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View Full Version : Horrible Sunday!!!

07-28-2008, 09:25 AM
ok guys i went out riding yesterday to practice for loretta and i was doing what i do every time, clearing all the doubles and triples but then a trailer pulled up with a whole bunch of banshees and 250r's and they all had hit up the drag strip so i thought id c how id do against em...well i was smoking them off the line and beating them by 2 or 3 bike lengths but then i was riding back to the starting line and i locked up the brakes just to slide around and when i locked em up the rear slid to far from underneath me and the tires caught and spit me over!:( all i did was pretty much roll it over and i bend a freakin steering stem,headlight bracket and a tie rod!:mad: this is my second steering stem ive gone through and i was wondering if anyone makes a stem thats got a life-time warranty on it:confused: lol cause my new g force axle has life-time warranty so i figured maybe somebody makes a steering stem with life-time warranty...
this is my kind of luck here:mad: 2 weeks before loretta and bend a steering stem!:mad:

07-28-2008, 10:18 AM
That sucks ... but I don't think anyone makes a lifetime warranty stem out there . Atleast I haven't seen one.

Count yourself lucky , your Sunday could have been a lot worse . A guy I know that races and is good friends with my cousin took a nasty spill yesturday at some local races up here. He took a digger and broke his back and neck. It's going to be a long recovery for him. :(

07-28-2008, 06:28 PM
its always a good thing to keep a couple stock steering stems around just incase stuff like this happens

eastside 400
07-28-2008, 07:14 PM
ha, if thats all you broke i cant believe your upset, 2 weeks to fix a steering stem and tie rod, thats like stuff to fix between motos

07-28-2008, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400
ha, if thats all you broke i cant believe your upset, 2 weeks to fix a steering stem and tie rod, thats like stuff to fix between motos

try a motor swap in 30 minutes... not fun.

he won it though:devil:

07-28-2008, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by eastside 400
ha, if thats all you broke i cant believe your upset, 2 weeks to fix a steering stem and tie rod, thats like stuff to fix between motos
dude...i have to pay for my parts and i dont have a full time job cause football gets in the way but ive got it taken care of:D
heres a pic of it all tore down:( lol

07-28-2008, 09:00 PM
besides its not the fact that i broke all of that...it just ticks me off when all i do is roll is over and bent the stem just like that! and ive seen quads roll 6 or 7 times and not break a thing!:confused: lol but o well... its part of it!:devil:

07-29-2008, 01:50 AM
im with quad18...if a bent stem is all that happened...you had a EASY sunday. I broke my wrist on a sunday in april and it took me out for the entire season. All I did was fall off...bike didnt even roll or anything.

07-29-2008, 05:48 PM
you big baby