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View Full Version : Had to put my dog down...

07-24-2008, 07:48 PM
Tonight was a really sad night for me..

My dog Rocky had to be put down. He was a boxer, 12 years old. We got him when I was almost 3, so I grew up with him.

Well, in the last year, he's just been going down hill. He developed the dogs form of lou gehrig's disease. He was losing feeling slowly in his rear, and would eventually have gone up his spine and lost feeling in his whole body if we didn't put him down.

It got to a point where he couldnt feel his feet at all, didn't want to get up to go to the bathroom, and he always stumbled and fell when he walked. We knew it was time.

If we kept him alive, it wouldve only been for us.

It was the hardest thing ever to sit there and hold your dog while he gets the shot to put him down. My whole family was in the room and me and my dad were holding him and petting him as it happened.

It's easy to talk about, but actually being there, and watching my dog go down, just made me break out crying. I couldn't take it. When it was all said and done, he was sitting there lifeless on the table.

It was the worst feeling I ever had experienced. I was so close to him, he was like my main dog...

RIP Rocky ......:( :ermm:

07-24-2008, 07:52 PM
Man, I feel so sorry for you. I know how it was to lose a boxer. My boxer (Cowboy) diead of the same disease my vet said that boxers dont live much over 10 years old and Cowboy was 15 years old.

07-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Gray33
Man, I feel so sorry for you. I know how it was to lose a boxer. My boxer (Cowboy) diead of the same disease my vet said that boxers dont live much over 10 years old and Cowboy was 15 years old.


Mine lived to 12, so thats pretty good for a boxer.

It was so hard to sit there and watch it happen.. I had the choice to leave the room, but I wanted to be there. I felt like i had to, so he can be with his whole family in the end.

07-24-2008, 07:56 PM
man, i'm speechless. i feel so damn bad for ya man. i feel bad just thinking about doing it. hope ya heal up soon.

07-24-2008, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by yzrida65
man, i'm speechless. i feel so damn bad for ya man. i feel bad just thinking about doing it. hope ya heal up soon.


i hope I never have to do this again. My current dog is 2, so she has a long life ahead of her

07-24-2008, 08:05 PM
yeah man, you have fun with your curent dog. just, think of the good times you had with rocky.

07-24-2008, 08:10 PM
im sorry to hear that eric
last summer we had to put down my dog that i grew up with. she was 11. i got her when i was 3. she had heartworms. and they ate her alive. we took her to the vet and had the "sleep med" done to her. she was licking my hands right before she fell lifeless. i jus broke down.
i couldnt imagine havin to shoot her :(
i kno how your feelin man. i love my dogs more than i do some humans. so losin one is devasting. im sure your the same way.
i hope ya feel better man

07-24-2008, 08:10 PM
i know how you feel man i had a yellow lab named buddy we had him for about 2 years and he was fully grown. well my cuzin had been mean to him and the other dog i had we found in the road. he would run his bike into the cage and fill there buket of water up w/ dirt and he teased them. while we were at school and such. well one day he did that and when we let the dogs out he went for him and bit him i think. he pinned my neighbor up beside her house.. he was the best dog we had to date. he wasent mean at all he was just tormented. my mom had to call the pound after we left for school . we come home and he was gone. they had left the other dog because he ran when they let him out. they couldent trap him. god i miss that dog. i just hope he made it to a good home. he was a great dog to play w/ he would lay there and watch us ride. but just coming home and seeing the cage door open. and then looking for him for hours then my mom told us. :(

sorry about ure dog man i couldent take that

07-24-2008, 08:14 PM
also my neighbor had a little dog i think it was a jack russel. he is the kinda person that things ol i can just get another one. his dog he had for years developed heartworms. it got so bad that if it lye down it couldent get up it was so bloated. it was sad to see.its eye swoll shut and stuff and it couldent see. they took it to the vt later that day and it passed. i love my dog i have now to death. its a full grown 6 pound yorkie.

07-24-2008, 08:19 PM
thanks guys.

And to clear things up, we did use the "sleep method"

They just gave him the shot that stops their heart...

It was so slow, and i had to watch it..

We chose to get him creamated, even though its expensive. The ashes are going to be burried with our other dogs ashes (dads shepard that died a while ago, but they put her down while I was at school)

07-24-2008, 08:20 PM
I'm really sorry bro.:ermm:

07-24-2008, 08:23 PM
yeah, i have a 13yr old yorkie... she had a tumor, but thankfully we got it out, well the doctor did, and we just got a 3 month old yorkie in feb. it's 8 months old now, and he's just so fun. aah man, he's so bad too. haha. but, yeah.

