09-03-2008, 07:18 PM
my chain is pretty loose and im taking a link out. to make it so i can take a link out i have to adjust the adjuster all the way up and that makes the chain about right. im afraid it is going to be too tight and it wouldnt be a big deal but i will have no more adjustment left and thats what im wondering about. when the shocks are compressed the chain gets tighter correct? if so when i ramp it or haul someone the chain might be too tight, and again i cant make it any more loose because i would be out of adjustment. i know its kind of hard for you guys to tell me what to do because you cant see it but i thought maby you could be some help. also when i adjust the adjuster all the way up my rotor digs in to my aftermarket skid plate. when you guys adjust your chains how do you make it so the rotor dont dig in the skid? i thought about making spacers but i wanted to see what everyone else does. thanks