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View Full Version : small oil leak.

08-28-2008, 05:02 PM
i noticed that my engine skid plate looked like there was a liquid sitting on top of it. the liquid was oil. i could not find the source of were the oil was coming from. is very small leak almost not even visible if u werent looking for one.

i was thinking maybe just the o-ring (believe thats waht its called) was broke of had just poped out.

should i take it apart and take a look at the o ring or just leave it be unless the leak increases?

sorry this isnt very detailed..still learning

08-28-2008, 05:50 PM
Its prolly the drain plug o-ring. Id just let it be until the next oil change, and then replace it. Just make sure it dont get any worse until then.

08-28-2008, 07:06 PM
alright thanks much man. will b changing oil within a few weeks so as long as it doesnt worsen ill leave it be.