07-24-2008, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by hondarider661
also my neighbor had a little dog i think it was a jack russel. he is the kinda person that things ol i can just get another one. his dog he had for years developed heartworms. it got so bad that if it lye down it couldent get up it was so bloated. it was sad to see.its eye swoll shut and stuff and it couldent see. they took it to the vt later that day and it passed. i love my dog i have now to death. its a full grown 6 pound yorkie.
Yep sunshine(my dog that passed away) was bloated alot, and it got worse every day. wat rele pissed us off is that the vet told us some treatments will make the heartworms go away in 3 months MAX.the vet GUARENTEED she would be ok. she said that it works 97% of the time . so we spend thousands of dollars on the treatments and 3 months after the first treatment the vet said. that there was no progress. so we take a week to spend with sunshine and try to make her best week possible.....i still cry everytime i think about her layin there in pain and me knowing wat we had to do.

07-24-2008, 08:27 PM
sorry about your dog man. I have a 1 year old lab named rocky i cant imagine her being gone

07-24-2008, 08:27 PM
your post almost made me cry, i went through the same thing with my first dog about a year ago. He was a yellow lab, 12 years old and had cancer, he was having alot of trouble just doing normal things and my parents made the decision it was time to put him down, that day before i went to school I just sat with him and pet for 20 minutes. While I was sitting at school I almost cried thinking about how he would not be there when I got home. Every time i opened the door for the next I expected him to be there. Those were a few of hardest days of my life. Sorry for loss, you never forget these wonderful companions.

07-24-2008, 08:29 PM
yea, he has 2 of them well one now. but our shed is beside his cage. so i go over there and pet them and stuff and walk around the cage and tere he is lying there trying to breath in the 100 degree heat. so i went in the cage and helped him up and he lasted that whole day id go check on him ever 30 mins or so. but he passed that night. he was a nice dog just seeing him like that and stuff. he wormed him and it didnt help.it suffered.i play w/ them dogs and pet them more than the owner does. thats sad when they get worms.:(

07-24-2008, 08:31 PM
tman is that the dog in ure avatar that your talking about? thats a pretty dog. my gradma has a lab named sam just like that one. he is like 16. and still going strong. he is un beatable

07-24-2008, 08:33 PM
thanks again guys..

Im not normally one to cry, and neither is the rest of my family, but none of us could help ourselves. I just broke down right then and there.

07-24-2008, 08:37 PM
That picture of my dog was when he was like 10. Strong as an ox. You can literally let him grab onto a hose and swing him like superman. Real muscular dog.

A year after that is when he started going down hill, and finally we knew it was time.

I have some higher resoulution pics of him from a couple nights ago.. ill have to upload them tomorow..

The good thing about his disease, is it isnt painful. So he was peacful when he went down, and he didn't really feel pain. But he knew that getting up was hard and probably felt like he was walking on stubs because the feeling in his feet was completely gone.
heres another pic from my cell from about 2 years ago..

07-24-2008, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by hondarider661
tman is that the dog in ure avatar that your talking about? thats a pretty dog. my gradma has a lab named sam just like that one. he is like 16. and still going strong. he is un beatable

Yea heres a better picture of him, he was so amazing, very loyal, and calm, I was 16 when he was put to sleep. Hope you don't mind hondamaster.

07-24-2008, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by tman12345
Yea heres a better picture of him, he was so amazing, very loyal, and calm, I was 16 when he was put to sleep. Hope you don't mind hondamaster.

I dont mind.

I just wish dogs had longer lives..:ermm:

07-24-2008, 08:48 PM
yea me too :(
wow this thread brings back memories

07-24-2008, 08:49 PM
my aunt has a boxer, she has spent thousands of dollars keeping her dog alive. the boxers get brain tumors causing everything that you described.

she spent alot of money on doggy kemo. but she gave up on that and started feeding him herbs and he got better and hes doing fine now.

07-24-2008, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
my aunt has a boxer, she has spent thousands of dollars keeping her dog alive. the boxers get brain tumors causing everything that you described.

she spent alot of money on doggy kemo. but she gave up on that and started feeding him herbs and he got better and hes doing fine now.

He never had a brain tumor though..

He just developed the disease god knows how. There was nothing we could do, and he wouldve just got progressivly worse until he would basically be paralyzed and wouldnt be able to move..

07-24-2008, 10:14 PM
I have a boxer and man I cant imagine how hard it will be when he dies. The same with my boston/rat terrier mix. My boxer is 4 and my boston terrier is 2. Im sorry to hear that man, but just remember all the good times and it will be just fine.

07-25-2008, 12:31 AM
I know how ya feel hondamaster. I few years ago my mom called me and asked if i would come dig a hole early in the morning. our dog max had died during the night. We had max since i was 5 and he died when i was about 22. Also my good friends who i used to ride with til i sold my quad a few weeks ago had to put there dog down early this year. That was hard on all of us. He was always out in the shop with us drinking working on race cars, quads and derby cars. They couldn't take him in on their own so another friend did it for them. this dog survived cancer in the leg but developed cancer in his throat a few years later. he would of been five this summer.
here is a picture of Thunder and his owner with midget.

