM
well, im a firm believer of standing up for yourself and making your point proven. If its possible to resort it without volience, than do so. However, if its gonna take a few hits to the skull to get your point across, then do it. Atlease stand up for yourself...


10-03-2008, 08:36 PM
ha. well i honestly think its the only way i can stop him i already talked to it with the principal and i was surprised he didnt even try and stop me he just told me all what can happen like i can be charged and to expect a 3 day out of school but im just gona do it out of school so he warned me about beign charged.

10-04-2008, 08:05 PM
You know the consequences.

You know how you feel about the situation.

Make your own judgement and do what you feel needs to be done.

Personally, id do his chick and call it even... but do as you please.:ermm:

10-04-2008, 09:02 PM
ya but his chick isnt the easyest to do and i just herd she gots chlamidya from givin a guy head so.... lol i dont need that crap id rather just beat on him and get wit my chick she is hotter anyway.

10-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ya but his chick isnt the easyest to do and i just herd she gots chlamidya from givin a guy head so.... lol i dont need that crap id rather just beat on him and get wit my chick she is hotter anyway.

Sounds like a plan.

Do work.:macho

10-04-2008, 09:08 PM
just some questions i have beeen in some fights before but most of the guys are my size and i tend to just spaz out but he is quite a bit bigger then me i no i can take him if he doesnt get on me so i am just wondering what is the easyest way to get him on the ground from the start?

10-04-2008, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
just some questions i have beeen in some fights before but most of the guys are my size and i tend to just spaz out but he is quite a bit bigger then me i no i can take him if he doesnt get on me so i am just wondering what is the easyest way to get him on the ground from the start?

Kick him in the nads..

cheap, chitty way to win... but noone said you gotta fight fair...:chinese: :scary:

10-04-2008, 09:18 PM
nah i got enough ppl on my back that i can fight fair and not have much to worry bout i just dont want to be loosing any teeth ha. see we have russians that moved away from russa they live in a coloni and have very strickt religion and stuff well he was makin fun of them and i am so close to them i am pretty much considered a russain like theey are and they all want to beat him up so i am covered for back up ha.

10-04-2008, 09:38 PM
Is this really what this forum has come to a stupid high school fight? if you feel like thats what you have to do then do it stop going on about it be a man who cares about back any one can have a bunch of friends that can beat up on 1 kid if your gonna fight him be a man about it honestly this is pathetic

10-04-2008, 11:22 PM
here is what i think, if both of you are under 18 then go at it but if both of you are over 18 then i wouldnt fight him. i mean you have to stand your ground but it dont really sound like its worth getting in trouble about, and if you fight him out of school the only thing you have to worry about is weapons. but like said above, this is just highschool crap, dont get too upset about it.

10-04-2008, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
just some questions i have beeen in some fights before but most of the guys are my size and i tend to just spaz out but he is quite a bit bigger then me i no i can take him if he doesnt get on me so i am just wondering what is the easyest way to get him on the ground from the start?

here is what i have done before with bigger people, let them get the first swing and the instant they stop there first swing get them in the kidney then after that get them in the balls then that should get you the win. i won a fight that way before, its kind of dirty but sometimes its what you have to do.

10-04-2008, 11:35 PM
Whats wrong with STD's?.... go for his girl;)

10-05-2008, 01:12 PM
ha i dont really want to hit him the balls ha. i could probly knock him out if i get first swing but then that means i started it and he can charge me.

and i am only 16 so i dont want no stds ha.

Ruby Soho
10-05-2008, 01:25 PM
if you don't know how to fight don't bother

it won't solve anything anyway, hell still have a big mouth. hit him where it hurts.

10-05-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
if you don't know how to fight don't bother

it won't solve anything anyway, hell still have a big mouth. hit him where it hurts.

in the balls!? lol

10-05-2008, 05:33 PM
get in his face then headbutt him in the nose

10-05-2008, 07:07 PM
ha someome actully told me to do that before he said headbuntings hard though if you dont do it right you can hurt your self just as much as the other person.