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08-18-2008, 08:00 PM
I had my first major injury in 40 years of riding,seperated my right shoulder last week and I'am going in to get it fixed next tuesday, three months of downtime is going to suck

08-18-2008, 08:34 PM
oouuuchhhh sorry to hear that man.. wrecking and gettin hurt sucks man. i broke my arm in march but im healed up now. i hope u have a speedy recovery!! good luck

08-19-2008, 02:18 PM
What did you do while healing I'am going nuts you can only hang out on the computer so long.

08-19-2008, 02:26 PM
Sucks to hear man, I had a seperated shoulder about 2 years ago and it still bugs me a ton to this day. I guess shoulder injuries never go away.

Good luck with everything!

08-19-2008, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by xsr_racing28c
Sucks to hear man, I had a seperated shoulder about 2 years ago and it still bugs me a ton to this day. I guess shoulder injuries never go away.

Good luck with everything!

Did you have repaired or just let it heal?
I was informed by my doc. that it most cases it is better to have it repaired because you loose the support of the connecting tissues and are relying on just the muscles for support of your shoulder.

Does your collar bone still pop out of place?

08-19-2008, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by monte433
What did you do while healing I'am going nuts you can only hang out on the computer so long.

well for the first 4 weeks i played xbox and still tried to exercise as much as possible so i didnt get to much out of shape. but i got real good at COD4 during that 4 weeks haha.. but when i was able to move my arm a slight bit, i borrowed my grandpas bobcat and rebuilt my mx track. it felt like it took forever for it to heal up but once i look back at it.. it really wasnt THAT long.

08-19-2008, 05:37 PM
I seperated my shoulder a couple years ago also. It still pops out, and causes pain. I know i dont have very much strength with it. When i go work out and bench press, I can barely do anything. And when i actually work out with it, i havent seen very many advances in strength gained. it sucks. Make sure you give all the time you can to it. It will bother you the rest of your timie.

08-20-2008, 08:18 AM
If your shoulder pops out.. you didn't seperate your shoulder.. you probably tore the rotator cuff.

Shoulder seperation is where the ligaments connecting your collar bone to your other bones tears loose. You shouldn't have any pain at this point.

I have full seperation of my left shoulder. (all the major ligaments tore completely in half). I was advised to just leave it alone unless I was a professional athlete as sometimes the "fix" can cause more issues later in life (arthritis from the metal wire grindind at the joints, etc..) than the problem creates. Of course this was 10 years ago. The collar bone still "floats" on the shoulder end and is only connected at the top of the sternum. But, there is no pain. Your upper back muscles will ache because your muscles have to support your shoulder. But that's the only pain you should experience.

I also have a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. It does occasionally want to do weird stuff if I lift it above 90 degrees.. and it can hurt from time to time. Old wrestling injury from high school.

My shoulder w/ the seperation is fully functional and mostly painless.

I'd reccomend the OP getting a second opinion from someone, a specialist who's also familiar w/ sports medicine. Your average doc loves to cut even when it isn't necessary. It's in their best intrest $$$.

The main thing is once it heals you'll need to always do maintenance excercise to keep the muscles strong that now support your shoulder.

Also watch for numbness.. and if you get numbness in your fingers etc.. talk to the doc immediatly. Sometimes an artery can get pinched in all of the loose stuff.

08-20-2008, 03:05 PM
I have a type 3 seperation in my shoulder that i did in Feb of 08, I just went to the track last night and it feels great today no problems at all. I opted for no surgery and physical therapy instead and i am very happy with the results. My doctor told me taht there is not a 100% fix for a seperated shoulder so i am taking my chances with no surgey at this time. It's up to you but 4 to 6 weeks down time and then physical therapy on top of that and it can't be fixed for shure is not a option i wanted to do right now but good luck whatever you choose.

08-20-2008, 05:49 PM
Ye its gunna happen sometime if you ride allot but hope your downtime isn't to bad and get better soon!Ye I'm waiting for something to happen Iv'e been really lucky with some of the crazy frame bending wrecks ive been in lol

08-21-2008, 01:08 AM
i can pop my left arm in an out lol cuz of a crash i neve went to the dr it never bothers me it was a ***** for a few weeks tho but know i can pop it out an freak people out. i guess it is kind of sick lol