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View Full Version : Now I did it

danney f
12-07-2002, 11:18 AM
I haven't been out to ride my quad in about a month and was running a thicker oil for the summer. I was going to change it before I took it out to ride in the cold winter weather but the first snow came before I had a chance to do the oil change. I just had to go out and play for a little (big kid) :rolleyes: in the fresh 6"s of snow. I took it out and was only out there for 15-20 minutes playing before my wife had to go to work and I had to come in and watch the kids:mad:
I made it back to the drive way and stoped to tell her good bye and when I went to take off to the gurage, nothing. It would act like it was trying but the clutch was gone. So now the quad is down until after christmas.
:mad: :( :( :( :mad: Boo Hoo Boo Hoo ah Boo Hoo

12-07-2002, 06:09 PM
you got a custom oil cooler on it... doesnt have a thermostat on it like the jaggs for Harleys does it...???? Who did the custom oil cooler? (just a thaught)

12-08-2002, 07:03 AM
That sucks man. What weight oil are you running? I might need to change mine.


12-08-2002, 12:30 PM
aw something isnt right a clutch doesnt just got out like that...pull of your sidecase and see if the rod controllin the clutch isnt broke

12-08-2002, 01:47 PM
so......whats wroong with it?:confused:

12-08-2002, 02:04 PM
That sucks. Your cluch is gone!

danney f
12-08-2002, 03:36 PM
It goes in gear but wont move it just kind of nugs a little. If I put it in reverse it will kind of back up as long as its flat ground but as soon os it hits the snow or an incline of any kind it stops and the engine just revs.

12-08-2002, 05:29 PM
oh yeah that sucks i have had that happen to me when i was trying to pull a frined out of a mud hole....sounded like a good idea at the time:rolleyes: