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View Full Version : chadsworth says goodbye

08-22-2008, 07:26 AM

REMINDER: The last day for riding is Sunday August 31st, 2008

We will be performing the final track closure and equipment removal until October 1st, 2008

*** Please do not trespass while we attempt to perform these tasks ****



08-22-2008, 07:43 AM
thats cause they could really give a rats *** about us riders.especially us quad riders.that place was a joke. bike track was ok,but the quad track was an absolute disgrace..

but does suck that jerseys loosing another place to ride.but when one door closes,another opens.millville,nj is getting ready to start there mx tracks soon at the thunderbolt motosports park.and if youve seen the car track,then you gotta be excited about the mx track.should be badass..

08-22-2008, 07:49 AM
when is that track in millville opening?

08-22-2008, 08:47 AM
from a few guys i talke to at the road course,there saying that it should be staterd and completed sometime in the spring.thats what there shooting for.i hope so.cause the facility is top notch.so i expect the same for the mx track.keep your fingers crossed..

08-22-2008, 09:13 AM
you around pennsville area?

08-22-2008, 09:22 AM
not real far from pennsville.i'm actually in a town called mantua.about 15 minutes over the walt witman bridge on the jersey side.where in jersey you from??

08-22-2008, 09:57 AM
ya.i'm always down to ride with new people.shoot me a pm and i'll give you my #.well hit up a few tracks around here.i ride a yfz450 and a full walsh hybrid.so we should have a good time..

08-22-2008, 01:23 PM
yep the motocross track is phase 2 of the construction over there. i cant wait! it will only be about 20 min from my house.
here is a pic of the layout plan of where th track is going to be and gives you kind of an idea of what the track will be like. scroll to the bottom of the page and look at the bottom lefthand corner. its labled as atv course.


08-22-2008, 09:15 PM
I was at chatsworth to check it out as an out of town visitor(not to ride), and I was not impress because there was only one track for atv's. That atv track was ok, nothing great about it. The expert dirtbike track was pretty nice, but I was disappointed that no atv's were not allowed on it. I wouldn't pay to ride there at all.
There is no reason why dirtbikes and atv's cannot share the track for recreational riding.

08-23-2008, 06:56 AM
I hear ya , but at this point its old news.

08-23-2008, 08:17 AM
I used to ride there, I brought that point to a dead horse. They said the dirtbike guys complained too much. It just seams they took a somewhat nice track to bad, then better and progressivly worse. My friend had a membership there when atv's were allowed on the mx track. He was there during a weekday only one dirtbike rider was there. The guy didn't like it, complained, the office called the cops to escort him out of the place, he never returned after that. Shows how much the office cares about atv's. I was at a meeting some years ago and atv's came up and I talked about how bad the track is. They asked me what would you want. I told them, THE MX TRACK. They told me they never allowed it, I called them an outright liar and told them my friends story. Some guy walked in later and concorred the story, he was there that day and they were allowed, the office just stopped caring about atv's and listening to the whining dirtbike guys. How man other tracks allows dirtbikes and quads together??? Every track I was in at florida did, Atco does, rausch creek, that place that was mowed down some years ago for luxury condo's in the pocono's, Irish valley, landing mx, that place that off of exit ~10(rt 22) on I-78 and probably alot more also.

08-24-2008, 01:16 PM

CANNOT WAIT!!!! From what i have read/ seen online about it, it should be pretty sick. The quad track is the next thing to be built. After winter once the weather breaks, I am going down to do some karting!!!!!

08-24-2008, 08:21 PM
I stopped going to chats when the mexican spodes started going, it seemed there was another group of five or so every weekend and growing, and they always started **** with the members and there own, they're like animals. Alot of bikes started ending up missing so i called it quits, im not going to risk getting in trouble and/or losing my bike over a garbage track.. I ride bikes, I could only imagine how bad the quad track is.

08-24-2008, 10:17 PM
They have lost my friends and my business long before they started closing down.

08-25-2008, 06:43 AM
Ditto Ralph. We were members for several years & were 3 riders all the time.

