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View Full Version : Any Trail Riding Bag Recommendations?

09-21-2008, 08:59 PM
I ride my 400EX for trail riding and I sometimes go for hours. I would like to get a nice bag for the quad that could hold some tools and drinks.
any recommendations?

09-21-2008, 09:06 PM
for drinks i think the best bet is a camel pack. they even make chest protectors where the camel pack like clips on or something. RMATV i think makes trail tool kits. The only tools i could see being needed would be a screw driver with both phillips and flat head (stock tool kit has one) , and 10mm wrench because so much on the quad is 10mm. I thin most engine bolts are 6mm? or are they 8mm? i dont remember off hand but that could come in handy i guess if you forgot to tighten down a bolt on the engine or something backed off. Then an allen key to adjust the chain. i think the RMATV tool kit has c02 canisters so if you get a flat you can fill it up and ride back.

Scott S
09-21-2008, 11:02 PM
I ride with a CamelBak MULE that has plenty of storage for some tools and 100 oz of beverage. I also carry a tow strap in it and a wind up radio/flashlight.