View Full Version : life

09-20-2008, 01:36 PM
well right now it just seems like i cant get outa a huge rut of bad luck in my life right now. It all started around may when i discovered a large lump on my testicile, and after dealing with a cancer scare, me and the girl i was currently dateing split, and left me kinda hurt. Since then it just seems i cant get out this rut or crap, things just keep piling up on me, i wasnt able to get into a decent college and was forced to start at a comunity college, then i met a awesome girl who right now is still messing with my head. And thats not all it just been a **** ton of little stuff thats just starting to add up and really get to me. People are starting to notice a change in my personalty because of it, ive always been the happy go lucky guy who always having fun and not having a care in the world.. and i hate not being that guy anymore, I feel like ive just reached the end of my rope and i dont know what to do anymore...it sucks

09-20-2008, 02:00 PM
You're not alone...

09-20-2008, 02:08 PM
I can't make your problems go away, but I CAN make you laugh a bit.

Google these lyrics. The group is called Da Vinci's Notebook, make sure you actually find the song and listen to it.

Whenever life gets you down
Keeps you wearing a frown
And the gravy train has left you behind
And when you're all out of hope
Down at the end of your rope
And nobody's there to throw you a line

09-20-2008, 02:32 PM
i'm guessing your around the same age as me if you are tryin to get into college. things get real after you graduate high school. trust me ive gone through a lot of crap since i've graduated high school. just to name a few....rehab, girls, 2 of my good friends dying, etc. it's gotten a lot better recently. when things are lookin really crappy just think positive. it ALWAYS gets worst BEFORE it gets better!
hop on the quad and ride it like youve never before! it'll make you feel alot better and relieve alot of stress! trust me, it works for me!

09-20-2008, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by YZrida
im guessing your around the same age as me if you are tryin to get into college. things get real after you graduate high school. trust me ive gone through alotttaa **** since ive graduated high school. just to name a few....rehab, girls, 2 of my good friends dying, etc. its gotten alot better recently. when things are lookin really crappy just think positive. it ALWAYS gets worst BEFORE it gets better!

You hit the nail right on the head. Life kicks you square in the teeth when you graduate high school. They always say your hardest years are your 20's. Getting through college and finding a way to make it in the world is hard enough, let alone dealing with all the other **** that comes with life. Just keep your head up and think about all the other things you've made it through. And if music helps you, this song always helped me out if I was down. Gangstarr - "Moment of Truth"
I still listen to that song if I'm having a ****ty day

09-23-2008, 04:17 PM
well if the 20's are the worst years, i'm screwed. like yall have said, life sucks, but it gets better. i took a fall at work almost 2 months ago. fell over 20 feet onto a concrete subfloor. fractured my skull and snapped a vertebrea in my neck. surgeon had to drill a hole in the side of my skull to remove a blood clott and lessen some swelling. i forget the actual terms for the procedures. im lucky to be alive and walking.

point of the story. i wished i was dead the first couple of weeks. put now everything is starting to work itself out. definately sucks, but it can always be a lot worse.

keep your chin up man!:macho

09-23-2008, 07:46 PM
itll get better dude, i went through the same stuff. I had my hopes on playing college ball and could have but i screwed around and all those hopes and dreams went down the drain. I am just finally getting back up on my feet (3 years later). I think it took longer for me than normal but I finally just said F' IT and went out and did something about it, now my life rocks!

09-23-2008, 09:29 PM
thanks you guys, you guys are like family lol and a hell of a lot cheeper than a shrink HAHA

09-23-2008, 09:50 PM
The sooner you learn to deal with the things you can, move on from the things you cant, and to enjoy your time on this earth, you will be happier.

The cancer thing would have been the weight off my shoulders, as far as the chicks...F'em:macho There is more trim out there to ever get hung up on one!

09-24-2008, 07:47 AM
Part of life is learning to deal with the things you can control and not worrign about the things you can not control.

And there are VERY few things you can control. ;)

09-24-2008, 08:03 AM
definitely just like everybody else has said, when i finished highschool i fell flat on my face, didn't know where to go or what to do, my girl left me right after we got an apartment and things seemed to just keep going downhill, well here we are 2 years later i'm in school, got a decent job and a basically brand new truck that i drive the new girl around in.

09-24-2008, 01:56 PM
Wow. Good to know I'm not the only one as well. Life after high school was vrey hectic for me. I went to a community college 60 miles away, and did my best to work as many hours as possible, race, and have a decent relationship. About a month before I graduated college, girl broke up with me. 6 months later, Working full-time, glad to be done with the old girl, and got a new one. Them females are a subject all of their own.

But I've had my share of financial issues along the way, plenty of bad luck in general, and enough truck problems to last me the next 20 years. Everything is finally takin shape now, and I started livin for me.

I'm 20 years old btw.

09-24-2008, 02:27 PM
I had a wake-up call a few years out of high school. It wasn't a tramatic, near-death experience or anything like that, but I think about it all the time.

Driving home from work, I downshifted on a small hill and my transmission blew out in my car. This happened at a time in my life when everything else was also piling on my shoulders, family trouble, working a lot of overtime, and schoolwork was killing me because finals were approaching. Nothing was going right, and the transmission in my car certainly didn't help.

So I pulled off the road into the parking lot of a small doll shop, and asked the owners if I could use the phone (before cell-phones were really mainstream). Waiting for the towtruck, I talked with the old couple, about life, problems, all the stress in my life. Why can't I just catch a break?!?

The old lady says "Yeah, I know what you mean. I have leukemia..."

Holy crap. LEUKEMIA. That's a horrible disease to have. The chemotherapy leaves you sick, tired, and just to top it off, ugly. The bone marrow transplants leave you in pain. And the whole ordeal will leave you broke. It's a slow, ugly death.

It hit me square in the chest, and forced me to realize how stupid and selfish I sounded. It was like an immediate transformation. I wasn't stressed over finals, my semester was almost over. The blistering heat suddenly became a beautiful summer day. The overtime at work wasn't killing me, it was putting money in my pocket. A few days later, I used that money to buy a great-looking 4x4 that I loved to drive, instead of that crappy little car.

I know it's not as dramatic and impressive as a spiral into alcohol, a crash that should have left me dead, and a blossoming love to pull me through it all. But it really was life-changing, hardly a day goes by I don't think about that phrase "I know what you mean, I have leukemia". It reminds me to look on the bright side of things, and how little and petty most problems truly are.

This was right about the same time as you guys, I was 19.

09-24-2008, 07:00 PM
Like Wilkin said .... there's some moments in life that will make you realize how good you actually have it.

When I was 17 , I was brought into the hospital litterally on my death bed. I overheard the doctor tell my parents ( while I was slipping in and out of conciousness) that I had less than 4 hours to live.

I was rushed to the hospital and had emergency surgery done. A few days after surgery , the surgeon came in and told me just how lucky I really was . If I'd have gone another 20 minutes or so in the shape that I was in before he operated , I'd be pushing daisies right now. :huh

You want to talk about an eye opener ... that was an eye opener. It sure made me realize that the little things in life that I used to let bother me didn't really matter. Life's too short to worry about the petty things.

09-24-2008, 07:35 PM
Two farmers sittin on a porch, watching it lighting and poor down rain, flood their crops.

Farmer says "Rough times, think this is ever going to stop?" Other farmer says "Always does".

Hang in there, everyone has rough times, keep your chin up.

09-24-2008, 08:01 PM
im in college also, times are real tough. im tring to pass college while having girl trouble and tring to keep a job all on top of loosing a grandma,uncle, and living in a really bad part of town. i have to travel 45min just to be with my friends becasue all of my friends i grew up with got into drugs. what i have been doing is, whenever you find youself thinking about how tough times are find something to do. i ride my 4wheeler, take a walk, call my friends and just anything that takes my mind off of stuff. i am very greatfull becsaue i could just be like my friends, do nothing all day besides drugs. insted of having just one girl that you talk to have alot of them to talk to. im not saying have alot and cheat on all of them im just saying be friends with them all becasue if you get hurt by one there will still be others that you can talk to. just keep your head up though, it will get better, i know everyone tells you this but its the truth. everyone has there down times, like i said im having one right now but i just keep my head up and just keep on going. hope this helps.

09-24-2008, 08:09 PM
Different techniques work for different people. Like for me, If I'm not in a good mood, or I've felt like crap for a good time period little things help me out like listening to good techno music brings my spirit up at the end of crappy days. When it comes down to being in a depressing period of time, I usually find talking to someone, or many people sometimes about how you feel helps alot just so people understand what your going through.

09-25-2008, 01:37 PM
Heh well im still down in the dumps as well me and my girlfriend broke up today... i am down as of now and pretty sad and depressed but i realise it'll get better hopefully sooner than later...

09-25-2008, 02:32 PM
Guy I promise you I have been there before. I overdosed Feb. 26th, my heart stopped beating for three and a half minutes. I have been to the very bottom and promise you this life is worth every ounce of pain and agony. I have never ever looked back. I have ups and downs like everyone else but I promise you this every day above the ground is a great day. You just have to stand up and push through the rough times. One of my favorite quotes 'Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do.But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, thats true strenght'.

I wont tell you about my personal life right now, but I have lost three loved ones in the last two months, life is crappy sometimes but we all have to go through the same things.

09-25-2008, 02:49 PM
Hang tough Bro - life gets tough for all of us - some more than others.
Let it hurt but don't dwell on the negative and at the same time pick your self up look around and move on.

I believe it was George Patton who said " it's not how many times a man gets knocked down but how many times he gets up"

Be persistent in achieving your goals no matter what they are - realize that things always change so you will have to constantly adjust but learn to enjoy the challenge.

There are alot of people past and present that can inspire us all with what we can overcome - just take a minute and look around.

Now lift your head up and go riding !!! That goes for everyone!!!


09-25-2008, 06:34 PM
i think we've all been there, for myself it was back in 06, some of you may have heard about this, i was working at Taylor University in upland indiana.... a van full of 8 of my co-workers was hit by a semi truck on the way back to campus... killing 5 of them, my boss had asked me to go along with... had i gone i may not be here today.

Sortly after, i quit working there(everything was different i couldnt handle being around there anymore) i was having problems with girls (go figure) school wasnt what i wanted to do, my truck was always breaking down, all my "friends" had changed everything was going down hill fast. Well eventually i went back and talked to my boss who had survived the accident and she just had an amazing outlook on life afterwards... betweeen chatting with her and one of my best girl friends ever im finally moving forward in the right direction.

lol, riding quads has helped me out alot too.... BIG stress reliever

your not alone man, just keep your head up

09-25-2008, 07:47 PM
when life gives you lemons, well u take them damn lemons and make lemonade.

dont let **** get to you. life slips away quick. we only have a hundred years to live and some die younger. one i had girl problems, my grades slipped because i started drinking, my brothers best friend was killed in iraq, my and died unexpectedly because of an anurism in her brain, my grandpa died christmas eve, and my brother/ best friend moved 6 hrs away from me. times get better. some times i just lock my self in my room listen to my ipod and forget the world even exhist. times like this tells you who your friends are.

09-26-2008, 07:48 AM
Hang tough man.

Lifes a bi*ch... If it was a slut, it'd be easy:blah: