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View Full Version : Good Boat forums

07-21-2008, 08:14 PM
well i figure that since all and all this is about the best forum of any i have ever gone into for advice and help, that maybe some of you guys would know where i could find something close to this in regards to boats, i'm looking to restore mine and would like some help.

thanks a head of time

07-22-2008, 11:40 AM
I have found some good info on scream and fly (screamandfly.com). But, that forum is catered to powerboats.

What kind of boat do you have?

I have an old two seater (1974). It is 11 foot fiberglass hull with a Merc 650 (65hp) that I am completely rebuilding.

My brother just bought a Rapid Craft picklefork. It is in nice shape, but needs a motor.

07-22-2008, 08:46 PM
lol my boats nothing like that, i just have an early 80's peterburough, with an old 55 hp johnson.......i guess by restor i should have said sand down, do some fiberglass repair, and clean up the looks of the motor. mainly i want some advise on painting and and stuff cause i'm getting all kinds of different answers form people i know

07-22-2008, 08:57 PM
I've never really found anything good . Your best bet is probably to go to a book store like Chapters and find a magazine about boating. I know I've seen quite a few when I was there last. I'm sure there's websites in a few of them to help you out.

07-22-2008, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Alberta_Qaudin
lol my boats nothing like that, i just have an early 80's peterburough, with an old 55 hp johnson.......i guess by restor i should have said sand down, do some fiberglass repair, and clean up the looks of the motor. mainly i want some advise on painting and and stuff cause i'm getting all kinds of different answers form people i know

Man, I hate working with fiberglass, especially re-doing someone elses blunder. A previous owner of my boat thought it would be a good idea to lay a gunnysack in the bottom of the boat, and pour a huge vat of resin over the top of it. I am not kidding!!:scary: It is a freaking disaster. I chiseled most of it off, and I am working on repairing the stringers. Of course, the hull is not designed for a 65HP motor that weighs a couple hundred pounds, so the transom is trashed (rotted too). A previous owner thought it would be a good idea to use BONDO :rolleyes: to fill in where the transom wood rotted. Again, FAIL.

Here is a "Before" pic:http://www.atvpix.com/images/inva1.jpg

Now, the hull is completely stripped. I have rebuilt the transom and am working on the bottom and stringers.

07-23-2008, 01:14 AM
I've found some good info at iboats (http://www.iboats.com)

The website is pretty big, much like the main page on here, it's more than just forums. They have product and industry updates, they sell products, motors, ect. You've got to navigate a little to get to the forums, but they have a lot of members, and you should be able to find information and help there.