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View Full Version : kfx50 2007 cut green wire?

09-15-2008, 07:32 PM
Does anyone Know about cutting a green wire from the cdi box on the 2007 kfx50. i know on other this is possible i have done it to my 450R and if anyone know more on a sprocket would help.

09-17-2008, 07:20 AM
I called sprocket specialist and had them send me a 3 tooth larger rear sprocket of the rear... Helped alot.. now she can climb most hills without any help..Don't remember what it cost but i think around $40. I would recomend this to anybody with one of these little machines

09-19-2008, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by jteeter1
Does anyone Know about cutting a green wire from the cdi box on the 2007 kfx50. i know on other this is possible i have done it to my 450R and if anyone know more on a sprocket would help.
The 4-stroke models do not have a wire to cut.