Let that be a lesson to all.

Its about having a good attitude & treating all w/ respect, no matter what their background is. Something they just never got down there.

With every ending theres a new beginning, so good luck to everyone w/ where ever your gonna ride.


Off to Breezewood for another 3 day ride at the track.

We are the 1st place champs of the BPG 08 couch race.:devil:

Crazy lil punk
08-25-2008, 01:17 PM
you guys all need to get your heads out of your as*es, sure, chatts track sucked ALOT most of the time, but it was a place to ride, wasn't it? And yeah, some people have had bad times with managment, but sh*t happens. Chatts was A place to ride, that was inexpensive for me, and I am sure many others to enjoy. After chatts closes its doors, there are no ORV parks in NJ, only race tracks, which are FEW and FAR between. Atco is super nice, but also expensive and minimal track time, e-town only runs like 4 quad races a year, NEMX is just too expensive and fairly small. After this weekend I am considering selling off some of my toys because there is no longer many places to ride.

Chatts only listened to the dirtbike riders because there were more dirtbike riders then quad riders, if more quad riders would have showed up and stood their ground, our voice would have been herd, but instead, you just bashed the track and moved on.

PS- I am sure the sunco gang is going to come in here and say I am just a "cheerleader" for chatts, but thats just fine and dandy, I don't mind. :)

08-25-2008, 07:23 PM
I have to agree with the atv guys not showing up at meeting and voicing their compaints. When I used to go the meetings, I was the very very few of the atv guys that showed up. It seamed that whenever I was there, people would say "this place sucks". I told them to go to a meeting and tell the board. I did go to meeting for afew months, I was heard by deaf ears due to NO other atv guys showing up. I complained to them about the track, they wanted to hear more than one person say how it is and ways to change it. If more atv guys went to the meetings, tracks changes could've been made. The people in the office are just there during the day, thay aren't at the meetings. Anything you tell them, doesn't get heard by the board. I know I told you guys to show up at the meetings in the past, none but me did.

For a good part of it, the atv guys can thank themselves for a crappy track, I tried to get it better, tried to get a pettition for changes to the track. Few signed it. When people complained to the office, they were told to go to the meetings and tell them. I stopped going there over a year ago and stopped going to the meetings almost 3 years ago, one mouth didn't cause any change. If on the meetings, the office was filled with atv riders complaining about the track, change might have happened. In Fact, the only people(besides me) that the board heard from was parents of kids and how the kids had such a good time. All but me, of the atv riders who complained about the track, ran their mouth during the day and to the office, but didn't go to the meeting where the real people you want to hear the complaints are.

08-26-2008, 06:40 AM
Well that should be the boards responsibility to get info from the people at the park. Duh! If the board only wants to hear whats going on at the park by who attends the meetings then its there own fault. I , like most have a busy life. It is not easy to show up to meetings for many reasons. They felt the need to email & say don't show anymore but they didn't have enough sense to ask opinions via email which would have gottin way more info than just one person as to how to make all riders time there more enjoyable. All you have to do is walk around & ask people who are at the track - most are always willing to talk. So has any of the board members even been to the track? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about stickin your head in the sand. Good thing they're in the pine barrens.They suck & they probably always will. My toyhauler & family is loaded & ready for Breezewood Thursday. What are you doing?

Crazy lil punk
08-26-2008, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by sunco
Well that should be the boards responsibility to get info from the people at the park. Duh! If the board only wants to hear whats going on at the park by who attends the meetings then its there own fault. I , like most have a busy life. It is not easy to show up to meetings for many reasons. They felt the need to email & say don't show anymore but they didn't have enough sense to ask opinions via email which would have gottin way more info than just one person as to how to make all riders time there more enjoyable. All you have to do is walk around & ask people who are at the track - most are always willing to talk. So has any of the board members even been to the track? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about stickin your head in the sand. Good thing they're in the pine barrens.They suck & they probably always will. My toyhauler & family is loaded & ready for Breezewood Thursday. What are you doing?

I am going to chatts with my pick-up truck and quad.