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View Full Version : whats your favorite way to cook deer

09-12-2008, 06:50 PM
well the title pretty much tells you what this thread is about. how do you guys like to prepare your favorite deer steaks. what kinda marinates do you use? do you smoke, fry, grill, simmer, or eat raw?

09-13-2008, 01:18 AM
Id like to hear myself, I have never had ANY deer that I could stomach the taste of .Too gamey for me. lol
Even Elk I havea tough time... Ive had it once mixed with fat from beef I think they said andit was pretty decent but thats about it.
I never grew up with it so maybe that why .

09-13-2008, 07:31 AM
A steak fried slow in onions works. Pressure cooking a roast is good.
For those that have not had good deer, I suggest pressure canning it.
Pack the jar with meat, put in a clove of garlic and a beef boulion cube and can. Comes out like ox-roast. You don't even think it's deer.:)

09-13-2008, 08:19 AM
i liked it soaked it itallian dressing and grilled

09-13-2008, 08:33 AM
Deer Chili....mmmmmm

09-13-2008, 08:53 AM
we also make a stroganoff that we put over rice. its so tender it breaks into when you stick it with a fork.

09-13-2008, 09:28 AM
ha. made me think of a joke.

What do you call a masterbating cow?

beef stroganoff

09-13-2008, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
ha. made me think of a joke.

What do you call a masterbating cow?

beef stroganoff

hahahaha thats actually pretty funny. I gotta tell that to some of my buddies.

09-13-2008, 10:28 AM
JERKY.... thats my fav. way. but every thankgiving my dad fixes deep fried deer for me. he batters it kinda like fried chicken(dips it in milk, then rolls it in a mixture of like flour, salt pepper and cayane. i think, not positive) and then deep fries it before he does the turkey cause i cant stand the taste of turkey.

09-13-2008, 10:44 AM
grilled with very little seasoning...

my wife hates deer meat, unless it is bologna or jerky...she will however eat a roast that has been cooked in french onion soup...to me, that ruins the flavor, but she will eat it that way

09-13-2008, 11:22 AM
The way I like deer the best is two ways:

1.) Clean the deer and get the tenderloin out. Slice tenderloin into decently thin pieces and fry it in a skillet with seasoned salt and butter. Sooo good.
2.)Put it in jars and cook it like LT80 said. Depending how you do it, it takes just like beef, very tender, and doesn't taste gamey at all.

09-13-2008, 11:29 AM
I totally forgot about jerkey!! Now thats been a long time ago!!
I had it many years ago,some was pretty good some was gross... From what I remember, it was very bland or very salty or seemed like it was overdry.
But once I had some reall good jerky that I could have ate all day!! I love jerky, but good jerky is tough to find.

09-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Im probably the only one who will say this...

I shoot my deer in the neck, hence saving the heart.

Cut the heart into thin strips (filet if you will) then fry it in a pan with some salt. Nothing better, especially dipped in some A1.

And I also like to take the backstrap, cut it into little cubes. Stick a tooth pick through it and stick a slice of onion on the toothpick, then wrap it all with a piece of bacon and grill it.:)

09-14-2008, 08:08 AM
The only thing I do is sock it in milk for about 2 hours. Takes the gamey taste right out. The goes for the steaks ribs or what have ya. After the socking I grill or bake.

09-14-2008, 08:59 AM
Take about 4 oz tenderloin pieces, wrap them with bacon, marinate with my homemade good stuff. Grill over low heat 4-6 hours. Get ready to slap someone it tastes so good. That is about the only way I will eat deer, we have plenty all year but I just dont like it any other way.

09-14-2008, 09:34 AM
My wife cooks it 7 ways from sunday. We spend less then $150 a year on actual beef, and she has just replaced venison where any of her recipes call for beef.

The biggest thing with venison is not to dry it out. We cut tenderloins in half and freeze whole, Then thaw and she can cut it any way she likes for a given meal. We do not marinade, no soaking ....nothing. Most "gamey" taste is more a result in processing then the actual meat. We do all our own butchering and no one has ever questioned about what they were eating when here for dinner, including folks that swear off deer meat;) My mother in law will say she gets sick when eating deer, but for the past 17 years my wife and I have been married, thats all we have ever served her and she has no clue its not beef:devil:

Sika deer is my favorite, then Elk, Mule deer and then whitetail. Its based on texture more then anything, and I defy anyone to tell me a properly prepared Elk steak taste's worse then prime beef!

Chili is high on our list-to many variations to list

Steak rice and green peppers(thin strips sauteed in soy sauce with onions and green peppers served over white rice)

Cubed steak with noodles and broth

Loin cooked with tomatoes and onions with italian spices

Crock pot roast then shred and add favorite BBQ sauce

Vegatable soup with cubed venison-so tender you dont need to chew it

Personal favorite: Pan fried loin steak

Ofcourse jerky and bologna/summer sausage....and hot dogs!

Deer burger here gets used in everything from hamburger helper to pasta dishes

As mentioned above, a pressure cooked roast or canned meat is unbelievably tender and tastes every bit as good as beef.

Cook it slow, dont let it dry out, and enjoy it!

09-15-2008, 06:43 AM
here's my favortie. I have served this do many people that say they don't like deer meat and none have ever complained. It's simple and easy.

Take about a 1" baking pan and put about a 1/4" of veg oil in the bottom. Lay the steaks in it and add garlic salt. Place it in the oven and bake to your desired wellness. (I love my beaf med rare but I like my deer fully cooked)


09-15-2008, 07:10 AM
I don't hunt deer , but my uncles usually give me a few steaks every year.

Here's what I do.

Canned potatoes ...sliced ... in a frying pan with butter chopped onions and mushrooms . Cook until golden brown.

Grab the steak , cook it fast over a good heat and eat while it's HOT. I find as soon as deer steak cools down , it starts to get tough.

So from the frying pan to the plate and into the belly ... all withing 5 minutes. :D

02-02-2009, 05:36 PM
ANYONE MAKE VENISON SAUSAGE!!! sooo good, my family usually stuffs some intestin with venison, garlic,tomatoes, and cheese, its amazing...they also make a combo sausage with venison, roasted peppers, and onions, and garlic. my favorite part is the back strap grilled with some plain old salt and pepper...

02-19-2009, 12:22 PM

Soak it in worstishire ( sp) and a lil soy sauce ...with mushrooms

italian dressing is good


i make my own sausage , summer sausage , dried and and case it myself .... also i tried new this year ,was making keilbasa with it ... came out awesome!!!!

02-19-2009, 08:47 PM
after i clean it in the garage my dad makes the cuts and he makes strips like 3 by 4 roughly about a .25in thick and put the season on it and put it in the dehydrator and after its done you'd think you ate a piece of meat meant for god to eat :eek:.........killed one day ate the next, now that fresh meat!!!

02-25-2009, 04:22 PM
I sautee my steaks with mushrooms and onions and then let it boil in my homemade bbq sauce, franks red hot, and italian dressing. Makes for some spicey steaks.

03-08-2009, 09:44 AM
i like fried deer steaks and cutting up the back leg and putting it into vegetable soup along with some green onion sausage. but pan sausage is much better than green onion i tihnk.