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View Full Version : WTT +2 LT 400ex a-arms and LT shocks

08-18-2008, 09:44 AM
hi hows it going, i have a set of eyeball engeenering +2 400ex LT a-arms and a pair of LT quadrate Remote resevior elkas, and tie rods, that are only 3 months old, they are perfect for MX they are super plush with great corning ability, i have decided to switch from MX to XC so i want a skinnier setup, so i would like to trade for either +2 ST or LT 300ex a-arms and shocks, +1 ST or LT 300ex a-arms and shocks, or +1 ST or LT 400ex a-arms and shocks, if intrested please get back to me, thanks mike

08-25-2008, 11:06 AM
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