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View Full Version : Man vs wild VS Survivorman -------- VOTE!

09-04-2008, 12:43 PM
Who do you like better?
Me and a buddy of mine argue about this from time to time...
Survivorman or man vs wild...

I personally think man vs wild is much more entertaining to watch even though he isnt alone and has help if he needs it.

+1 for man vs. wild.

09-04-2008, 12:50 PM
man vs. wild is a crock of crap.. i mise well just watch the golden girls, the both are script, hes such a fake it makes me mad.

09-04-2008, 12:50 PM
Man Vs. Wild is cooler to watch... More interesting... But I hear he sometimes doesn't truly sleep in the campsite he makes... But instead goes to a hotel or such. (Just what I hear)

Still has my vote though, even though Les is awesome to.

09-04-2008, 12:52 PM
Actually I'll vote for Les...

09-04-2008, 12:54 PM
survivor man. alot more entertaining and not staged ****. plus he teaches you alot more helpful things if you ever find yourself in that situation.

09-04-2008, 01:21 PM
i think survivor man blows, he says he is alone, but i have seen shots on his show where he is going down a extremely long hill/mountain, and when hes at the bottom, there is a camera from the top shooting him. That would be to far of a trek to make realistic.

09-04-2008, 01:28 PM
Survivorman is alone. He has to walk back and get his camera. But he doesn't teach you how to get out. He teaches you to sit there and survive. Man vs. Wild he is not alone, he's got help if he needs it. He does not sleep in a hotel, but he at least teaches you how to survive and get back to civilization. I think Man vs. Wild is much better. More entertaining too.

09-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Survivor Man for sure! Man vs wild is fake! Les is so much! Honda matt knows it!

09-04-2008, 01:46 PM
Easy decision. Man Vs Wild for sure!!! Definitely learn a ton more, and does it really matter if he's not alone???

09-04-2008, 01:46 PM
Psssh! your crazy.

09-04-2008, 02:08 PM
I don't watch Bear for the simple fact that if you do the stuff he does on his show, you will most likely die or be very close to it. The objective is to survive, I can't count the number of times Bear has done stuff that would be the absolute WORST idea to do in that situation.

09-04-2008, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Rastus
I don't watch Bear for the simple fact that if you do the stuff he does on his show, you will most likely die or be very close to it. The objective is to survive, I can't count the number of times Bear has done stuff that would be the absolute WORST idea to do in that situation.

Yeah I agree with you. Jumps into a frozen lake, gets out and puts his clothes on the fire? I doubt many people could survive that. First of all, if you HAD to swim out of a frozen lake, you wouldn't have a fire waiting for you, because I don't think anyone would be planning that... I vote for Survivorman. Even though some parts may be slower paced and all, he shows how lonely it is and what each day is like. (And he does give you tips to get out I think.) But yeah he does concentrate on surviving, which is what you need to do to even GET out lol... Theres an episode where Les shows all about what he has to do with the cameras and stuff... go back and get them all... cant use them to help himself survive... stuff like that. Bear Grylls just goes balls out sliding down hills and stuff... wth thats not how you survive! You'll be exhausted and it seems its WAY easier to get hurt doing the stuff he does then the way Les does things. If you get hurt in the middle of nowhere, then what? I think doing just enough each day as Les does is safer and you wont be draining your energy for no reason.
Does anyone know when Survivorman is coming out with some new shows?

09-04-2008, 02:44 PM
as entertainment, both work.

if i was stranded, id want Les around.

09-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Survivor man!

Hes all alone and shoots everything himself.

09-04-2008, 04:03 PM
im gonna say survivorman

09-04-2008, 04:04 PM
man vs wild. like someone else said even though hes not alone you can still pick up some pretty good stuff. plus he does a lot more crazy **** than les, like sleeping in a dead carcus :huh lol

09-04-2008, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by pro-rider46
i think survivor man blows, he says he is alone, but i have seen shots on his show where he is going down a extremely long hill/mountain, and when hes at the bottom, there is a camera from the top shooting him. That would be to far of a trek to make realistic.

He had a behind the scenes epsiode. He carries one pack with the camera gear. He sets the cameras up on a tripod and has to walk back to get them. I vote survivorman. Man Vs. Wild has help right on call whenever he gets into a bind, and the whole camera crew to help him.

09-04-2008, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Moto49X
He had a behind the scenes epsiode. He carries one pack with the camera gear. He sets the cameras up on a tripod and has to walk back to get them. I vote survivorman. Man Vs. Wild has help right on call whenever he gets into a bind, and the whole camera crew to help him.

i dont think he would walk about a mile in the snow up the hill to get the camera.

