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09-14-2008, 08:15 PM
ok well there is this guy and he keeps on talkin crap about me its really annoying and i wanna just beat him but its in school so i am wondering on what would i be in for? the worst part is when i confronted him he said he never did it but there was over 6 people that told me he was so i no he is lieing. he is one of those cockey people that no it all but is a ***** at the same time you no. and before me and him never really got along so i went up to him and apalogized for beain a di*k and he said it was ok and we were good now and he just keeps on talking and i told him to stop countless times. so would you guys throw him a beating or what? i already told him im gona monday he seamed pretty scared and just blocked me on msn.

Master LTR450
09-14-2008, 08:19 PM
Just be the bigger person and walk away. Who cares what someone else has to say about you. Its not like he is really hurting you is he?

09-14-2008, 08:20 PM
no he isnt. but its jsut really annoying after like 5 times of telling him to stop for the past year and he still doesnt. instead of beatin him amybe just throw him around a bit? i seriously tihn kthats the only way to get to him. and plus his mom is very concited on her kid so he thinks he is doing nothing wrong and she most likley agrees with him.

09-14-2008, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ok well there is this guy and he keeps on talkin crap about me its really annoying and i wanna just beat him but its in school so i am wondering on what would i be in for? the worst part is when i confronted him he said he never did it but there was over 6 people that told me he was so i no he is lieing. he is one of those cockey people that no it all but is a ***** at the same time you no. and before me and him never really got along so i went up to him and apalogized for beain a di*k and he said it was ok and we were good now and he just keeps on talking and i told him to stop countless times. so would you guys throw him a beating or what? i already told him im gona monday he seamed pretty scared and just blocked me on msn.

EDIT: I agree with everyone else.. walk away. he sounds like a low-life to me.

09-14-2008, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Master LTR450
Just be the bigger person and walk away. Who cares what someone else has to say about you. Its not like he is really hurting you is he?

i agree with that...and anyone who is your true friend wont listen to him...if what he says influences anyone, then they obviously werent worth it

09-14-2008, 08:22 PM
i just kinda laugh and walk away from people like that. most of them will never amount to anything and its their own fault. you dont have to go down to his level. ignore him and let your actions do the talking. fighting doest solve anything. its an immature way of handling problems

09-14-2008, 08:23 PM
exactly wat MASTER ltr450 said if its not true wat he's saying than who cares,he proly just wants atention which you shouldnt give him.

09-14-2008, 08:26 PM
ya i no what you guys are saying guess il jsut walk up to him tomrrow and tel him to fk off and if that dont work ill just ignor him i guess. its really annoying though when people are like that.

09-14-2008, 08:27 PM
what theyre^^^^^ saying is true plus you'll be more looked up to and you'll benifit way more in the long run if you'll just walk away instead of making the whole deal a WHOLE lot bigger if you start a fight and get yourself into trouble yet most likely,thats what i think

09-14-2008, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ya i no what you guys are saying guess il jsut walk up to him tomrrow and tel him to fk off and if that dont work ill just ignor him i guess. its really annoying though when people are like that.

dont even say that, that'll only cause more problems, hes not gonna listen. tell him you dont have time for this crap and hes gotta grow up a little, then just ignore him. good decision though:macho

09-14-2008, 08:30 PM
ya well if i was gona fight him i was gona make him start it. other wise i wouldnt of touched him if the other guy starts it u dont get in trouble one time this guy smashed a bottle over this over guys head in my school and the other guy beat the crap out of the guy that smashed th bottle over his head and he never got in trouble at all.

Master LTR450
09-14-2008, 08:30 PM
Just go up to him and tell him he can keep on talking all he wants about you but the only thing its really doing is making himself look like a fool. Then go on to tell him that your basically done with this so get over it or keep on talking all the trash you want because it doesnt really bother me anymore. All your doing by confronting him about it everytime and threatning him is leading him on because your showing him that its bothering you.

09-14-2008, 08:31 PM
yeah it sure is anoying i totaly understand you,lol. i wouldnt even say anything to him though,if u told him he was gona get it monday he'd proly be on his toes the whole day n then some if you didnt say anything at all and just totaly ignore him,lol
your call though

09-14-2008, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ya well if i was gona fight him i was gona make him start it. other wise i wouldnt of touched him if the other guy starts it u dont get in trouble one time this guy smashed a bottle over this over guys head in my school and the other guy beat the crap out of the guy that smashed th bottle over his head and he never got in trouble at all.

man its different at our school. 2 years ago, there was a fight and the one kid didnt do anything. he just stood there and took about 5 punches, and he didnt start it our anything because he still wanted to be eligible for basketball. they both got suspended the same and got the same punishment cause they were both involved :confused: he got pretty screwed over

09-14-2008, 08:34 PM
ya thats messed

09-14-2008, 08:43 PM
im gonna let you in on a secret, people often develop in school to how theyre gonna turn out in life after school, if theres some kid whos life sucks so much that he has to try and bring yours down, chances are your not the last one this dude will haze....... like i had this one hickjob givin me a hard time in school and basically i just ignored him pretty much knowing everything im telling you now and ya know what, i saw this guy at walmart just last week and he was the same trainwreck, shi**y job, shi**y haircut, shi**y car, shi**y wife & even a kid (even of which he was hazing, i knew i wasnt the last) i was giggling like a girl on the inside watching this guy carry on........ point being even if you can beat this guys a** just wait 5 years and see who got the real last laugh.

