View Full Version : hahaha, Z400 guys.

09-09-2008, 07:03 PM
Came across this and found it pretty damn hilarious.

Z400 guy doesn't know why he keeps getting smoked by a 400ex, and all of the other Z guys are baffled trying to help him.


Go 400ex!


09-09-2008, 07:52 PM
One of the rare times we get to laugh at a Z400 I'm afraid.

I'll be honest, when it came down to it to buy another quad, I was down to a new DVX400, a really cherry '03 Z400 and my 400EX.

I really liked the DVX400 best, but I hated to buy new when the '03 Z400 was almost the same thing. So I was down to the cherry Z400 and the well ridden heap my 400EX was when I bought it.

I already had one liquid cooled quad and thought I might like an air cooled for less worry when exploring unridden woods... less worry about sticks and branches knocking a hole in the cooling system, etc... and I liked the lower feel of the EX... plus I had history with the general chassis (TRX250R) so I decided to go with the EX and put some money in aftermarket parts.

During a good ride, my legs are asking me what the heck I was thinking getting an air cooled quad... and the seat of my pants tells me it wouldn't hurt to have the extra power and potential of the Z400.

09-09-2008, 07:57 PM
make an account and tell him cause its a a Z400 lmao

09-09-2008, 08:02 PM
Damn, that kid tore down the top end like 5+ times and can't find the problem. Not the whole top end, but still a lot of work. Should've bought a honda.

09-09-2008, 08:15 PM
haha, theyre like baffled why he lost, its hilarious.

I raced a stock Z with my piped filtered 400ex. We were dead even with the other rider being lighter, so the z is a little quicker in comparison.

09-09-2008, 08:16 PM
Last week when I bought my 08 400ex the salesman was baffled that I didnt want to look at the z400 at all. I asked to tour their service department and when we got in thier they had 2 newer looking z400's waiting for repairs. The service manager stated that they rarely see a 40ex in for repairs.
The closest thing I have ever had to a suzi was my best freinds RM250 bike and he was always tearing up trannies left and right. Cutting my knucles on that thing pretty well led me to look at Honda's and Kawis only. I dont think a lot of kids understand that the rider can have a large effect of the performance. This kid with the Z seems like a possibe novice rider and is trying to make up for it by adding power.
I will admit that even with my mild 07ex that I have gotten my doors blown off by a stock 400ex. I was baffled and had the guy switch machines and try it again and got my doors REALLY BLOWN OFF by my own machine. Says one thing, I am not used to running a 4 stroke.

09-09-2008, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by bigredisb
Last week when I bought my 08 400ex the salesman was baffled that I didnt want to look at the z400 at all. I asked to tour their service department and when we got in thier they had 2 newer looking z400's waiting for repairs. The service manager stated that they rarely see a 40ex in for repairs.
The closest thing I have ever had to a suzi was my best freinds RM250 bike and he was always tearing up trannies left and right. Cutting my knucles on that thing pretty well led me to look at Honda's and Kawis only. I dont think a lot of kids understand that the rider can have a large effect of the performance. This kid with the Z seems like a possibe novice rider and is trying to make up for it by adding power.
I will admit that even with my mild 07ex that I have gotten my doors blown off by a stock 400ex. I was baffled and had the guy switch machines and try it again and got my doors REALLY BLOWN OFF by my own machine. Says one thing, I am not used to running a 4 stroke.
