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View Full Version : Need help with Katrina school project

09-29-2008, 01:47 PM
Im doing a project in Sociology about how Structural Functionalism can be used to explain the aftermath of hurricane katrina. Im trying to find statistics showing where the money for all of the funds and stuff used for the victims came from but im not having any luck. In other words, did most of the money come from the government or from people donating it or maybe taxes? Any help would be appreciated this things kicking my butt

09-29-2008, 02:47 PM
sorry i cant help with katrina, as it didnt affect us here, about an hour north. but when gustav just passed through i know insurance, government, and fema paid for most of damages done here. im gonna take an educated guess that, that goes for new orleans during katrina also. im guessing you tryed googling this?

edit: hmmm, maybe i was wrong. maybe alot of funds did come from donations. i googled this up real quick...
i typed in hurricane katrina funds/funding. check that out see if it helps. good luck.

09-30-2008, 06:10 AM
though i cant find an actual link that specifically says it, FEMA is funded with taxes and it appears that some of it was a loan to those who accepted the funds. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/08/31/cbsnews_investigates/main3226042.shtml

to me, FEMA is a "fat cat" scam to pay buddies or friends of friends large sums of money to allegedly clean up the mess for the public.

"Members of Congress say FEMA is unresponsive to complaints and warnings of mismanagement. Outside analysts say that the Department of Homeland Security's staffing shortages and increasing dependence on larger contracts to handle complex new missions feeds an unhealthy cycle, in which firms vying for an ever-growing flow of taxpayer dollars raid agency staff for expertise, weakening FEMA's ability to independently carry out its missions."

the Red Cross was already established for these sort of things.

09-30-2008, 07:34 AM
First people had to contact the Small Business Admn. for a loan, if they didn't qualify for that then Fema picked it up from there. As far as I know Louisiana got grants and loans from the federal gov. People also got $200.00 per person in the household from the Red cross. Fema first gave each household in the affected parishes $2000.00 for recouping the money they spent on food, evacuating, ice, gas, generators stuff like that. While I was evacuated in Memphis Tenn. the hotel told us that if you lived in certain zip codes ( mine was one of them ) I didn't pay for the room the gov. paid for it. About a month later Fema people started going to residences and doing interviews and seeing what people lost like an assessment. Then people got money direct deposited to their bank accounts anywhere from 0 - $25,000.00. From what I heard the state is doing it right as in dispersing funds Now the city of New Orleans is a different story it seems as though everyday another councilman of other official is caught stealing money in one way or another thats why some spots look the same 3 yrs. later! The places where tourists go is jumping while the rest is deserted. Anyway try www.nola.com or www.wdsu.com you may find something there or e-mail Gov. Bobby Jindal's office.