View Full Version : Sarah Palin Tina Fey SNL

09-15-2008, 06:24 PM
Can anyone up load anything from you tube or something on that skit on Saturday Night Live?? I heard it was funnier then hell & I cant find anything. ME COMPUTER DUMB

Thanx Ken

09-15-2008, 06:55 PM
i dont know how to load videos but anyway i wouldnt call it funny as heck but its alright, then again i never have liked snl, but i checked it out and as for the skit itself tina fey is spot on with her palin impression and its pretty decent i apprecitated how they took jabs at both parties....... if it was nothin but gop bashing (like most stuff is now on tv), id be here now telling you how much it sucked....:D


09-15-2008, 07:11 PM
Thanx Man. Sorry that was Fliipin Funny..
Tina fey got her down pat..

Thanx Again Ken

09-16-2008, 09:00 AM
This skit was nothing short of AMAZING!!! Tine fey looked EXACTLY like Sarah Palin!! I recorded it and am sure glad i did!!!! I love SNL...I miss alot of the old acts tho..:( But this was GREAT and sooooo funny!!!