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09-11-2008, 06:43 PM
00 400ex, pretty much stock.

I tried to bleed them to no avail, still the lever has ALOT of travel, they dont really grab at all. I broke the bleeders and pumped like a car, topped it off too. I even gravity bled to be sure.

Now, I aint ever really known how to look at brakes and say they are bad, but imho there isnt much left on the pads. How much material should there be?

09-11-2008, 08:31 PM
If I remember correctly, there is close to 1/4" or a little less of pad.

Originally posted by CJM
00 400ex, pretty much stock.

I tried to bleed them to no avail, still the lever has ALOT of travel, they dont really grab at all. I broke the bleeders and pumped like a car, topped it off too. I even gravity bled to be sure.

Now, I aint ever really known how to look at brakes and say they are bad, but imho there isnt much left on the pads. How much material should there be?

09-11-2008, 08:35 PM
Okay then, I think I need pads since imho there is way less than 1/4".

There is also some kinda indicator thign with an arrow on the caliper and this metal strip that touches it?

09-11-2008, 09:43 PM
try this....... tie the brake lever over night as tight as you can......... either zip tie it or whatever you can use to secure the lever as tight against the bars as possible. come next morning undo the tie and you should have full pressure built in the system and the bubbles or whatever air will essentially move to the area with lower pressure. do this and your brakes will be rock hard if all else is good.

if you think your pads are about done then change em and rebleed the system.

when you bleed the system, you can usually bleed it in parts. you can first crack it at the master, then at the junction, then at each brake line banjo bolt, then the bleeder on the caliper. keep a close eye on each break and look for the air bubbles. you'll slowly see air bubbles work their way out untill straight fluid starts to seep. thats how i did mine and they are rock hard responsive.

09-11-2008, 09:50 PM
Thanks, ill try the lever method, then pads anyways later.

09-11-2008, 10:08 PM
I spent around an hour and half, just pumping my lever, then bleeding them. Of course with the help of my brother. It takes forever, just like a car. Switch your hands :P

09-25-2008, 08:12 AM
I just went through this after starting with a dry system. Tried mity-vac, regular bleeding, back bleeding the lines by cracking open the banjos, strapping the lever down for several hours, etc.

What worked was to back bleed the master cylinder. There must have been some air trapped in there. I attached a syringe to one of the caliper bleed screws and slowly pushed fluid up to the master cylinder reservoir. That did it, brakes are firm again.

86 Quad R
09-25-2008, 09:23 AM
that lil trick will work every time. :cool:

09-25-2008, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by richards
...I attached a syringe to one of the caliper bleed screws and slowly pushed fluid up to the master cylinder reservoir.

did you have a rubber hose between the syringe and the bleed screw then or what?

09-25-2008, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by bbender85
did you have a rubber hose between the syringe and the bleed screw then or what?

Yes, a clear hose from the syringe to the bleed screw. Attach the hose to the syringe and suck some brake fluid out of a bottle. Then get all the air out of the syringe and hose by holding it vertical and pushing all the air out. Squeeze the end of the hose so no air gets in and attach it to the bleed screw.

I get large (60ml) syringes cheap from the local farm place - Tractor Supply. No needle attached, just a big plastic syringe.

09-25-2008, 10:28 AM
awesome, i'll have to give that a try. :cool:

02-08-2013, 09:38 AM
2 things:
first there is a guy on ebay with this kit. a 60mil syringe, with about 8 inches of tubing. like $6 plus shipping.

second i tried this and it did not work at all. any ides as to why not?

02-08-2013, 11:39 AM
I tried everything imaginable. Only 2 things have worked well.

1. Mitey vac brake bleeder. Gotta pump it up then open the bleeder.

2. Syringe. I got a syringe from a farm supply store and used some clear tubing from home depot. Filled syringe and backfed the system and it took all of 2 mins.

02-08-2013, 12:10 PM
if you change your pads properly you won't even have to bleed, but i've always had luck gravity bleeding over night. I've only had to bleed new brake lines. I've changed tons of sets of pads and never had to bleed. A note about pads, don't buy ebay pads, they last about 1 day.

02-08-2013, 12:19 PM
That's what I was doing is new lines.

02-08-2013, 12:32 PM
harbor freight sells a cheap brake bleeding kit which i have used several times and it cuts the bleeding time down a ton. Also what i used to do is disconnect the brake line at the master cyliner, then fill a syringe with brake fluid and shoot it down the line until the line is full. Then when you bleed the brakes like normal it will be almost instand because you dont have to wait for the master cylinder to fill the line which is what takes forever.