09-14-2008, 08:50 PM
ya i guess ill just tough it out but seriously if he dont stop i wont no what else to do but beat him.

09-14-2008, 08:50 PM
well i know if i fought every person that talked $h!t about me i would most likely be in homeschooling or different school just let it go i know from experence i got 3 days suspened and all the teachers treated me differently i was no longer the good student plus 6 weeks being grounded longest 6 weeks of my life i think parents over reacted but i had no right to hit the kid its not worth it

09-15-2008, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by mittman
well i know if i fought every person that talked $h!t about me i would most likely be in homeschooling or different school just let it go i know from experence i got 3 days suspened and all the teachers treated me differently i was no longer the good student plus 6 weeks being grounded longest 6 weeks of my life i think parents over reacted but i had no right to hit the kid its not worth it

lmao, i love your sig. hahahaa :devil:

09-15-2008, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ya i guess ill just tough it out but seriously if he dont stop i wont no what else to do but beat him.

First things first, pay more attention in school, or at least in English. (English Dictionary = Use it)

Second if you genuinely believe that the consequences of beating up the moron is worth your time then go right ahead. But agreeing with what the other numerous people have said, it's not going to be. Be the bigger person and just ignore it.

09-15-2008, 05:34 PM
k well guys today he was scared like really scared he had 6 guys walkin around with him so i said screw this cuz he would probly make a big brawl so i went and got some of my freind to back me up and then i went to him and said come on lets go for a walk ( i wasnt going to beat him just talk to him) and he wouldnt he was just about crying he said oh why do we have to fight and i said who said anything about a fight then i grabbed him and pushed him away from all the guys he was wit cuz i was gona talk to him and some chick comes and gets me right in the balls. then this girl of my freinds starts flipping out on that chick and one of my freinds was about to deck out that guy i was going to talk to and then some guys from grade 12 dragged both us away and told us exactly what you guys did not to sink to his level and yea its annoying. just show him the right thing to do and fighting wouldnt of solved anything so then once i was able to walk i walked past them and told him he better watch what he says and that was it. ha.

09-15-2008, 06:17 PM
i take it your not good with girls:ermm:

09-15-2008, 06:20 PM
lol but seriously least you had the intentions of doing the right thing,to bad it kinda got screwed up but least you didnt end up fighting and did what was right

09-15-2008, 06:36 PM
thts all u gotta do
get under his skin and he'll stop
if he says something just laugh and keep on walkin, a kid was givin me crap last year and i did tht, he would be cool with me one minute and then when one of his friends walked up he turned into a **** and i just get under his skin and he stopped

09-15-2008, 06:37 PM
bang his girl

09-15-2008, 07:09 PM
ha the one that kicked me was my x so kinda deserved it i guess. from her point of view anyway ha. but yea when i got home though the one that was about to deck him when i got dropped lol. he caled me and was like you wouldnt belive it that kid was telling everyone he was going to fight you and you got scared and wouldnt. i just laughed ha. im bigger then him so i think ill just keep giving him a hard time until he figures it out.

09-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
bang his girl

... and make him videotape it

09-16-2008, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by ricksmx865
... and make him videotape it

ha yea ive thought about it and im going for her ha. im guesssing within 1-2 weeks we will be hooked up and ill piss him off ha.

09-16-2008, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ha yea ive thought about it and im going for her ha. im guesssing within 1-2 weeks we will be hooked up and ill piss him off ha. do you wanna get your *** kicked?

never let anyone know you sleep with anyones girl, rule of thumb...if your doing it for revenge, just walk by as he talks **** with a sweet smile knowing that you got one up on him...

darn kids

09-16-2008, 06:00 PM
ha well i guess lol. she is kind of pissed at me right now though.

ill figure it out though got any ideas on how to make her not mad at me anymore? lol

09-16-2008, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by justin1022
ha well i guess lol. she is kind of pissed at me right now though.

ill figure it out though got any ideas on how to make her not mad at me anymore? lol

bang her:chinese:

lol, jk.

09-16-2008, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by mittman
well i know if i fought every person that talked $h!t about me i would most likely be in homeschooling

thats wat happened to me. i got in wayyyy to many fights. and now im homeschooled. all the teachers hated my guts. i got bad grades jus cause the teachers didnt like me. so i didnt rele wanna change schools. so homeschooling was lookin pretty good at the time. but ive mellowed out alot since then
and about the girl situation. jus tell her "i was wrong, blah blah, you were right, please forgive me" and if that dont work idk :p

09-16-2008, 06:14 PM
ha il just start hangin out wit hr and she she brings it up il apologize might work out i gess.

09-16-2008, 08:00 PM
apologizing? who makes her the boss of deciding that you were wrong? Hell, stand your ground and dont give in...lotta chicks prefer a guy that will do that vs. one whos just trying to suck up...even if they dont admit it.

09-16-2008, 09:04 PM
ya k wel so bassicly you guys want me to just dont apologize and just start hangin wit her but at the same time be a dick to that guy? lol

09-17-2008, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by justin1022
ya k wel so bassicly you guys want me to just dont apologize and just start hangin wit her but at the same time be a dick to that guy? lol

I'll say it again, slower this time. English Dictionary = USE IT!

09-17-2008, 07:19 AM
ha leave me alone.;) jk ha. yea i no i have to slow down typeing.

09-17-2008, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by justin1022

Just slow down and take some type to spell things out correctly. Oh how I wish VBB would integrate a spell-check.