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View Full Version : Need help with Dirtbike wheelies.

09-21-2008, 11:57 AM
im having trouble with the wheelies on the bike. high speed wheelies arent the issue, they are fun and easy. its the ones where i try to clutch it up in first or 2nd gear that are killing me. i can do them on the quad without thinking twice cuz of the torque that is there. i was wondering if anyone had any tips for me. i either dont have the power on tap to pull the front end up, or else the bike pulls up too quick cuz it is already in the midrange...when this happens it scares the **** outta me cuz i already went off the back once...wasnt fun. i am using the clutch to get the front end up, and i adjusted my rear brake pedal so it is easier to hit and bring the front end down. my only problem is trying to get the front end up. any tips?

09-22-2008, 07:46 AM
Get a fourstroke. I'm kidding. It's apparent you can wheelie your 400 all day, but its a wheelie riding machine. Youre just going to have to keep playing with it till you get comfortable.

09-22-2008, 09:08 PM
It's all about finding the balance point and sitting up and down with your arms straight and a ton of throttle control/timing, it only takes a tiny bit of throttle to keep it going on the pingers, for slow wheelies I always catch it at the low rpm peak right as the power comes on before it screams and I never used the back brakes when I rode em, I use to stall mine out cause I'd ride em so slow sometimes. :p

I'd find a small uphill and practice getting the front end up then gradually worked my way out to flat areas.

09-22-2008, 09:12 PM
you can turn the bars to the side too and it makes it a little easyier to work the throttle. ;)

And you can kinda judge the balance point of a dirt bike by where your at on the seat, usually right at the number plates works good on most bikes, the motor is almost at the same spot your at just infront of you, so if you get it at the sweet spot the overall balance of the bike feels really solid.

09-22-2008, 09:18 PM
Same goes for flamingos and seat standers too, turning the bars helps a chitload! stunting is fun when you don't have insurance, cuts and bruises and a little easier to fix then broken bones from flying mishaps.. :blah:

09-25-2008, 01:11 PM
thnx, ill try turning the bars to get more control of the throttle. that seems to be my only issue as of now.