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View Full Version : Need brake block-off suggestions

08-25-2008, 01:35 AM
I was in a thread here about a squeek that was brakes and it reminded me of something...

The guy I bought my quad from didn't do a parking brake block-off.
He just removed the cable.

I only noticed it the other day when my buddy was trying to figure out what was wrong with his 300EX rear caliper. I saw that the stock lever was there and I turned it out before loading up so it wouldn't fall out and get lost. It's laying in my truck.

So I guess I need a block-off plate? There's a seal in there that might get damaged right?

If I need one, I either want to get something "stealth" looking that won't even be noticed, or something real "bling" looking like colored or logo'd or something....... one of the two.

Who's got what I can order?

08-25-2008, 05:41 AM
Heres rockymountainatv's block offs, i personally like the Lsr one, but anything with an o ring will do. Make sure you read the reviews.

08-25-2008, 06:13 AM
I take back what i said earlier. Denniskirk has one for $18, and it includes o-ring, and bolts, and it is available in 3 colors, red, blue, and silver. http://denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=271863&store=Main&catId=&productId=p271865&leafCatId=&mmyId=

Ruby Soho
08-25-2008, 06:47 AM
i bought my tusk that comes with everything for like 8 bucks i think on RM

08-25-2008, 10:52 AM
i have the LSR one on mine and it looks pretty good, it shines pretty good too.

08-25-2008, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
i bought my tusk that comes with everything for like 8 bucks i think on RM

Take the allen screws that came with your tusk block off and either paint them or throw them away. They rust almost instantly. I took mine out and replaced them with stainless steel allen screws.

08-25-2008, 02:10 PM
heres a modquad, just in case you're interested.

08-25-2008, 08:25 PM
theres tons of different ones out there, i have a white brothers blockoff nothing fancy but does the job. The Rock blockoff at motosport is $9.99 and it comes in colors too if you wanted it as an accesory piece.

08-25-2008, 11:16 PM

You guys have been helpful.
I had no idea there were so many of them... and I bet I haven't seen them all.

Now I don't know which I really want...

For bling I like...
Pro Armor
Rock Flame
Mod Quad
Works Connection (red)

For stealth I like...
Works Connection (silver)

The Pro Armor seems like a nice mix of both.

Mainly I just hope nothing in there has been hurt yet.

Ruby Soho
08-26-2008, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by hornetgod13
Take the allen screws that came with your tusk block off and either paint them or throw them away. They rust almost instantly. I took mine out and replaced them with stainless steel allen screws.

Yea i know, i bought it back in like november or so, noticed that almost a few days after and it wasn't even being ridden.

01-20-2009, 07:29 PM
hello. newbie here. i just bought a block off plate and a turner AOF clutch lever. it all should be here in a few days. now to my question.

a few days ago i was searching and reading about this mod. and someone asked what to do with the wires that goto the stock e-brake assembly. i forgot what to do with them and what happens if i ignore this issue. so what do i do with them and what happens if i do it or dont do it. thanks guys.

01-20-2009, 07:33 PM
splice the two wires together so you can start in gear with the clutch pulled in. if you don't do this, the quad will have to be in neutral for it to start. just remember, after they're spliced it will turn over with or without the clutch pulled in.

01-20-2009, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
splice the two wires together so you can start in gear with the clutch pulled in. if you don't do this, the quad will have to be in neutral for it to start. just remember, after they're spliced it will turn over with or without the clutch pulled in.

thanks alot sir. big help.

01-20-2009, 07:39 PM
my mod quad didnt come with an o ring but no big deal just put a lil silcone round it and itll be fine...u really dont even need to buy one i used a wd 40 spray cap on mine for a couple races and it stayed on just fine.