07-25-2008, 06:20 AM
Damn man, pretty heart wrenching. Just about the same as losing a family member, if not the same for some. Keep your head up bro!

07-25-2008, 06:36 AM
once again, thanks guys.

Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. I only slept for 2 hours lasy night because he kept popping into my head.

It was like losing a family member.

Im a little better today though. Yesterday I was just all out of sorts.

07-25-2008, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Hondamaster5505
thanks again guys..

Im not normally one to cry, and neither is the rest of my family, but none of us could help ourselves. I just broke down right then and there.

theres no shame in that. i respect dogs more than most people and they teach us so much. my deepest condolences go to you and your family.

Outlaw 50
07-25-2008, 03:16 PM
This thread is breaking my heart.......I almost can't type this response.

Just know that he loved you unconditionally and remember the great times you had with him......

God Bless

07-25-2008, 08:52 PM

We were originally going to bring him home to burry him, because of money issues at the moment, but after being there seeing it, we didn't have it in our heart. So we chose the more expensive option and got the individual creamation..

It does feel awkward and empty waking up, because he always used to wobble out to the living room with me..

Ill always remember the good times, and now I will just spend a lot of time with the new golden retriever. Definitely a different kind of dog, and more my moms dog, but she's really sweet.

We plan on burrying Rocky's box with my dads shepards box, since they grew up together.

I have a picture of when he was a puppy in 96' when we got him, when i was young. My old shepard is in there too. Ill try to get it up tonight.

07-25-2008, 09:03 PM
Sorry for the crappy quality. Took a pic of the real pic with my phone.

From left to right

Rochie (dads shepard) me, my sister holding Rocky the boxer when we first got him.

We actually saved him. They used to kill white boxers, but we said we would take him. He wouldve died 12 years ago if we never got him, so hes very lucky.

07-25-2008, 09:12 PM
thats terrible. I had to do the same with my last pit. One of the worst days in my life.
I dont know what Ill do if I ever have to put my new pit down :(

07-25-2008, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts-suck
thats terrible. I had to do the same with my last pit. One of the worst days in my life.
I dont know what Ill do if I ever have to put my new pit down :(

It has been the worst, most depressing thing I had to go through.

Right now I don't even want to think about doing this to my golden. It's a long time from now and I don't even want the idea in my head.

sorry to hear about your pit..

07-25-2008, 09:20 PM
That sucks man . I know when we had to put down our Spaniel a few years back it was hard to do. I had basically grown up with her , so it was especially hard on my dad .... it was like losing a kid. She was 17 when we put her down .... Cancer got to her.

We ended up with another dog a few years later , and he's brought a lot of joy. When my girlfriend and I moved in together we ended up buying a dog of our own ... a chocolate lab and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Him and my parents dog play pretty well together too.

07-25-2008, 11:26 PM
Man....I'm so sorry. Reading that mad me tear up. I had to burry my dog Sid two years ago because I found her in the yard after one of my neighbors shot her. She was an inside dog and my dad let her out to go to the bathroom. I guess she went across the street into someones yard and they killed her. That was the worst day of my life, digging a whole to bury her and choking back tears. I empathise with you. Rocky will always be with you. Just like Sid's with me. I went al ong time without another dog because I new it would never be like Sidney. Just remember that you did the right thing. The only thing a loving master would do for his dog and that was to ease his pain even if was torcher for you.

07-26-2008, 09:15 PM
First off, I'm very sorry about Rocky. I'm actually a Vet Tech, and let me tell you, being the tech in that room or being the one that has to actually give that shot or restrain the animal during it, NEVER gets easier :( I've had to do that quite a few times now, and unfortunatley, you never get used to it. Sometimes its a little easier knowing that its better for the animal, but it always kidna messes with your head. Knowing that they're not in pain anymore always helps. Again, I'm very sorry to hear about Rocky :(

07-26-2008, 09:38 PM
Thanks to all 3 of you.

Quad18, sorry to hear about your dog. 17 is pretty old though, so you should be pretty happy he had that long of a happy life. Congradulations on the new dog too.

440ex, Im really sorry to hear that. I dont know what I would do if someone actually shot him, or my current dog.

hurd88, The reason it was even harder than normal, is he just thought it was a regular day. With his disease he couldnt feel pain. But, he always fell on his hips and couldnt feel his feet at all. He was developing ulsars on his toes, and sooner or later he wouldve broken his hip from falling on it. But he could barely get up, even though it didnt hurt. We really had no choice, and the vet recomended it too. Hes seen many things in his career and already knew how he was going to end up.

I dont think I could ever work at a vet. But hes in a better place now, and im sure hes up there somewhere annoying the hell out of my dads shepard (she took a chunk out of his ear when he was a puppy, lol)