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09-28-2008, 05:24 PM
Hey yall I know the site rules on having to have a helmet on for your riding pics.

What about if technically your on the fourwheeler but its not started or moving? Just a goofy pic after my bro in law picked the front end up?

I dont want to post it for it to get deleted just time from the mods figured I would ask first. Thanks guys/gals

09-28-2008, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Snipe
Hey yall I know the site rules on having to have a helmet on for your riding pics.

What about if technically your on the fourwheeler but its not started or moving? Just a goofy pic after my bro in law picked the front end up?

I dont want to post it for it to get deleted just time from the mods figured I would ask first. Thanks guys/gals

ROFL nice

09-28-2008, 08:43 PM
haha it might not if u can see your brother holding up the front end in it

but nah wheelies dont think r that big of a deal. as long as your not heavy riding i dont think its such a big deal.

09-28-2008, 08:49 PM
just post it up and if it looks like your moving use paint and paint a helmate on the person on the quad lol

09-28-2008, 08:50 PM
I dont see the big deal, alot of riders I know do not ride with helmets at all.

09-28-2008, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I dont see the big deal, alot of riders I know do not ride with helmets at all.
Do you recommend everyone do this? Does it make you look cooler if you don't have a helmet on? And just because you are good, does this mean you will never wreck? And aren't the "GOOD" "FAST" guys the ones that always go down the hardest?

I don't know the answers to these questions.....I'm new to this whole scene....so enlighten me!

Also....why NOT wear one?

09-28-2008, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by leasureryan
Do you recommend everyone do this? Does it make you look cooler if you don't have a helmet on? And just because you are good, does this mean you will never wreck? And aren't the "GOOD" "FAST" guys the ones that always go down the hardest?

I don't know the answers to these questions.....I'm new to this whole scene....so enlighten me!

Also....why NOT wear one?

why do you care its not your head me personally i would never ride hard without a helmet but i don't care if my friend dosnt that is his own decision not mine

09-28-2008, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by brian76708
why do you care its not your head me personally i would never ride hard without a helmet but i don't care if my friend dosnt that is his own decision not mine
thats the way i am. only time i dont wear my helmet is when im scooting around nice and slow or loading it on the trailer. but its their heads, if they wanna spill their brains be my guest.

09-29-2008, 12:03 AM
You guys really arn't a good advert for this sport. Its no wander the police and local councils don't like us, with atitudes like that this sport would be better off without some of you guys.

Its as easy as saying to a buddy "I'm not riding with you unless you wear a helmet".

Because if he stacks it and his head comes off, your the one who has to deal with it..... phone the docs.....phone the police......spend the next few months in hospital (if he isn't dead) and you the one who is going to be pushing his wheel chair about and your also the one who said nothing before he got on his bike and thought it was funny to ride with no lid.

Not so cool now.

09-29-2008, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by brian76708
why do you care its not your head me personally i would never ride hard without a helmet but i don't care if my friend dosnt that is his own decision not mine

Because we already have a bad name to begin with. When some dumbass spills his brains all over the place it just brings that much more negative attention to us.

09-29-2008, 11:44 AM
I have a helmet and actually take extra as I make everyone who rides with us wear a helmet.

I just took it off for the pic. I ll post it and see what happens im the only one in the pic but you can def tell its not moving.


All the actual riding pics came out way to blurry so I figured what the hell at least it looks like im riding a wheelie lol.

09-29-2008, 11:45 AM
Oh and ya gotta love the helmet hair lol.:D

09-29-2008, 02:07 PM
Whenever i go riding i always wear a helmet and boots. I will be getting a chest protector soon too. Flying through trails with trees 2 ft from you....yea it could get ugly fast. I want all the protection i can get. Live to ride another day

09-29-2008, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by leasureryan
Do you recommend everyone do this? Does it make you look cooler if you don't have a helmet on? And just because you are good, does this mean you will never wreck? And aren't the "GOOD" "FAST" guys the ones that always go down the hardest?

I don't know the answers to these questions.....I'm new to this whole scene....so enlighten me!

Also....why NOT wear one?

Im not saying everyone should do it, but its a choice not something you have to do.

Thank you for chewing me out, its up to me if I want to wear one or not and I choose not to most of the time. Its also not up to some politicians to say we should either.

Imho, offroad riders get a bad rap for leaving behinds messes, trashing stuff and riding in areas that arent sited for nor legal to do so. I ride on county land designated for public use of whatever, alot of people ride in areas where they shouldnt and thats what causes a bad rap.

Should I be made to wear sweatpants b/c jeans are blue?

Its my choice and I choose not to.

09-29-2008, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Im not saying everyone should do it, but its a choice not something you have to do.

Thank you for chewing me out, its up to me if I want to wear one or not and I choose not to most of the time.

see ya on the other side.. i'll just be 55 years later. :scary:

09-29-2008, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
see ya on the other side.. i'll just be 55 years later. :scary:

More good encouragement, thanks. :grr:

Look, again: if you or I dont wanna wear one thats fine-but people shouldnt go around saying we have to!

