View Full Version : Trespassing riders - stuck in the middle

08-05-2008, 06:43 PM
So here's the situation:

Over the past 12 years, I have gradually built a small practice track on about 2.5 acres on my parent's property. I have poured hundreds of dollars into renting equipment to build this track and have poured countless hours of sweat into maintaining it by raking, shoveling, weed-eating, mowing, discing, clearing brush and trees, digging drainage ditches, etc...

I have done all this on my own despite having an @$$hole neighbor nextdoor with a construction company whom I can't get to loan me his equipment. I have to pay to rent skid steers despite passing three of them each time I go back to ride. This relationship has deteriorated through no fault of my own, the guy is merely not a good neighbor.

In between the construction company and my parent's lot is a neighbor who lives far back from the road and near the front of the track. He's cool and I've developed a good relationship with him ... when to ride, when to stop due to dust, noise, time of day, etc.

Now, there is a 17 year old kid who's uncle is a foreman at the construction company. The foreman has been telling this kid and workers there they can ride all over on our property because it's 'his.' I caught the kid once and said, explicitly, "I'll cut you a break. You can ride, just you, if you call me and I'm here." Those were mine and my father's rules. Period.

The kid rode once without calling after that (I know because I had groomed the track only to find fresh tracks when I went to ride the next day).

He rode again after that, and my neighbor in the house close to the track asked him if he had permission to be back there. The kid said he did, but he didn't call me.

Today, my neighbor near the track called and told me the kid was riding. A third time he has ridden, with friends who were not wearing helmets two of the three times, without calling. My neighbor's 4 year old daughter was trying to sleep, so he told the kids to stop and call me. The kid called, and I told him I didn't want him riding back there anymore. He was carving turns the wrong way and creating ruts, riding after rains and rutting out faces of jumps, and just disrespecting me in general.

I hated to do it because I have been on his side of the coin, where I have ridden on property without permission and been forced to stop and lose a sweet riding place. But he couldn't simply pick up the phone before he went riding to call me and ask if he could and if I would join him, which I would have been more than happy to do.

So, I had considered calling him back after a week or so if I knew he hadn't been back there since I told him to stop to say he could ride again seeing that he listened, this time. But I'm not sure.

This is also a sketchy situation because I was hoping to develop a good relationship with this kid so I could begin to start using the construction equipment and save some cash. Previously, the son of the guy who owns the construction company has used equipment to level our jumps because he is a hunter and doesn't like us riding into September because it scares the deer away, even though he hunts on our property and the property of neighbors on the other side who all have told him expressly NOT to hunt on their property.

So, I'm not sure if I should give this kid a 4th chance or risk him or his uncle using a D9 to level our track completely because he couldn't have his cake and eat it too.

Any thoughts?

08-05-2008, 06:55 PM
I wouldnt let him back, he has already disrespected you on numerous occasions.

08-05-2008, 07:21 PM
it does sound tempting to allow him just because of the use of equipment. but if you fear that they will just level it, then you can have a lawsuit, and have it come out on your side. but it does sound like he shouldnt be riding there because he has disrespected you. tough call, see how long he can stay off of it. if he obeys, might be worth letting him come back...jmho

08-05-2008, 07:31 PM
You said it's your parent's property, so if they come level your jumps, there could be a lawsuit, and you would come out on top for him trespassing. Three chances is enough, tell him he can't ride there anymore. Its cool that you have one good neighbor though, and its also cool that you respect him even when you are on your own property. Don't jeapordize that relationship with a punk abusing his priveleges on your property.

My parents own 150 acres, of which I have made several trails through. I only give the kids one chance to ride, as long as I am with them. If they ride when I'm not there or anything like that, I don't let them come back.

08-05-2008, 07:33 PM
It's a bit ironic because last year while riding with my cousin two counties over we came across an old motocross track. The owner didn't ride it, but rode back on a Ute and told us we could ride if we called him. I called him every time I wanted to ride it and he agreed. We even cut down the weeds and maintained it, and he was very cool. We've stopped riding there since, but I know all I would have to do is call him and he would let us come back because we respected him and developed a good relationship.

I just hate to tell another quad rider they can't ride.

08-06-2008, 05:47 AM
I too have a track on my own property and I only allow people to ride on it when I am here. No SECOND chances! If you don't control it with an "Iron Fist" you will lose control of who and when people ride there. In the first 3 years after it was completed I found at least 75 people riding who I had never met! One group even said they had knocked on my door and when I wasn't home they figured that made it OK to ride on it!?!?!?:huh
I'd also suggest a release form to protect your parents and yourself from anyone suing you. I have one and all who come ride have to sign it. If they don't want to sign it, I don't want them riding here.
As for the hunters, I have had guys attempt to kick me off of MY OWN property!
Just remember, it's YOUR property not theirs. Stand up to them or lose control!

08-06-2008, 06:52 AM
This guy is trouble.

If it does go well, you build a relationship with him, and he DOES get the equipment ....... what guarantees do you have that he even has permission to use it. Obviously he has an issue with authority and oversteps boundaries without a care in the world. There is no doubt in my mind he would just take the equipment, just like he takes the liberty to ride on your property, both without permission. Likewise he might decide to build you a few more jumps and rearrange the track .... you know "doing you a favor" by making the track how he wants it .....

I just see this going from bad to worse.

08-06-2008, 08:22 AM
Simple solution ... tell him to get off your property. It's your property , not his. If anything happens .. if any injuries occur, you and your parents are the ones that are going to have to foot the bills.

If you allow people the ride, make them sign release forms that have been approved by lawyers ... each time they ride.

If the guy levels your track .... that's grounds for a civil suit. Tresspassing and destruction of personal property.

Quick and easy way to get rid of people on your property that don't want to leave ... call the police. Put up no Tresspassing signs .. that way there's nothing that's missed and you've got your butt covered.

Remember ... it's YOUR property ... not theirs. Don't let people dictate what you can and cannot do on YOUR property.

08-06-2008, 09:15 AM
I'd set up a "deer cam". That will take their picture either bulldozing or hunging on your property. If you catch them leveling your track you have a legitimate lawsuit. It's no different than you doing doughnuts in their front yard.

The fact that they have ridden on your track without helmets is a sure sign that they are what I call a "statistic". Aka members of Darwin's Club for Idiots.

08-06-2008, 04:06 PM
Thanks for all the feedback.

You've helped me come to the conclusion I am banning this kid from riding there for good. I like the idea of a deercam. In the past, I had no trespassing signs posted and those were ignored. I'll have to weigh my options.

08-06-2008, 04:21 PM
personally id lay him down the rules and give him another chance and if he messes up hes done. because of the very little places to ride. but thats easy for me to say because i wasnt the one who put there hard work and time into this track. but other than that i thought it was very nice of you to let him ride there in the first place. what if you were to tell him you could ride there if he helped you maintain the track and stuff.

08-06-2008, 04:31 PM
I thought about that. The problem is, I live 15 minutes away from my parents and, because of the track's secluded location, it's impossible for me to know when he's riding when no one's home.

I plan to keep an eye on the track and watch for signs of trespassing. I get the feeling I won't be able to always chase him off if he chooses to continue trespassing.

08-06-2008, 08:19 PM
if he would level it without premission then u my friend scrap his d9 without permission

08-06-2008, 08:58 PM
i know this might be an expensive idea, but ever thought of fencing it in? maybe some 5 ft. metal posts with 3 lines of barbwire, or any wire for that matter. then add a 10-20 ft. metal gate (connected to two wooden posts) with a padlocked chain on it. not sure how much that would cost, sure its not cheap, but just a suggestion ya might wanna look into if you arent always there to keep an eye on your property. good luck.

08-06-2008, 09:12 PM
If you can i would get it fenced make sure that its on your property, and get a key for it so if he wants to ride he has to get you to unlock it for him.

I would be like.. Yo ill give you another chance but if you ride again with ur little buddies without consulting me prior you are DONE. Also you have to help rake and maintain the ruts you are making, i worked hard to make this so you are gona respect what i say.

08-06-2008, 11:05 PM
man, that kid is one lucky punk.. if i ever had a neighbor with a track that would let me ride on it.. and have only one rule, that i call him prior so he can come out, i'd be tickled to death cause u dont see that much these days.. that kind of kindness is rare.. especially since u could be sued if he got hurt and that u put soo much time money and effort into building it.. i would say no dont let him.. he has already crossed you 3 times.. dont let him make u a push-over

08-06-2008, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by mxraptor149
Thanks for all the feedback.

You've helped me come to the conclusion I am banning this kid from riding there for good. I like the idea of a deercam. In the past, I had no trespassing signs posted and those were ignored. I'll have to weigh my options.

put a gate up! ha no i have a track and its behinf my house but i also have a gat up and a big fence around it so i dont really have this issue.