Bear does admit that when he is in serious danger he will get help, but that is rare. and when he does get help, he will admit it.

09-04-2008, 05:00 PM
Man vs wild may be staged and stuff, but bear is tough as hell, climbed everest three times, flew over everest in whatever those things are with the parachutes and the fans, was in the British Special Forces lol. But id rather watch Man vs wild still

Ruby Soho
09-04-2008, 05:42 PM
survivor man for sure.

09-04-2008, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by pro-rider46
i dont think he would walk about a mile in the snow up the hill to get the camera.

Bear does admit that when he is in serious danger he will get help, but that is rare. and when he does get help, he will admit it.

I usually don't believe jack **** I see on TV, but I do believe this show. The camera is ALWAYS still, like on a tripod. I doubt a camera man would ever do this. Plus, if they had a PAID camera crew, i'm sure the would have better footage an angles on the show.

09-05-2008, 02:50 AM
Man vs Wild drinks his own pee and squeezes the juice from elephant turds....

Survivor man gets my vote!

09-05-2008, 03:04 AM
Born Survivor featured British adventurer Bear Grylls dealing with "perilous situations" in the wild. But a crew member told the Sunday Times some nights were spent in hotels. Channel 4 insisted Grylls was never billed as working entirely unaided, but promised to raise the matter with the production company that made the show. American survival consultant Mark Weinert, who was recruited by Diverse Productions, told the paper Grylls claimed to be stranded on a desert island on one occasion. However, he was actually in Hawaii and spent some of his time there in a motel, Mr Weinert alleged. Another time, he added, Grylls was filmed building a raft by himself, whereas the crew had actually put it together and dismantled it beforehand, to ensure that it worked. And in a further episode, supposedly "wild" horses rounded up by Grylls had come from a local trekking facility, he claimed.

From the BBC

Suviorman FTW

09-05-2008, 01:13 PM
oh my god, man vs. wild ftw.

09-14-2008, 11:09 AM
I am still winning matt

09-14-2008, 12:17 PM
man vs wild is tough to beat. Bear Grylls is tough. Broke his back sky diving and months later climbed mount everest. He was what is equivalent in Britain to a navy seal.

Les is a song writer and entertainer.

09-14-2008, 12:32 PM
they are both fake, theres no way that survivor man is out there by himself. Ive seen his show a few times and why the hell would he leave a camera on top of a cliff or something, show himself walking down, then waste just as much energy to go back up and get it? Just stupid and if someone believes that is real and he is just doing that to show the trail then you need to rethink yourself. I mean, cmon now, get real, if he was really out there by himself he would not be wasting his energy to show that. he would simply take the camera with him down to the bottom.

I personally rather Man vs Wild. I find it has a lot more survival techniques. This is suppose to be a show to SHOW you how to survive and what to do in those circumstances if it ever happens. He demonstrates that very well in his show.

09-14-2008, 01:59 PM
Man vs wild is more exciting. But I think Survivorman is more real.

09-14-2008, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by mineralgrey01gt
they are both fake, theres no way that survivor man is out there by himself. Ive seen his show a few times and why the hell would he leave a camera on top of a cliff or something, show himself walking down, then waste just as much energy to go back up and get it? Just stupid and if someone believes that is real and he is just doing that to show the trail then you need to rethink yourself. I mean, cmon now, get real, if he was really out there by himself he would not be wasting his energy to show that. he would simply take the camera with him down to the bottom.

I personally rather Man vs Wild. I find it has a lot more survival techniques. This is suppose to be a show to SHOW you how to survive and what to do in those circumstances if it ever happens. He demonstrates that very well in his show.

He actually is supposed to be going back for the cams. At least he says so. I seen a few where it showed his self walking a long ways and then coming back for the cam.

09-14-2008, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by stoopidbot
Survivorman is alone. He has to walk back and get his camera. But he doesn't teach you how to get out. He teaches you to sit there and survive. Man vs. Wild he is not alone, he's got help if he needs it. He does not sleep in a hotel, but he at least teaches you how to survive and get back to civilization. I think Man vs. Wild is much better. More entertaining too.

Him getting back to civilization at the end of every show seems unreal. He knows where hes going from the start and is only a few miles away. Theirs no way any one really lost would find civilization that close and that fast. You would probably be lost for weeks or months before finding civilization.

09-14-2008, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by ltr450fly
Him getting back to civilization at the end of every show seems unreal. He knows where hes going from the start and is only a few miles away. Theirs no way any one really lost would find civilization that close and that fast. You would probably be lost for weeks or months before finding civilization.

who cares. it's entertaining and educational