09-29-2008, 06:40 PM
no big deal...but i used to ride without a helmet with the same attitude I have when i drive without a seatbelt. I don't like seatbelts. I hate seatbelts! I used to hate helmets, too. Then i realized how soft a head is compared to a tree, or rock, or the quad I'm on. I didn't even have to wreck to make this a reality, it just hit me one day...this is stupid! I should have something on my head! I'm writing this laid up with a shattered collarbone from just a simple night ride through a trail i had been down a thousand times. thank God i changed my point of view....if i had the same attitude as before...i would definitely not be talking to you today! But it is up to the rider in my opinion....that will never change!

09-29-2008, 08:11 PM
I wear a helmet because I have alot to live for and a whole lot more to lose. I cannot stand the thought of leaving my boy to grow up without a dad. Leaving my wife because of a selfish act.
Leaving behind everything I've accomplished in life.

Quads are dangerous enough the way it is. How many idiots do you see at a riding area? How many do you see run a moto-x track backwards? 9 times out of 10 idiot will win.

Wear your protective gear guys.

I'm not trying to make this a psa guys. Just think about others in your life.
If you're still too cool to wear a helmet...so be it.

09-29-2008, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by CJM
More good encouragement, thanks. :grr:

Look, again: if you or I dont wanna wear one thats fine-but people shouldnt go around saying we have to!

Well....for 1...I never chewed you out. Don't be so soft. I simply asked a string of retorical questions.

I won't ride with a guy who won't wear a helmet....I will bust his balls about not wearing one until something inside his head goes ***DING*** "Maybe you are right dudes...better safe then sorry"

Beside, the last thing I want to ruine my day is some retard not wearing a helmet bounced his nugget off a tree, rock, ground etc, and cause me to lose precious riding time, all because he was lazy and cheap!

Remember....almost 0% of the things that you could possibly hit, crash into, or land on, are softer than your skin and bones. You break easily bro!

09-29-2008, 10:50 PM
I always wear one no need not to I just took it off for the pic as ya can note the hair lol.

Plus the helmet and goggles makes a good brush clearer when riding in the woods dont have to worry about tearing your face up and as ya can see mine is to pretty lmao

09-29-2008, 11:10 PM
As stated before wearing a helmet will help keep our riding places open. Im sure everyone can think of a place to ride that is now closed down. Prob closed because someone splattered there face and in return the place was sued and closed down. If you want things to be ATV friendly wear a helmet and or protective gear. I also agree that its pretty selfish to not wear one, do think about the ones you will leave behind. I know someone who died night riding without a helmet with his wife and 2 daughters riding with him. Then that awesome riding place was closed. Also know someone who literally almost ripped their face clean off. He was drinking and riding with no helmet.

09-30-2008, 12:28 AM
Valid points from both sides, however, my humble opinion is this:

Politicians have no right to tell me to wear a helmet or a seatbelt (an example used earlier), they should be focused on growing the economy, keeping our streets (and trails) safe and maintained, education for our youth, etc. Not worrying about whether or not I'm wearing a helmet.

That being said, I think that you are pretty much an idiot if you don't wear a helmet. Those that choose not to take some basic safety measures to ensure their safety and the safety of others are the ones that open the door for government agencies to over-regulate things. A wise man once told me that "the government makes and enforces stupid rules because there are a lot of stupid people out there that need the help to make common sense decisions."

Wear a helmet, it's not that difficult. You only get one brain.

.....now condoms....those I make the argument the other way! LOL:D :D

09-30-2008, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Im not saying everyone should do it, but its a choice not something you have to do.

Thank you for chewing me out, its up to me if I want to wear one or not and I choose not to most of the time. Its also not up to some politicians to say we should either.

Imho, offroad riders get a bad rap for leaving behinds messes, trashing stuff and riding in areas that arent sited for nor legal to do so. I ride on county land designated for public use of whatever, alot of people ride in areas where they shouldnt and thats what causes a bad rap.

Should I be made to wear sweatpants b/c jeans are blue?

Its my choice and I choose not to.

I don't mean to sound rude but I think your a dick.

09-30-2008, 07:22 AM
offroaders do get a bad rap for leaving messes but the big heat comes from people getting injured and how they are dangerous even though people dont do the right thing and the media blames the equipment

09-30-2008, 08:32 AM
There are laws on helmet and seatbelt use because most people are just too stupid or lazy to wear them on there own.

09-30-2008, 05:33 PM
like I said....I'm not talking about making it a law...I too agree it should be choice, all I am saying is, I choose to wear them both, and so should everyone else. If you don't want to...so be it. But you won't be riding with me until you choose the "smart" thing to do

And to the condom comment.......I am TOTALY PRO CHOICE! I can argue that all night, and nobody would have a valid point saying otherwise!

09-30-2008, 10:23 PM
And to the condom comment.......I am TOTALY PRO CHOICE! I can argue that all night, and nobody would have a valid point saying otherwise! [/B]

LOL Atleast I know I have ONE Supporter!:devil: