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View Full Version : honda 400ex axle

09-10-2008, 09:14 PM
i have an 03 400ex and the rear swing arm bearings went. i am trying to remove the axle so i can access the bearings inside the carrier while removing the axle (following instructions in clymers manual) i ran into trouble removing the "axle lock bolt" the threaded collar which slides over the spline on the axle. i have tried every thing i could think of to remove it (heating it, wd 40, placing a piece of pipe between lock bolt and brake hub and cranking on it with nut by threading it on the bolt) any other suggestions as to how to remove this?? is there a trick that i am missing?? my next step is to cut it off and buy a new one.

thanks for any suggestions


09-12-2008, 08:25 AM
k i think i know wat ur talking about, happend to me awile back, if you have the lock nut loosened off and you have removed the snap ring, but it wont slide off correct???, it is catching on the outer edge of the groove tht the snap ring goes into, you have to get a file and file tht edge down a bit so the lock nut will slide off, hope this helps....

09-15-2008, 07:52 AM
no, the collar itself was stuck on the spline (frozen) almost like it was welded in place and wouldn't slide to the end of the axle, any way i just cut it off and bought a new one. the twenty bucks at the honda dealer wasn't worth the frustration. i spent about 6 hours trying to get it off in one piece then i accidentally damaged the treads trying to pry it off and decided i would need a new one anyway so i just cut it.

thanks for the help

09-15-2008, 08:44 AM
o, ok, glad to hear ya got it off, you should put some never sieze on it so tht dont happen again.