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09-01-2008, 08:48 PM
I have been thinking.. Where could I put a secondy cutoff to shut off all the eletric of the bike. I want to drive it to school (about 2 miles) but I'm a little hesitant because someone could easly drive off with it. Any Ideas? Maybe mount a switch in the starter seliod line? Something to make it so you can't just jump on and drive it away. BTW, the key doesn't work, someone just fabbed up a switch insead of the key.

09-01-2008, 08:57 PM
solution dont drive it to school or leave it unattended. driving off on it wouldnt be my biggest fear it would be someone loading it up onto a truck or trailer and towing it away. then they have all the time they want to replace harnesses, keys, w/e. hot wiring them is actually really simple. so simple when we did it i was a little scared that anyone with some knowledge can take it whether or not they have the key! the only way i would take it to school is if you could chain it up a few times on a pole or something close to the school.

09-01-2008, 08:59 PM
people drove them all the time when i was in highschool, just get a chain and put it though your wheel or just fix the key back if you have the parts.

09-01-2008, 08:59 PM
just park it right behind the foot ball feilds on the other sides of the fence so you can take a loook at it now or then

09-01-2008, 09:32 PM
My real fear is, I park across the street from the school. Some old lady lets me park there for free instead of paying parking fees, so I wouldn't be able to see if it's there. I might try to fab up some chains threw the tires then to her little garage/ shack. As for tomorrow, I guess I goota go the old fashion way..drive the car.

09-01-2008, 09:36 PM
another thing is chains and locks are easy to break. i have seen the masterlock through the vent in the rear rotor but that can be snapped or the back can be dragged and lifted inot a truck or onto a trailer. chain it to a tree or something like a pole would wor but is it worth the hassle?

09-01-2008, 09:40 PM
Of course it's worth the hassle, you can't beat waking up a 6:30am and driving to school on your 4wheeler :D

09-01-2008, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by 5084Jr
Of course it's worth the hassle, you can't beat waking up a 6:30am and driving to school on your 4wheeler :D

ha i no what you mean i lvoe doign that but in my area steeling isnt a problem. everyone is freinds. i was wondering though what about cops are they a problem around you?

09-02-2008, 05:31 PM
Yes cops are bad around here. I just hope I don't see one on the way to school or back :D

09-02-2008, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by 5084Jr
Yes cops are bad around here. I just hope I don't see one on the way to school or back :D

lol one time i stoped for one and when he got out i reved wide open and droped the clutch in 2nd and rocks flew all into his car and chipped it up it was so awsome lol then i cut a feild and never seen him again ha.

09-02-2008, 08:03 PM
You got to have some nerve to do that. Why did you even stop? Run into the field and never look back!!!

09-02-2008, 08:08 PM
i use to do that when i was scared and little but now i am not ha. one time i was in the highway ditch and they had there sirens on and i was going just back and forth and back and forth and then finaly they drove away haha. but that was when i was younger to. when i was scared it was when i first got my quad ha. but now i just usally jump and stay on my home land or on tracks. and i stoped because i was actully going to stop and talk to him but i got scared and peled out and never thought about the rocks ha.

09-02-2008, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by 5084Jr
You got to have some nerve to do that. Why did you even stop? Run into the field and never look back!!!

because when they do catch you after running you spend the next couple of hours being interigated and BSed lol. long story but i'll make it short.

riding in this sand pit doing no harm. 2 cop cars lights fashing and all are on the nearest road yelling at us to come over. my brother said if they catch you you get an automatic fine of like $60 or something. so I takeoff into the woods and park it there because the next road to cross would most likely have cops on it. of course my cousin with his blaster decided let me roll my quad out to the edge so i can get ready to fly across the road. i kept trying to stop him telling him they will be waiting on that road for us. i knew we were in so i had already turned my quad around ready to boost back another way and what do you know he rolls his quad towards the edge of the woods, peeks his head out, sirens go on and the guys jump out. i'm reving my motor sayin lets go but he said no dont and probally would have ratted me out or something so i stayed. they scared me at 1st holding their gun and pointing their flashlights at us yellin freeze. 6 cop cars were after us lol guess dunkin donuts was closed or something. they gave us the BS spiel and background checked us for a long time. blah blah blah they wanted to arrest me and take away my quad but i was only 14 i kept thinking do these people really think i believe what they are saying i'm 14 they cant do anything buy call my parents lol

09-02-2008, 08:18 PM
ha that sucks i remeber one time i had like 6 on me to. i was in town and this town is right on the side of the busyest highway in canada so there is cops in there like crazy and i took off with 3 on me and by the time i turned of a gravel road there was about 6 and my freind on his 450r i was with split and they actuly came to his house. i lost them on the roads and then ditched behind a bale stack in the back of a feild and called my freind up and his brother answered and said dude the cops are at my house i was so scared i was going to get ratted out but they never even asked about me.

09-02-2008, 09:39 PM
While we are doing story time..

Sunday, First night out with the quad.
I wanted to drive it somewhere, so I call up a girl who lives about a mile away. She says come over but be quiet becuase it was about 11ish.
I decide to take the subvision route, thinking less chance of cops. Well we met up with a older lady in a car at the STOP sign. I flash my lights on and off as to say COME ON LADY!! She refuses to go, and I take off. I had my buddy in his Jeep follow me becuase first time out, if something would break, I got a ride or tow back. Come to find out she was calling the cops and on the way home I run into one. He turns on his lights and shines that light in the eyes. I didn't even look back as I floored it and got home.

Doesn't seem like a good thing to start with..

09-02-2008, 10:03 PM
see this is the smartest idea for if you want to get chased by cops but get in little trouble. you go and rip up roads far away but still driving distances you no like say maybe 20km of trail. go there have some fun then just rip the roads up ha. i no it sounds really stupid but then people call the cops and complain and they will be out in that area more often nd if you get bored and wanna mess with them you no were to go and if you do get chased they will be lookin for someone in that area and you live far away so you have nothing to worry about.